
What is the best way to synchronize data between MS Access and MySQL?

Hello, I have an access database on a windows machine, which I must import into mysql on a linux webserver. At the moment the access dabatbase table is exported as a text file, automatically copied with ftp, and then loaded into mysql. Is there a better way to do this, perhaps using an ODBC connection or something else? What is the b...

Conversion between different units of measurement in SQL (in Access)

I'm trying to program an access database but I'm using SQL for all my querying. I've got the database almost complete but I have one query that has me stumped. It is a database which contains recipes. I have a table in which I have all the conversions for cooking (Tablespoon to Teaspoon, Teaspoon to Cup, etc.). The user needs to be a...

Weekly period in Access 2007

Is there a way to define the weekly period I would like to use on a report, Currently Access has the week defined as sun through sat, I would like to use mon through sun. ...

Problem with an Access 2007 Project connecting to Sql Server 2005

So I've created an Access Project for one of my users so he can connect to a reporting database. The .adp project connects to the DB and he can query data to his heart's content. The problem is, no queries can be saved. Whenever he opens the project, he is presented with the following error: "This version of Microsoft Access does not...

Is there an easy way to find dependencies for a subform in Access?

For a given form in a database, is there a quick/easy way to find all other forms in an Access database use it as a subform? Note: I am only concerned with main forms that have it defined using the property sheet, it is easy enough to do a code search for any form that dynamically sets it as a subform at runtime. ...

Queries for migrating data in live database?

I am writing code to migrate data from our live Access database to a new Sql Server database which has a different schema with a reorganized structure. This Sql Server database will be used with a new version of our application in development. I've been writing migrating code in C# that calls Sql Server and Access and transforms the dat...

Growing MS Access File Size problem

I have a large MS Access application with a lot of computations in VBA code. When I run it it eventually crashes due to excessive file size. There are a lot of intermediate tables and queries created and subsequently deleted, but Access does not reclaim the space. I have diligently closed all intermediate record sets and set all tempo...

Why doesn't Select Top 5 From news_table order by news_date work?

I have a very very simple SQL string that MS Access doesn't seem to like. Select Top 5 * From news_table Order By news_date This is returning ALL rows from the news_table not just the Top 5. I thought this was a simple SQL statement, apparently it is not. Any fixes or idea as to why this is not working? Thanks! ...

MS Access + IIS + Impersonation = 'Unspecified Error'?

I have an ASP .NET (2.0) app that connects to an Access database over a network share using impersonation and basic authentication in IIS. Everything was working fine up until today, when I started getting weird 'Unspecified Error' error messages. I ended up doing an IIS reset to resolve the problem, but I'm trying to figure out why it m...

When inserting rows into MS Access from c# using TransactionLevel.ReadUncommitted from a prepared statement, the ordering seems off

I have some code in c# that is writing information (row by row) into an access database using prepared statements. I am using OleDb, and a TransactionLevel.ReadUncommitted because sometimes I need to look at the data before committing it. The problem seems to be that on 1 out of 7 different tables, the ordering that I retrieve the reco...

How do I make a connection to an MS Access database using Codegear C++ builder (2007)

This seems to be the hardest thing to get help with - there are no books, no useful google results, and borland's own help facilities are far to complicated for me to isolate the answers I need. I want to make a connection to an already existing microsoft access database using builder. I want to be able add/delete/read the records. t...

INSERT from ASP .NET to MS Access

We are trying to build a Help Desk ticketing system just for intranet. Deciding upon the ASP .NET (C#) with Visual Studio 2008 Express (think we have a full version floating around if we need it). Nothing fancy, couple of pages grabbing NTLM information, system information and storing it along with their problem in a database. Goal is to...

Access 2007 integration with Sharepoint 2007 Tasks list

A customer of ours has an Access 2007 application with a form for creating tasks for upload to a Sharepoint Task List. The user fills in the form (title, status, priority, start date, due date). The user then places check marks next to the sharepoint user names that this task must be assigned to (one task per sp user selected). This d...

MS Access VB COM Shared AddIn Stops Access Closing

I have created a shared add-in in Visual Studio 2008 and using the shared add-in wizard and am coding in VB. When run the add in in Access 2003 I want to check if the user has a database open, so I set a AccessApplication variable to be the application object in the OnConnection procedure and then on a button click I check if Access...

MS-Access Add Additional Linked Tables

I have an MS-Access database that was converted to use SQL Tables using the "Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant 2008 for Access" (aka SSMA) and created linked tables (so the MS-Access interface still works but is linked to SQL Tables). Modifying those tables has been no problem (modify in SQL, use the Linked Table Manager in MS-Ac...

What is a better way to create an access database of file names using C++ Builder?

Final question for the night. And apologies for the complete noobness of this. I have, with help from stackoverflow and google achieved the following... void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { ADOCommand1->CommandText = "drop table pictures purge"; ADOCommand1->Execute(); ADOCommand1->CommandText = "create table pic...

TreeView populates on its own and crashes Access

Hello everybody. My problem is a tree view in my Access 2002 application. It is already populated, when I open the form. Which is strange, because the only code that adds the nodes is bound to a button. Also, only part of the data is shown and when I switch between tabs () the data inside the tree view duplicates/doubles. When I then...

automatically running an access macro

Hello, I have an access macro, that I want to run automatically from a batch file which will be scheduled with windows scheduled tasks. At the moment however the batch file will not continue until I close the access window after it is finished. Is there a way to get access to do this silently? The line I am using is "c:\Programme\Mic...

Thread.Sleep() in VBA

Is there an equivalent to Thread.Sleep in access- VBA? ...

MS Access as Enterprise Software?

Something that I often run into with my users is their desire to aquire solutions quickly means that they sometimes have said "Heck, I'll just roll up my sleeves and do it in Access - it's installed on my desktop". Sometimes, we're lucky and the person that creates the Access database back-ends it to a SQL Server, so at least the mdb fi...