
How to use VBA to automate several Office applications?

Although I've done VBA projects within a single application for both MS Access 2007 and Excel 2007, I haven't automated multiple applications at the same time. The generalized project is to open access, run some update queries that appends data to various tables. Then Excel needs to get the data. Some formating changes are needed in E...

How can I convert an Access Report to a Crystal Report?

I have Access 2003, and Crystal Reports 10 (the one that comes with VS2008 Pro). How can I convert the access reports into Crystal Reports? It doesn't have to be perfect, just anything to lessen the load on me. ...

Missing data in first record in MS Access (front end) and using SQL Server (back end)

I have a database that I just converted the back end to SQL Server using SSMA. I left the front end in MS Access. I only converted the tables and not the queries. It already had some data in it and that moved over just fine. All was going well until just recently. On opening the database and loading the main form Event Interest it s...

Form.CurrentRecord=1 and Form.RecordSet.Absoluteposition=-1

As in the title I cam across a strange phenomenon. I have a form which contains two subforms. On both subforms I have a button which triggers requery of the relevant subform. If after loading the form, I immediately click on this button (requery the form) I get error "3021: No current record" when I try to save the value of the primary ...

MS-ACCESS: deleting all rows execpt for top 1 and updating a table from a query.

I'm almost done with this, just a few last hiccups. I now need to delete all records from a table except for the top 1 where readings_miu_id is the "DISTINCT" column. In other words words i need to delete all records from a table other than the first DISTINCT readings_miu_id. I am assuming all i need to do is modify the basic delete stat...

Calculated control on subform based on current record

I have the following: main form "customer" from a "customer" table. subform "invoices" with fields "invoice date", "invoice amount" "customer id" etc. from a table "invoices" whenever user clicks or goes to a record in the "invoices" sub form. I would like a "total so far" control to calculate the sum of the "invoices amount" up until t...

Are there any issues with connecting MS Access to a SQL Server database that I should be aware of?

I have an issue occurring in Microsoft Dynamics GP, and am doing research to see if this is the cause,but this could be a Access to SQL Server issue. GP stores data in SQL Server, and MS Access is being used to access the table data. Some data appears to be going missing in the production database. Unfortunately, I don't know what is bei...

How to get the name of Constraint?

Hi, I am using MS Access Database and trying to full data from C# 2.0. How can i get the constriant name (Eg: name of Primarykey not the field name of primary key) using ADOX. Thanks in advance Madhu ...

Windows Scripting: Get Default Options for MS Access

Trying to find the object property for Access to get the default file location so I can script an update to it. Example: this grabs the stuff from Word and tells me where the user file, and template paths point Const wdDocumentsPath = 0 Const wdWorkgroupTemplatesPath = 3 Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") Set objOptions = ob...

Ms-Access: Join 3 Tables

Hi, Does anyone have a example of how to join 3 tables, I have the following statement but I'm getting a missing a (syntax error "operator error") da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT [S].[Scheduled Vege], [V].[Description], [DS].[Task], [DS].[Task Date], [DS].[Completed] FROM [Scheduled] AS S INNER JOIN [Date Schedules]...

MS Access: How can I find out where Tables, Queries, Macros etc. are used?

We've inherited an MS Access db/application (Office 2002) with great names such as NewTable, Subform or Macro1. Unfortunately, when we change these to more meaningful names, the references (in other Queries, Forms or Actions) are not updated. How can we find out where a specific object is used? ...

ms-access import dll with ending backslash in dll path

I'm expecting to see a reference to VBscript Regular Expressions 5.5 by adding the path c:\windows\system32\vbscript.dll\3 to ms-access via Tools > References. However the directory tree only shows me the full path without the ending "\3" What does the "\3" mean (version number?), what is it the correct name for it? How do correctly a...

Access: create table if it does not exist

Can you give an MS Access equivalent to MySQL 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ...'? Update Something like this IF <no such table> CREATE TABLE history(<fields>) would be suitable as well ...

While importing XML to MS Access 2003, boolean variable is being imported as string

I am trying to import an XML file into MS Access 2003, through File>Get External Data>Import. And I want to import a field as boolean. I have pre-built the tables and importing the data only. I am confused that what should be value of boolean in XML so that it can easily get imported as aceess boolean variable. ...

Index corrupts memo-field in joined table

Hi everybody, to address performance issues I added one index in table A. This table is joined inside a query with table B. Adding the index corrupts the output of memo fields in table B. When I remove the index all is fine again. Hope I made myself clear, if interested I could add some more information about the query itself. Any id...

How do I connect to an Access database over a LAN using Java?

Do you know of any good guides on how to access an Access database using Java? I know the basics and basic SQL, but I'm thinking more about access control. ...

how to check if subform is opened in ms access

I have a main form MYMAIN with two subforms in it MYSUBONE and MYSUBTWO. I have "on current" events in each subform that update textbox in the other subform. My problem arises when the forms are being loaded. The "on current" event is triggered when the subform "MYSUBONE" is loaded (BEFORE "MYSUBTWO" is loaded) and it tries to update ...

Access 2002 - how to Group By and Top N records in same query

I have data that looks like the following: Group Product PercentAch Gr1 Pr1 55% Gr1 Pr2 65% Gr2 Pr1 45% Gr2 Pr2 95% Gr3 Pr1 15% Gr3 Pr2 35% . . . So basically the data describe a set of distinct products that are assigned to different groups. I am tr...

What is the order of form/report events in MS Access?

What is the order of events for forms, reports, and subforms in MS Access? ...

ms-access: runtime error 3354

i'm having a problem running an sql in ms-access. im using this code: SELECT readings_miu_id, ReadDate, ReadTime, RSSI, Firmware, Active, OriginCol, ColID, Ownage, SiteID, PremID, prem_group1, prem_group2 INTO analyzedCopy2 FROM analyzedCopy AS A WHERE ReadTime = (SELECT TOP 1 analyzedCopy.ReadTime FROM analyzedCopy WHERE analyze...