
How can I display a *foreign* field value in a text box?

How do I bind a text box with a field, which doesn't belong to form's "Record Source" table, through the Design View? Example: I have "Order.cust_id" (Record Source=Order) and I want to display "". I believe it is trivial but I have no experience with MS Access. I tried to use the text box "Control Source" property but no l...

SQL Server 2005 Links to Access

I m using Access 97 database.It has lots of forms. Data bulked. I have to upgrade it quickly. I bought SQL Server 2005 enterprise edition. I want to use SQL Server for data holder. I m going to use Access forms regularly. I just want to export data to the sql server. Is it possible to use "Linked" data storing? ...

How to populate field descriptions in MS Access

When linking to an external data source via ODBC (especially an AS/400), I often run into cryptic field names on the other side, where a data dictionary is not available. In the rare event that I'm able to get the field descriptions from the other db, I would like to be able to import them all at once, rather than copy/paste each descrip...

Updates to Records not allowed - Write Conflict

This stems from a previous question I asked - about a write conflict with a form, but the problem seems to be originating from the fact that I can update existing records in a linked table provided by one System DSN, but not another linked table provided by another DSN (different database) - allowing me to enter records at first, but the...

I need some resources for using ms-access effectively.

Update: Management has seen the light, we're going with php and mysql. Thanks for your help. Subject: Access 2007 If it were my choice, i'd write up a web-based app w/ perl and mysql... But the higher-ups aren't good with computers, and know more about microsoft excel than they do the command line. They are great at organizing and...

How do you do a crosstab query in Access with a fixed amount of columns

I want to pull data with an MS Access crosstab query so I can bind it to a report. When I load the page I get a Run-time error'3637': Cannot use the crosstab of a non-fixed column as a subquery. I would like a way to get back a fixed grid when I run the query and if the cell is null display a zero. ...

MS Access Controlling Copy/Paste of Data from Continuous Form

I have a user that is dealing with an Access Database continuous forms page where they can perform a bunch of filtering and data entry. Occasionally the user wants to be able to select a few rows from this form and paste them directly into an email. Outlook formats the data into a table pretty nicely on its own but the problem we're ha...

How might I change the width of a field on an Access form at runtime?

I'm working to devise a custom layout system for my MS-Access forms. So far so good - I've had the idea! But now comes the tricky bit: resizing individual fields such that their width matches in an attractive manner. Sad to say, I'm a bit stuck here - surely there must be some function, property or method call that will allow me to spe...

Access 2003/2007 Query contents wiped

Has anyone else come across a situation where the contents (SQL statement) of an Access 2003 or 2007 was completely wiped (the Query object still exists, the inner SQL does not)? Does anyone know what causes this? I've just had this happen to me again. 2 queries run from a Macro's OutputTo actions to generate 2 Excel files. I ran the ...

Weird Access Question

I Have an MS Access Db that I built for a friend about 8 1/2 years ago. It now has a ton of important data, reports, and programming (important but crappy programming I will admit). I now need to revist this app and rewrite it in c#. But here is the catch, I no longer have access to MS Access (pun not intended -- well ok, it really was).... C# Fileupload and Access Interaction

I'm building a webapp that needs to interact with a Access Database. The Access database is about 200 megs and I don't want to upload the entire thing...just the contents of one table. So far, I've used Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access in the past on a desktop app but when I tried this on a webapp there is some cryptic permission issues...

Creating SQL Server Stored Procedure from Access 2007 - change schema

I have an Access 2007 Project with a SQL Server 2005 backend. However, when creating a new stored procedure from within Access, it comes up with an error: ADO error: The specific schema name DOMAIN\username either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it How can you create a stored procedure using the 'dbo' schema ins...

How to populate combo box with values in MS Access 2007

I have a database with 3 tables. Manufact: ID, Name, Decription Model: ID, Manufact_ID, Name Order: ID, Manufact_ID, Model_ID, Quantity, Date, In Access I would like to have the normal table/datasheet view for Order which gives the following output ID Manufact.Name Model_ID(combo box) Quantity Date 1 LG W3000H-BN ...

How to check if CURRENT event is not during the OPEN event of form

I have an event procedure which is to be run when user select a certain record. If I put it in an ON CURRENT event, it works. However, I don't need it to run when the form is being opened. That is, when the form is opened and the records are loaded onto the form, my event procedure is called up for every record that is loaded. It slo...

Complicated Access SQL Query exclusion

For an access database that looks like this: (All text fields) Co1 Co2 Co3 Co4 A k t N1 B k t N2 A m t N3 B k z N4 A k z N5 C m t N6 C k z N7 C k t N8 A k t N9 C m t N10 I need to create some kind of reports that would do the following: The results needs to select rows: Ordered by Co1 first then ordered by Co2 ...

defining delimiters in vba for access

I have an interface in access that is using a barcode scanner to gather information. I would like to have a barcode that has multiple information in it example: a barcode that holds the value of an order and a specific item on that order. I have items that are divided into "lot", these items are grouped into these lots by the specific ...

Is ACE/Jet's IN operator or CHECK constraint 'broken'?

Consider the following table with a constraint that's a bit daft but simple enough to demonstrate my point. Note that, to keep things very simple, the constraint's criteria only involve literal values. The column ID only exists because a table must have at least one column (!!) but that column is not involved in the constraint. While a l...

How can I convert a string from windows-1252 to utf-8 in Ruby?

I'm migrating some data from MS Access 2003 to MySQL 5.0 using Ruby 1.8.6 on Windows XP (writing a Rake task to do this). Turns out the Windows string data is encoded as windows-1252 and Rails and MySQL are both assuming utf-8 input so some of the characters, such as apostrophes, are getting mangled. They wind up as "a"s with an accent ...

Is there a way to execute VBA code when specific tables and fields in a Microsoft Access database are updated?

I have a program that uses a Microsoft Access database for its back-end. I need to have some VBA code (that calls a web service) execute whenever specific tables/fields are updated by the program. I see this working just like a trigger in SQL Server. Is it possible to monitor for and act upon changes like this in Access? Update The pro...

Can I specify primary key when linking Oracle view from MS Access?

I need to create a linked table from MS Access to a view in Oracle. I am creating the linked table from VBA using the following DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "ODBC Database", [ODBC connect stuff], _ acTable, mySourceView, myDestinatonTable, , True This is working and creates a link to the Oracle view. However...