
Rollback Multiple SQL update queries in MS Access

I have multiple SQL stored procedures (e.g. UPDATE, SELECT INTO statements) executed in VBA in MS Access: CurrentDb.Execute "qry1" CurrentDb.Execute "qry2" I want it so that: * if qry2 fails, it will undo qry1. * qry1 and qry2 are executed at the same time, (as I have many of these stored procedures executed in a chain), so the procedu...

How to go to tab-number 1 when tab-end instead of going to next post?

I have a form in MS Access 2007. To change from one inputfield to another the user can use tab or enter. The problem is when the user is in the last field and hit tab or enter she will jump to the next post. But I want to change this so the user jumps to the first filed in the same post or stays in the last field of the same post. Mayb...

How to sort data using datagridview in

I do not have any idea on how to sort data using datagridview in How do I do this by making use of textbox to input my query, I'm currently using oledb. Here is a picture of what I am trying to do. Please help, our teacher doesn't really teach us. ...

How to update database by using datagridview (

Here is my code, but its the other way around, it commits changes to the datagridview when the database is updated. Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Windows.Forms Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Private bindingSource1 As New BindingSource() P...

VB.NET: Use a Textbox to filter Data

Here is my code: Dim connectionString As String ="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=F:\ACCESS DATABASE\search.mdb" Dim selectCommand As String Dim connection As New OleDbConnection(connectionString) selectCommand = "select * from GH WHERE (COURSE='BSIT')" Me.dataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(selectCommand, connection) ...

MS Excel 2003: Partially Refresh PivotCache or Combine PivotCache

I have an Excel pivotcache that is connected to an Access database query. However, if I change the source data in Access (e.g. change a value, add / delete a record), I have to refresh the pivotcache which in turn runs the query again to retrieve all records on the entire dataset. This is very inefficient. I only want to retrieve records...

Is it possible to use ms office live workspace for database?

Is it possible to use ms office live workspace for database? I'm currently using ms access as a database, is it possible to connect with the online version of microsoft office so that more users can access it? ...

access to standalone app with more stable database

Hi, Does anyone have experience of rapidly translating an access application into a standalone windows application? My current thoughts are to create an SQL database and a gui in c# and vb, or adobe flex 3. As with acces, the GUI would mainly comprise of controls such as radio buttons, combo box (populated from a table), check boxes, t...

How to commit changes to access database using datagridview in

Please help, I got the code below from a book but it doesnt seem to work: try oledbDataAdapter1.update("GH") Catch ex as exception msbox(ex.tostring) end try I'm using ms access 2003, here is my connection string: Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=F:\ACCESS DATABAS...

Exception message reads "System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"

I'm currently working on updating an ms access database by using this code: the error is: System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs I don't know what is it, can you help me solve my problem, adding, deleting, listing, searching for records is already working. If I can finish this update then I can proceed with the system that we are doing for...

How to query Microsoft Access Database fields from VBA in Excel

Hey guys, I am currently writing a program to save stuff entered in a form in Excel into a database in Access. I am trying to increment a primary key field within Access by "1" whenever I add data from the fields in my Excel form. Because I have declared this field as a PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL field, it doesn't allow me add another row o...

How to make a drop down list (list box)in an MS Acess Query with values from two different tables.

I need the drop down box above to display the date as shown and the ClassTypeDesc as you can see above the dropdown list shows 1/12/2010 twice. They have different ClassTypes Assigned to them. The drop down list should show: 1/12/2010 ACLS-I Day One AM 1/12/2010 ACLS-I Day One PM I need to know the statement to put in the Row Sour...

MS Access/ADO AddNew method not appending record

Hi, I'm using ADO 2.1 in MS Access 2003 and calling the AddNew method of an ADO recordset using an array of field names and an array of values. I am getting no error messages however, the record is not being written to the table. I have tried following the command with a .Update and a .Requery to no avail. Any ideas? Public Function ...

duplicate in updating ms access database

Here is the error: Please help, here is my code: what can I do to solve this error Try If MessageBox.Show("Save and update database?", _ "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = _ Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then Dim idXs As Integer Dim dSe...

Using MS Access as a .NET Application Backend

I am the lone .NET developer in an non-IT organization. I've been asked to develo ae .NET application using Microsoft Access as the back-end (existing DB). I don't know where to start. Since I'm developing by myself, what should I keep in mind to avoid during development? What situations does only a lone developer face? Please inc...

Check if shell program has opened

Hi I'm launching an Access ADE, using Tony Toews auto FE program. The AutoFE programs will, if newer version available, copy the latest version of the ADE from the server, then launch it. My code looks like: Dim stAutoFE As String = "V:\Apps\autofe\startmdb.exe /cmd /inifile: " & """" & "V:\Apps\AutoFE\SSP.ini" & """" Shell(...

From SQL Server to MS Access 2007

Could you recommend a good resource on learning MS Access from the perspective of a developer with a good background in SQL Server. Also some best practice tips would be welcome, in areas such as multi-user access support security; both the database and the front end Access interface (Forms,Reports) deployment Basically if you have ...

How do I iterate ms-access reports in .net using Object model

How to enumerate MS Access reports in windows dot net application. I have a listbox that should show the available reports in a MS Access db. Tried following code, but it did not show anything. oAccess = GetAccessDBObject(DBLocation); Reports accessReports = oAccess.Reports; // oAccess.Reports.Count = 0!!!...

How to get table Schema

Hi, I am working with Microsoft visual studio 2005.Can anyone tell me how to get table names and column names of a MS access database? ...

Is there a Windows 7 ODBC driver for Access?

I have an existing PHP script that needs to work with data from an Access db, and the machine it's on is migrating from Win2K to Windows 7. I looked around, and Microsoft seems to say that this is still available somewhere, but I can't find any solid information about how to actually get it. ...