

I have a set of tables including Reps, Teams, Errors, Error Log. Error Log lists all errors made by a rep. Each rep is in a team. Each rep has an Edge ID (user number) Each different type of error has a points value (stored in the errors table). I have this query in Access to total the points value for each rep in a team between two dat...

Is it worth remaking an e-commerce website to use mySQL instead of Access?

I am doing some work on an asp website that uses Access as its database. Recently, the site has been having unexplained downtime, and we are wondering if making a whole new site, and switching to PHP with mySQL would bring a big performance boost or not. It is a fairly busy site with about max 80 people connected at once. ...

Replace Module Text in MS Access using VBA

How do I do a search and replace of text within a module in Access from another module in access? I could not find this on Google. FYI, I figured out how to delete a module programatically: Call DoCmd.DeleteObject(acModule, modBase64) ...

How to use SubSonic with MS Access database

Is it possible to use subsonic with MS access MDB files? ...

Access - Data Provider Not Initialised?

I have used Access 2003 to develop a frontend to a SQL Server database. Because the system was intended to use different Schemas to partition the table data, an Access Project did not work. So, instead, I am forced to take over the connection management for access - I maintain a global connection object, and assign recordsets to Forms ra...

Access vs SqlServer for a Simple Database

I am currently developing a very simple database that tracks people and the company certifications they hold. This db will need to store letters of certification as PDF files. I was asked to develop this in MS Access, but I think it would be better to build it in SQLServer and use Windows Forms to build the interface. This app will need...

Can I convert an ACCDB file to MDB with .NET

Is there a way to convert an ACCDB Access database to MDB using .NET libraries or COM objects? Thanks ...

is there any replacement of Access?

I am a programmer, and my father uses Access to collect the patients information (my father is a doctor), He wants me to teach him how to use it. I don't like Access (I'm a linux guy), and I cannot find any replacement of it. Do you guys know of any? (it must be easy enough for my father to use) ...

NetBeans IDE 6.5 and Microsoft Access

hi everyone! I would like to know if there is anyone who has used NetBeansIDE 6.5 before, also connected a MS Access 2007 database to a system developed with java Application option in the NetBeans platform. i would appreciate help very much especially if it's a tutorial send to me([email protected]) ...

How to prevent duplicate entries in an Access database using c#?

i have a table of MS Access which contains one column and many rows. The value of a textbox saved to this table. I want to prevent duplicate entries from being submitted. For example, if I type "ankush" in the textbox and this entry already exists in table, then I want to display a msgbox saying that this already exists in the table....

ASP Access Database web site on Windows 2008 Server running IIS 7

Hello, I am upgrading my server to Windows 2008 Server from IIS 6 running Windows 2003. I am not sure what permissions and what account is needed to access the Access database. In Windows 2003 I had given Write permission to the IUSR account, what it the equivalent in Windows 2008? The database is not in the web site folder. I am ge...

Programmatically Search an Access Listbox control's Items Based Off of a Textbox Entry

I don't know if this is possible, but I am trying to code an Access textbox that will act as a search engine entry control for a database. Specifically, I wanted to add mulitple, non-visible, listboxes to a form, and have them filled with table or query data. When ever an end-user enters a search word in the textbox and presses search,...

PowerPoint Automation from MS Access....queries to chart?

Hey guys! I am wondering if there is anyone out there that can help me with this... I have an Access db that I use to track metrics where I work and "number crunch" for data that I use to build ppt presentations. I have to usually do about 40 ppt's per month, and they are 98% charts. Right now, I run queries one at a time (using SQL st...

Re-write access adp / sqlserver to C# .net?

I am a non technical person and have a small company who has been supporting my companies software for a number of years. The solution works well and permutations of the solution has been with the current IT service provider for over 15 years. I recently got a more established IT firm to do a general audit on the software. The current...

Continuous sequences in SQL

Having a table with the following fields: Order,Group,Sequence it is required that all orders in a given group form a continuous sequence. For example: 1,2,3,4 or 4,5,6,7. How can I check using a single SQL query what orders do not comply with this rule? Thank you. Example data: Order Group Sequence 1 1 3 2 1 4 3 1 5 4 1 6 ...

SQL - identifying exact matches across multiple records.

Table Parent Column1 S1 S2 S3 Table Child Column1 Column2 S1 P1 S1 P2 S2 P1 S2 P2 S3 P1 Where parent.column1 = child.column1 Given the above tables, I need to identify the parents whose children have the same records in column2 as parent S1 does. For example, S1 and S2 both have P1...

Normalising data - bulk inserts using loop

Hi guys Does anyone have any tips that could help speed up a process of breaking down a table and inserting a large number of records into a new table. I'm currently using Access and VBA to convert a table that contains records with a large string (700 + characters) into a new table where each character has its own record (row). I'm do...

How to make an Access TextBox, with a Numberic Value, Equal to DLookup with the TextBox as the Criteria

I really have no idea why this doesn't work, but I am trying to get the following to work: If Me.Text1 = DLookup("Field1", "Test1_Table", "Test1_Table.Field1= _ & Me.Text1") Then MsgBox "It works" Else End If The above code is a test code for a larger project that I am working on, so the table and field names are just for test...

SubQueries in MS ACCESS: selecting only one record per "person" per date.

I am using a table called analyzed in Microsoft Access. It has many fields but the three ones being used for filtering in this case are analyzed.readings_miu_id, analyzed.ReadDate, analyzed.ReadTime. I need to pull the records from the "analyzed" table where readings_miu_id are grouped together then sorted by ReadDate but showing only th...

How can I select only one record per “person”, per date with an inner join in an MS Access query?

I need to pull data from two tables: Neptune_FN_Analysis and Neptune_prem There will be 3 fields called readings_miu_id (comparable to a persons name or item #), ReadDate, ReadTime (all of which are in Neptune_FN_Analysis). Some readings_miu_ids have multiple ReadTimes for multiple days but I only want to pull the "last time" entered per...