
In Access 2003, how can I call a custom VB function from a query?

Is is possible to call a custom VB function, saved in the same Access Db, from a query written in that db, and if so, how? ...

Determining a User's Group Membership using VBA

How can I determine if a user, in say Access, is a member of an Active Directory Security Group? I'd rather not build a whole authentication system into my little Access DB. Thanks ...

Access.Application.CurrentDb is Nothing?

I'm at a loss to explain this one: I'm getting an error "91" (Object or With block not set) on the second line below: Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM employees") The following also causes it: Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("employees") Executing ?CurrentDb.Name alone in the immediate w...

Find the directory part (minus the filename) of a full path in access 97

For various reasons, I'm stuck in Access 97 and need to get only the path part of a full pathname. For example, the name c:\whatever dir\another dir\stuff.mdb should become c:\whatever dir\another dir\ This site has some suggestions on how to do it: But they seem rat...

Managing and debugging SQL queries in MS Access

MS Access has limited capabilities to manage raw SQL queries: the editor is quite bad, no syntax highlighting, it reformats your raw SQL into a long string and you can't insert comments. Debugging complex SQL queries is a pain as well: either you have to split it into many smaller queries that become difficult to manage when your schema...

SQL Server / MySQL / Access - speeding up inserting many rows in an inefficient manner

SETUP I have to insert a couple million rows in either SQL Server 2000/2005, MySQL, or Access. Unfortunately I don't have an easy way to use bulk insert or BCP or any of the other ways that a normal human would go about this. The inserts will happen on one particular database but that code needs to be db agnostic -- so I can't do bulk...

Performing Form Validation with an Access 2003 ADP project

I'm developing an Access 2003 Database that uses a MS SQLServer backend. I'm trying to do Form Validation and am experiencing some problems. ValidationRule for each field seems to be ignored I can't figure out what event I should override to enforce validation without having the database do it. (I'm not against this, it's just unknow...

help access 2007 sql tables?

does anyone know where on access 2007 a function where i can access my sql database? i need it to create reports. thanks ...

Difference between DBEngine.BeginTrans and DBEngine.Workspaces(0).BeginTrans

In Access, what is the difference between these two statements? DBEngine.BeginTrans and DBEngine.Workspaces(0).BeginTrans The documentation for both leads to the same place. ...

How to suppress a prompt window to continue further.

As per my application requirement I need to open each form in Access DB to count Activex controls using My problem is, one form in the DB is prompting for user input and because of that my application stops until user intervention. Is there any way to ignore such forms and proceed with scanning DB without user intervention? Pl...

How to prevent to open a MS Access Database while reading data from forms.

To count Activex controls from MS-Access forms using I am using the connection as follws.. oDBEngine = oAccess.DBEngine oDB = oDBEngine.OpenDatabase(Name:=strFullFileName, Options:=False, ReadOnly:=False, Connect:="") and Openning the forms in Design mode, as there is a user input prompt form which prevents us to run the applica...

How can I avoid runtime error 3075 when running this Access VBA query?

Can someone tell what is wrong with this query? sqltext = "SELECT utyp, count(*) AS anzahl INTO UTYP_Anzahl FROM 01_umwelt WHERE [01_umwelt].status = Me.Controls(""STATUS"").Value GROUP BY utyp;" I am getting run time error 3075. ...

merge cells in ms-access

I'm using access 03. let's say i'm modeling a parties database. each party has some people invited. each party also has a location and date. when presenting the information in a form, i want to be able to merge the recurring cells. something like: _________________ ____________ ___________ | | | invitee 1 | |...

Why do the records get deleted in an access database when I open the file in access?

I'm developing a simple database app in visual studio (c# for Windows) using an access backend. That's all fine until I try to open the database file from within access, when all the reocords get deleted. Could anyone explain why this is please? ...

How to restrict MS Access DB to open.

I am connecting to MS Access DB using as given below... oDBEngine = oAccess.DBEngine oDB = oDBEngine.OpenDatabase(Name:=strFullFileName, Options:=False, ReadOnly:=False, Connect:="") And then opening the DB using the following syntex... oAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase(filepath:=strFullFileName, Exclusive:=False) Now my problem is:...

SQL Sub-Query vs Join Confusion

I have a database which is in Access (you can get it link text). If I run SELECT DISTINCT Spl.Spl_No, Spl.Spl_Name FROM Spl INNER JOIN Del ON Spl.Spl_No = Del.Spl_No WHERE Del.Item_Name <> 'Compass' It provides the names of the suppliers that have never delivered a compass. However you can supposedly do this with a sub-query. So f...

user defined Parameter used as part of a filename in Access

I have an access 2007 Database that outputs a report in excel format, the report is dependent on a date parameter that is chosen by the user. This parameter is selected via a textbox (text100) that has a pop up calendar. I would like to use the date in the text box(text100) as part of the filename. I am using the transferspreadsheet met...

Import VBScript General Date Time Into MS Access Date/Time Column

Setup I have a VBScript for driving the stress testing of a web service. The script creates a data file of measurements, with each record timestamped with a general date/time: FormatDateTime(Now(), 0) This creates dates like mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss [AM|PM] I need to import this data file into a MS-Access 2003 database. The table in th...

Can you connect to a MS Access database from Ruby running on a Mac?

I'm pretty sure the answer is "no" but I thought I'd check. Background: I have some legacy data in Access, need to get it into MySQL, which will be the DB server for a Ruby application that uses this legacy data. Data has to be processed and transformed. Access and MySQL schemas are totally different. I want to write a rake task in Ru...

How Do I Bypass MS Access Startup When Using OLE?

I am trying to do an automated xml export from an access database using C# and OLE. Everything is working perfectly except that the startup form is shown and won't close without user intervention. Here's what I am doing so far: objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application"); objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase("C:\\MYDB.mdb", true); //true ...