
Creating access CommandBar with timer event using VBA.

I have Office 2003. I would like to create Commandbar with timer in MS Access using VBA. What I want is on ever half a second command bar button gets the name of active forms and lists name of forms. How can I do that? ...

Access 2003 via Citrix: 'Error Loading DLL' with CurrentProject.Connection

Set up an Access Project to be opened via Citrix. However, there is some VBA code that prevents it from working: Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set rs = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("Query") The .Connection bit is highlighted. This works when it is not opened via Citrix though (i.e. just on users desktop). ...

Pre-filling data in data entry form (opened as acFormAdd)

I want to be able to click a button and open a new form for data entry, but the new form needs to have at least one item filled in from the form with the button. The data entry form will also be used for editing, so I can't just reference the first field for all uses of the form. Take a simple billing system for example: I'm looking ...

Microsoft Access 2007 Connection

I wrote a program that connected to a Microsoft Access 2000/2003 mdb file and accesses the data. It works fine, but I'm wondering if there is a way to connect to Access 2007? If I change my connection string, will my program work with access 2007 or is it more complicated then that? And if it will work, can someone provide an example of ...

MS Access 2003 - Simple value input into a text box from clicking label boxes

Ok so could anyone please help me out with the VB for auto entering information into a text box, by clicking certian label boxes on a form in access 2003. I built this thing using label boxes as "sort of links" instead of button for navigation/commands etc, and I have this power point presentation viewer on one of the forms. The client ...

How to select a file from the server or remote machine?

Am new to VB 6.0 How to select a file from the other system? I want to access a file from the other system or server? Need VB 6 code Help ...

ASP/ Web-based JET database management tool?

I need to manipulate some tables in a JET database housed on a web-server: check existing indexes change table cluster/primary key see what tables exist rename tables add tables drop tables browse data etc I don't have the option of installing PlaneDisaster or Access (even if i had it) on the local machine. I've already written a ge...

Version control Access 2007 database and application

I need to version control a Microsoft Access 2007 database and application. Currently everything is contained in a single mdb file. The application includes: Forms VBA code Actual database I would assume I need to separate the database from the forms/code. I would like to be able to version control the forms/code as text to support ...

Action Failed on OpenStoredProcedure action in Access Project (ADP) macro

In an Access Project (ADP), there is a macro set up the calls a stored procedure on a SQL Server 2005 database (which updates a table, but does not return any results). This macro is called when a user clicks on a button in a form. It works when logged in as the database owner and the ADP is opened, but when opened by a user with more r...

How do I get detailed PostgreSQL-errors in Access via ODBC?

Is there a way to get the detailed error-messages PostgreSQL shows when running a query from command-line or a client like PG-Admin when using the ODBC-Interface-Driver? The Err-object in Access just tells you that something went wrong but is not very helpful - I have to run the same query again in PG-Admin to see where the problem is. ...

Is there a standard way to duplicate a row in a database table?

I want to duplicate a row, not the keys of course, without explicity using the field names. Is there a SQL way or do I have to enumerate the field names through code? I don't want to explicity use field names because I want to minimize code and db dependencies. I am going to use it in the Ms Access 2003. I mention it in case that no s...

MS Access linking combo box to form

I'm trying to link a field, which I have a drop down box in, to a form. I have a list of about 10 forms to pick from. I'm sure this is simple, but I'm just overlooking the obvious. ...

SQL Server Delay Problem

Hello, I have just finished importing an ACCESS db (back-end) to a SQL Server 2008 db. My front-end is still ACCESS 2007 and the back-end is SQL Server 2008. What I've realized is that if I open a form (on a certain record) and then do some calculation which is supposed to fill in some text fields automatically on that form (for that rec...

Opening ADO connection to Excel Spreadsheet in VBA

How would I go about opening an ADO connection to an Excel 2007 spreadsheet? I am doing this in order to import the data into Access 2007. Rather annoyingly, the data needs to be fltered and pre-processed before being imported, hence why I want to open an ADO connection to read it. ...

How to show "Open File" Dialog in Access 2007 VBA?

How would I go about showing an open file (or file select) dialog in access 2007 VBA? I have tried using Application.GetOpenFileName as I would in Excel, but this function doesn't exist in Access. ...

I need help on INSERT command, two tables

Hi, I have two tables: SUBJECTS IDsubjects username subject GRADES IDgrades IDsubject grade Where SUBJECTS.IDsubjects and GRADES.IDsubject are connected forming a relational database. I want to insert a grade based on a user's subject but I don't know how to do that. I have three values: - username - subject - grade I want to INSER...

Search for field references within a Microsoft Access "application"

I have inherited a MS Access "application" and would like to trace all references to one of the fields. Is there a way to search for the field (all google hits are for querying the table). NOTE: I am not looking for any SQL help, I'd like something like the Visual Studio right-click -> find all references type thing. ...

Using Variables in a fill query in a TableAdapter

Hi, I’m using C# and Winforms. I’m trying to make a report that gives a list of people that need to renew their memberships if they expire within a user supplied date range. I've got a connection to an Access file, and I'm trying to set up a fill query for a TableAdapter, and I can’t figure out how to put a variable in my "WHERE" clause....

Concatenating record values in database (MS Access) or in server side code (ASP.NET)

Hi, sorry to bother you people again. I've searched all over the internet but I can't find the solution to my problem. I have two tables in Access and the output is like this: MATH 5 ENGLISH 3 ENGLISH 2 PHYSICS 5 MATH 1 MATH 3 I want it to be: MATH 5, 1, 3 ENGLISH 3, 2 PHYSICS 5 How can I accomplish this? It tried playing with S...

ms-access vba Eval function behavior

I have a public function in access form Public Function PopupProcess() as long MsgBox Me.ActiveControl PopupProcess = 1 End Function when i call eval("forms('MyForm').popupprocess") it shows message box 2 times. Does anybody know why it does that? I Have Access 2003 with SP3. thanks. EDIT : Main idea is to call function from ...