
Is there a way to submit an InfoPath form to an Access database if the form was designed first?

I've created an InfoPath form and added fields, controls, data validation and more, but now wish for the form data to be submitted to an access database. Looking through help guides, however, it seems that the way to do this is to design the database first and then design a new form based on the database. Is there a way to design a dat...

Microsoft Access SQL query

Can someone please help me out with a query? In Microsoft SQL Server, I have the following query, which executes fine: SELECT * FROM ControlPoint INNER JOIN Project ON ControlPoint.ProjectID = Project.ProjectID INNER JOIN Site ON Site.SiteID = Project.SiteID WHERE Project.ProjectName LIKE '%Flood%' My problem is, when I try to execute...

Compacting MDB File.

Is there any way to compact the shared mdb file. I mean this file is is always in use. I am looking for the way to compact mdb file without disconnecting users (while the mdb file is in use).... Access version is 2003. ...

Finding Rows with Duplicate Data in MS Access

I have a large table that includes a last name and date of birth among other things. I need to write a query that returns only those rows where the last names and dates of birth are equivalent to those in another row of the table. This a table that contains information about people who have made an application. I want to identify thos...

Update Query - Setting new_field = existing_field

I have an access 2007 table with about 3000 records, to which I have added an additional field containing a numeric value. I would like to run an update query on the table, going through all the records in my table and setting the value of this new field to the same as an existing field in the table. is there a quick way to do this in ...

Union query throwing 'Invalid use of null' exception

I have two queries in Access. Both of them are moderately nasty to create, but at the end of the process they do have the same number of fields with the same data types. They both work independently, producing the expected results. Unfortunately, SELECT * FROM [qry vaBaseQuery-S2] UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [qry BaseQuery]; throws two ...

What would cause NHibernate to return an invalid identity selection when using JET?

Our application (sadly) uses an MDB back-end database (I.e. JET engine). One of the items being persisted to the database is an "event" object. The object is persisted to a table with an ID (EventLogID) that is an Autonumber field. The NHibernate mapping is as follows: <class name="EventLogEntry" table="tblEventLog" proxy="IEventLogEnt...

MS Reporting Services report viewer in MS Access Database

Hi there, I have a report deployed on a MS Reporting Services server, working fine. I can access it from a ASPX page with no problems, set the report parameters, etc, using the Report Viewer component from Microsoft. Works great. The question is: is there any way to view this report WITHIN a form in an Access database? Is there a vers...

Unwanted Enter Parameter Value Message Box

I have a button that is opening a report. I have a statement in the "where" clause to only show a ToteLocation that matches the location in a field on the current form. Here is the code: Private Sub cbTruckorder_Click() Dim stdocname As Stringstdocname = "TruckLoadingReport" ' setting focus to ScannerRead in orde...

Can SQL/Access display foreign key rows as columns?

I have an MS Access table that has a many-to-one key to another one, and I would like a query to display those items in one row. For example, Foo, Bar and Baz link to the row with ID 1, so I would like to display: 1 | Foo | Bar | Baz instead of 1 | Foo 1 | Bar 1 | Baz ...

How can I nest these two SQL queries in MS Access 2007?

I have a table called baskets with these columns: basket (name of the basket) colour (colour of the basket) apples (the number of apples in the basket) bananas (the number of bananas in the basket) oranges (the number of oranges in the basket) pears (the number of pears in the basket) peaches (the number of peaches in the basket) Wit...

VBA for MS-ACCESS: how to populate a combobox with a recordset?

There is some litterature available at expert's exchange and at teck republic about using the combobox.recordset property to populate a combobox in an Access form. These controls are usually populated with a "SELECT *" string in the 'rowsource' properties of the control, referencing a table or query available on the client's side of ...

Problem with a MS Access query after a "Compact and repair" operation.

I have an Access application that use the classical front-end/back-end approach. Yesterday, the backend got corrupted for a reason I don't know. So I opened the backend with Access 2003 and access asked me if I wanted to repair the file, I said yes and it seemed to work. I can open the database see the tables contents and run most of th...

Make a radio button in an infopath form "read only"?

I'm making an InfoPath form which is tied to an Access database. I have a set of radio buttons where the user selects the software name corresponding to the form, but I store this in my database as a number (1, 2, or 3). In another view, I want them to be able to see the previously entered software name, but not be able to change this....

how to insert,delete and update data in database using in (database MS access)?

Imports System.Data Imports System.IO Imports personal_dtls.perds Imports personal_dtls.perdsTableAdapters Private Sub insert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles insert.Click Dim adapter As New perdsTableAdapters.Daily_AttndTableAdapter adapter.InsertQuery("as", "asd", "...

Microsoft Access DateTime Default Now via SQL

I am writing a number of scripts to update numerous Access tables. I would like to add a column to each that has a field called "date_created" that is a timestamp of when the record is created. Doing this through the table view is simple, simply set the DefaultValue = now(). However, how would I accomplish this in sql? This is my curren...

Filtering a form with subforms in Access

In a SQL database I have a table, Table1. This table is related to another table, Table2 which in turn is related to Table3. There is a query Query1 that selects certain records from Table1. This database is linked to in an Access database project A form Table1Data is based on Table1, with a datasheet containing related Table2 data (an...

Linked Access DB "record has been changed by another user"

I'm maintaining a multiuser Access 2000 DB linked to an MSSQL2000 database, not written by me. The database design is very poor, so you'll have to bear with me. On the 'Customer' form there's a 'Customer_ID' field that by default needs to get the next available customer ID, but the user has the option of overriding this choice with an ...

SQL Select Question

I using this in Access 2003. Pardon me if this is in the wrong spot, but I hoped someone could help. I have a table with multiple records that have a text represented date field. The date is in a format like: "06/01/2009" I need to select all the fields from the table but only the 6 oldest rows that fall in a range for each group of: C...

Subform only shows single record

I have a subform(Users subform) embedded in a form(users). What I am trying to achieve is on load, the subform should show ALL users in the table and the controls on the main form to act as a filter. i.e. if user A is selected from a combobox in the main form, only User A's details show in the subform if the selection (ie userA) is clear...