
how to delete records from ms access in

Ive seen tutorials on the net on how to do it, but the tutorial is not applicable on the program that I wish to do. The tutorial tells you to add 4 navigation buttons so that you can navigate the database(first, last, back, and forward). Then an update and delete button. But if this is what I will do, it would take 10 years to navigate ...

Record cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysObjects'

Hello, I'm trying to get a list of all tables from an Access 2007 database using VBA. I have followed this post: Using: SELECT MSysObjects.Name AS table_name FROM MSysObjects WHERE (((Left([Name],1))<>"~") AND ((Left([Name],4))<>"MSys") AND ((MSysObjects.Ty...

how to find all duplicate rows in access 2007 ?

hi need help with query that find all duplicate rows in access 2007 i have ID (text - not unique) and Name (text) i need to find all the rows that ID is duplicate thank's in advance ...

Access 2007 - Data provider could not be initialized

Hi all, I converted Access 2000 app to Access 2007, the App is connect to MsSql-2000 with ADO. 2 Problems: 1. I can not do filter on the form (right click -> filter) - returns nothing. 2. I keep getting "Data provider could not be initialized" mostly when I'm trying to play with the filter somebody has an idea? ...

VBA Zip File error

I am using code similar to the below to add some files to a zip folder: Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application") oApp.Namespace(CVar(strDest)).CopyHere CVar(strSource) This works fine most of the time, but sometimes I get an error: "(Compressed (zipped) Folders Error) Cannot create output file". This error is raised asynchronousl...

Access front-end, SQL Server back-end skipping autonumber IDs

Question title is the crux of the problem. I have an Access 2007 (2003 format) front-end with a SQL Server 2008 Express back-end. The input form has a subform linked to another table. When adding a record in the main form, the PK field of the table (set to auto increment) is skipping about four IDs (I say about because sometimes it's thr...

How do I add a "browse for file" dialog box to the transferText command?

I'm creating a macro in MS Access that imports a CSV file into a table. I'm using the TransferText action to import the CSV string, and I want to allow the user to browse for the file that contains the CSV string. How do I show the "browse" dialog box to enable the user to choose the file? ...

compare date/time via VBA with date/time in Access DB

Hi, How to compare a date/time via VBA with a date/time in an Access DB? The query I use adoRS.Open "SELECT * FROM currentpositions WHERE ((currentpositions. [dateLT])=" & "#" & date_from_message & "#" & ")", adoConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic I only achieve to compare a date. Anybody an idea? Regards Camastanta ...

Where can I give permission to read MSysObjects in ACCESS 2007? (not 2003)

Where can I give permission to read MSysObjects in ACCESS 2007? (not 2003) I'm trying to use a SQL statement to list all tables in Access but I'm getting an error message that I don't have read permission for MSysObjects. ...

MS Access 2000 Report needs to be PDF format with URL hyperlinks

Working on an old MS Access 2000 database I didn't create. Has a working "projects report" which the client wants to send to prospects as a PDF document, replacing the currently-text-only project title with a title that is also a hyperlink linking to a web page (we can generate the URL programmatically). Note: Access 2000 does not have...

XML vs. SQlite vs. Access

Question: We've started a project for a customer, which includes what would normally be done with a database. However, the customer wants no database installed, since it's only a little application. We however intend to reuse the code for a larger project, which will use a database. The problem is all the server side code will be diffe...

Merge multiple records in the same table in access

Hello I am dealing with some unfriendly import files which import as: timestamp position name 001 2 Jon 001 3 Bob 001 1 Ann 001 4 Mike 002 1 Joe 002 2 Sue 003 1 Jeff 004 ...

how to join 4 tables in microsoft access with one table as the base?

I've look around and I haven't find anything in the Web pointing me to the right direction, so I'll try the knowledgeable stackoverflow people :) I have 4 tables in Microsoft Access 2007 (Warehouse, Cars, TVs, Toys). __(many) Cars / Warehouse 1---(many) TVs \__(many) Toys The Warehouse table has a 1...

Inserting multiple rows to table - Access

Hi, I have an Access application in which I need to do a 'mass-update'. I have a form on which I have a dropdown, a listbox, and a checkbox. I also have a Update button, and when the user clicks it, I want to insert rows into my table with the same value for the dropdown and checkbox fields in all the rows, but I want different values f...

MS-ACCESS: displaying the results of a query in a message box

how do i feed the result of a query into a msgbox in access? ...

Using SQLite or MS Access, how should the tables be organized to model the logic of this 3D structure?

Here is an explanation of how the elements are related. tl;dr: Intensity is strongest at the center of the diagram. The basic emotions (in the arms) combine to form secondary emotions in the outer circle. (i.e., Anticipation + Joy = Optimism) What is the best way to design a database to model this set of relationships? ...

MS-ACCESS: displaying the first entry in a listbox

how do i msgbox the first entry in a listbox in ms-access with vba? ...

ms-access: rowsource question

i am a programmer, and i have done lots of VBA with excel. i am a beginner at access. someone has given me an access database to debug and i am lost. i succesfully made it connect to a local mysql database. i have a listbox on a form that has a rowsource attached to a query called listbox. here's a picture of the properties of...

ms-access: using getrows method

i am new to access and i am debugging someone's database how do i know if i am using ADO? i have stuff in a listbox, how do i use the .GetRows method to put the recordset into a two-dimensional array? ...

How do I display a name for a form that is not its real name?

When a form opens in MS Access, it displays its name on the title bar of the form. I want to hide the real name of my form and display a more user-friendly name on the title bar. How can I do this? ...