
Microsoft Web Browser Active X broken

Recent windows updates seem to have broken the MS Web Browser Active X control. I found Stephen Labens HTML Editor ( as a demonstration and downloaded it. As in my own application the message is "no object in this control". I'm using Access 2003 on a Win XP machine. My version of shDocVw.dll (Inte...

How to display a today date column, time column, previous date column, time column

Using Access Database Table Cardno name cardeventdate Intime Outtime 0001 Michael 20080811 102746 185249 0001 Michael 20080812 080828 080828 0002 Michael 20080811 082615 082615 0002 Michael 20080812 073624 190605 From the Above Table I want to Display another Two Column like C...

Column (Cost) was used in a CALC expression but is not defined in the rowset.

Keep getting this error after inserting a subdatasheet into a query and trying to show it by clicking on the + Column (Cost) was used in a CALC expression but is not defined in the rowset. What is confusing, is that there isn't even a column named 'Cost' anywhere in the database. Although there is a column that starts with 'Cost' and ...

Changing The Data Type from Float to???

I have a object with a data type of float, I need to change the data type to something that will allow a character to be added to the number but I don't want to use the wrong data type. The object is a simple number like 26273 and I would like to add a character like 26273B2. What data type would be wise to use that would not cause probl...

Extract OLE Object (pdf) from Access DB

We are upgrading/converting several old Access databases to MS-SQL. Many of these databases have OLE Object fields that store PDF files. I'm looking for a way to extract these files and store them in our SQL database. I've seen similar questions that answer how you might do this with image files (jpg, bmp, gif, etc) but I haven't found ...

What is a good automated data import method for SQL Server?

I'm in the process of porting some SQL Server 2005 databases to SQL Server 2008. One of these databases has an associated import application (Windows task) which uses SSIS with a DTS package to import a large dataset from an MS Access database nightly. In upgrading to SQL Server 2008, I discovered that I can't run the same console appl...

access: conditional formatting on report

I have a report example two fields [Name1], [Name2] what is the expression for conditional formatting on name1 to highlight when not = to name2? Is it: <>[Name2] it is not working :( ...

Many-To-Many MS Access Form With Checkboxes for All Options

I'm working on a Microsoft Access application for a summer camp to track which entities have signed up for which activities. There is a form for editing an entity's information. I would like to add to that form a list of all activity options. By each option should be a checkbox. When the checkbox by an option is checked, a entry should e...

Cannot insert datasheet into form (Access Project)

Following the instruction found here: Insert a datasheet into a form I get an error when trying to insert a query as a datasheet in an Access Project (SQL Server 2005 backend) The form name you entered doesn't follow Microsoft Office Access object-naming rules I selected the view View.dbo.viewname from the dropdown in 'Source Objec...

How to Check a Condition in Access Database

Using Access Database How to use case condition? My Query Select ID, Name, Intime, case when Outtime=Intime then ‘000000’ else Outtime end as Out from table The above query was accepting in SQL 2000, but not accepting in Access Database How I have to check the conditions? Need Query Help. ...

Does Access SQL allow the removal of a default constraint?

I'm trying to update an old Access database using SQL scripts, but I can't find the syntax for removing a default value from a column. Is this possible in Access? ...

How can I write this summing query?

I didn't design this table, and I would redesign it if I could, but that's not an option for me. I have this table: Transactions Index --PK, auto increment Tenant --this is a fk to another table AmountCharged AmountPaid Balance Other Data The software that is used calculates the balance each time from the pr...

MS Access SQL Duplicate Rows?

Query: SELECT DISTINCT ([Equipment List].ID) AS Expr1, [Job Assignments].Job FROM [Equipment List] LEFT JOIN [Job Assignments] ON [Equipment List].ID = [Job Assignments].EquipmentID; In this query, the equipment ID is distinct if and only if I do not add the [Job Assignments].Job in the select statement. As soon as I do, I get ma...

How can I make this complex update query work?

SELECT (SELECT IIF(IsNull(sum(b.AmountCharged) - sum(b.AmountPaid)), a.Balance, (sum(b.AmountCharged) - sum(b.AmountPaid))) FROM tblCurrentTransaction AS b WHERE b.TenantTransactionID <= a.TenantTransactionID AND b.Tenant = a.Tenant GROUP BY b.Tenant ) AS True...

MS Access linked to SQL server views

Hello, we have an issue with an access database we are upgrading to use SQL Server as its data store. This particular database links to 2 sql databases, so I thought to simplify things, we have a view in the main database that linked to each table in the secondary database. That way access would only need to talk directly with one SQL...

How to Get current column value, Previous Column Value

How to get Previous Column Value? IIf id1 = id2 then display previous column id1 value id1 id2 1001 1001 1002 1002 1003 1003 so on... select id1, id2, Iff id2 = id1 then disply previous id1 value as idadjusted Output id1 id2 id3(Expected) 1001 1001 **1000** 1002 1002 **1001** 1003 1003 **1002** so on... ...

Managed Code AddIn for Access 2003

Hi, I have created a Managed Code AddIn for Access 2003 using Visual Basic 2008 (VS Professional) and it works fine on my development machine. It was created using the Shared Add-in template. I used the set up project to install... and the .Net Framework was installed. However when I try to deploy to another PC I get the following er...

Is it better to use ADO or DAO in Access 2007?

When creating a new database in Access 2007, should ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) or DAO (Data Access Objects) be used? Edit: Part of this database will be importing data from Excel 2007 spreadsheets. ...

Creating a Powerpoint with Graphs from Access

I am trying to programmatically create a PowerPoint from graphs in Access. Ideally, when the graphs move over to PowerPoint they will become static pictures and not graphs still linked to the access data. I have tried procedures such as: Private Sub Command1_click() Dim pwrpnt as Object Dim Presentation as Object set p...

Update SQL table with bigint field from VBA (MS Access)

enter code hereI have a table on SQL server 2005 with bigint primary key and MS Access 2003 front end (linked tables). I want to update the record for the table that has bigint as primarykey. I use CurentDb.execute _ "Update myTable SET Field1 =1 , Field2 = 'test' WHERE bigintKey = " & myVar I get Data mismatch in criteria expre...