
Is Anyone Still Using Access For Web Development Anymore?

Yes, I know, you are all cringing in horror. Back in the day I got my start writing internal apps with classic ASP and MS Access. I'm writing a small marketing app, and I recently got denied access to our SQL Server. So I was looking for alternatives. There will be very little data input, mostly just reading static data. I've heard ...

Usable view for dumb users?

I'm working on a small project that requires some of our users to be able to view/sort/filter and generally play around with a large amount of data. It's based on a sql server 2000 view and is something on the order of 125k rows worth of historical event data (think sports). Normally I would turn to excel for this kind of simple manipu...

Does MS Access deserve to be learned?

It comes with Office, it is a "medium good" database, it has more than 800 questions here until today, but I never paid attention to it. I'm losing something interesting? I am talking about MS-Access as an IDE for rapid prototyping (or something similar), not about MS-Access as a database only. ...

Are writing triggers in MS SQL server the same as writing them in MS Access?

I have written the following trigger in SQL server: create trigger test_trigger on invoice -- This is the invoice table for insert as declare @invoiceAmount int -- This is the amount specified in the invoice declare @custNumber int -- This is the customer's id --use the 'inserted' keyword to access the values inserted into th...

How to send mailmerge and add an attachment via VBA

I want send an mailmerge word document based on a query from Access database and also add a separate attachment (pdf) and email the merged document as the body of the email and the pdf file as an attachment ...

Wrong number of arguments for DoCmd.OpenReport in MS Access

Sorry if this is a noob question, but I have been given the dubious honour of supporting an ancient legacy Access 2000 .adp application, written badly by someone years ago who is no longer around, when i have little experience with Access or VB myself :) I have set up a WinXP dev machine with Access 2000 (it's an Access 2000 project) to...

Stack overflow when replacing ' with '' in VB 6.0

I'm looking into some legacy VB 6.0 code (an Access XP application) to solve a problem with a SQL statement by the Access app. I need to use replace single quotes with 2 single quotes for cases where a customer name has an apostrophe in the name (e.g. "Doctor's Surgery": Replace(customerName, "'", "''") Which will escape the single qu...

MS-access wrong date format when converting field from text to date/time

Hi, I have an access database given to me where all the dates are stored in a text field in the format mm/dd (eg: 3/13/2009 12:20:36 AM) I want to convert the field to a date/time but access formats it as dd/mm which makes it so that if the day is bigger then 12 or not the converted date might be wrong. Example with the current forma...

How can I return only one record per person?

I have a database that includes superannuation contributions for staff, I have tried to run a query to determine the frequency of their contribution and when I run the query I get one entry for each time the staff member has contributed. All I want is one entry per staff member that is asked for in the criteria. eg. weekly,fortnightly e...

Show code from from thru code (in ms access)

making an Access database (2003) that is mainly used by other programmers and tech management as a tool for data validation. I want to put an button on parts of the form that runs code, to show the code that is being run. So the programmers can edit it on the spot. This is for a data validation project with frequent changing of code. ...


I am trying to get a count of all items sent to a supplier based on the purchase order they are assigned to. But I can't seem to get the control to show a number of items based on the purchase order instance - it keeps throwing either a #name? or #error! message in the text box when the form is activated. Create statement for tblPODeta...

How Can I Remove Access Db's temporary ldb file

I have an ASP.NET Project. I am connecting to the DB and then closing and disposing of the connection object. But when anyone enters my site, MS Access creates a temporary dbname.ldb. When I want to download my original mdb file from my server it won't let me access the mdb file. I can't do anything if there is ldb file in server. It's l...

Why extremely occasionally will one of bof/eof be true for a new non-empty recordset

set recordsetname = databasename.openrecordset(SQLString) if recordsetname.bof <> true and recordsetname.eof <> true then 'do something end if 2 questions : the above test can evaluate to false incorrectly but only extremely rarely (I've had one lurking in my code and it failed today, I believe for the first time in 5 ye...

Editable, Appendable ComboBox(?) in MS Access

My Goal: A form field (in MS Access) that is has some drop down choices. If the wanted value isn't in the lookup table, the user should be able to add it by typing it in. Let's suppose the lookup table has rows: A, B, C, D. The user wants "E" which doesn't exist yet. Ideally they'd "override" and type in "E", which would then be add...

ASP.Net web site on IIS connecting to Access DB with Links to SharePoint lists on another machine

Dear All, My Problem is the following, I have an ASP.Net web site hosted on IIS. This web site connects to an Access 2007 DB file on the same server. The DB file contains links to sharepoint lists on another server on the same domain. If I run the web site on the visual studio built-in server, I can Open connection to the DB file and ...

DoCmd.SendObject fails when IIS Admin Tools is installed.

I have an application that is written in VBA inside of Microsoft Access 2003. We have a form that allows the users to send an automated email message to the development team that uses the following code: DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , _ "[email protected]", "", "", _ "Helpdesk Submission", msg, False, "" This code was wo...

Is there a difference in VBA versions between office 2003 and 2007?

Can I use access 2007 VBA references with impunity (specifically, as far as the base language and old com interfaces are concerned) to develop VBA based solutions for access 2003? Or is there some new/modified syntax added to the language that i need to be aware of? Has the object model been enhanced drastically in office 2007? An...

Using Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS with MS-Access JDBC-ODBC throws exception

import java.sql.* ; import java.util.* ; import* ; class DataBaseFactory{ public static Connection getConnection() { // ... } } class Demo{ public static void main(String []args) throws SQLException { Connection con = DataBaseFactory.getConnection() ; // This is throwing exception /...

Macros On Toolbar - Office 2000

Hi, Someone at my office has an access database which includes macros in the toolbar. To access it currently they have to log out of the domain and into a local user account. They would like others in the office to be able to access the database, which they can, but they cannot use the macros on the toolbars. The office version that is...

How can I compile a Visual C# 2008 program that includes an access database?

I have tried creating an install file but it never includes the database in the output, I have run into this problem a few times and most of the answers I find online are too cryptic for me to wrap my head around. ...