
How to rewrite TSQL query for use in Microsoft Access 2003: TSQL Convert


Where can a query be found in a Microsoft Access database besides "Queries"?

So I have learned a bit about databases and Microsoft Access specifically, trying to help maintain a Microsoft Office Access 2003 database with Visual Basic scripting (version 6.5) which was set up by several people who are no longer with the company. Now we have the problem that the data we're getting from an outside source can no long...

From textbox to decimal value then into access database in c#

I'm reading a decimal value from textbox1 and need to insert it to an decimal field in my database. I having a trouble with "," and "." so first I'm replacing ","s with "." But unfortunately If I enter 1.34 in textbox, it becomes 134.00 in db. string text = textBox1.Text; text = text.Replace(",", "."); decimal total = decimal.Parse(te...

Query Performace Problem

Using Access 2003 Query SELECT t1.PERSONID ,t1.CARDEVENTDATE ,MIN(t2.CARDEVENTTIME) AS Intime ,MAX(t3.CARDEVENTTIME) AS Outtime, Min(t3.Cardeventtime) as BreakOut, Max(t4.CardEventTime) as BreakIn FROM ( ( ( SELECT PERSONID , CARDEVENTDATE FROM T_CARDEVENT ) as t1 LEFT OU...

seems no changes have been made to main access data base :(

hi, I just tried a simple code(in C#) which adds a record to a table in my access data base. I just added the data base in visual studio by "Add => Existing Item..." to my project and then in the data set that was created automatically after adding the data base I added a simple INSERT query. now here is my code : here this code does no...

Problem in writing code in Ms-Access

I am using a Master Form under which another subform is attached so that all the records of child table is displayed based on the parent table's primary key. All the child records are displayed but the whole records of parent table is not shown, only the default value is displayed again & again.Please help. ...

MS Access to Oracle easy Conversion / Migration

Are there any good easy to use softwares to export Access Database files to an Oracle 11g database? I know that this might not be the most usual case but applications grow, especially with old applications that uses old technologies such as Access in this case needs to be upgraded at some point. Tutorials and articles regarding Access ...

Access VBA - print last record from SQL Query

Hey I have the following SQL Query I'm executing and I'm trying to find why it returns the error 'overflow' when running the query. Now I want to print the last record that it computes before going into overflow, is this possible using MS Access VBA? Private Sub Command0_Click() Dim sql As String Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DA...

SQL MS Access - Invalid Use of Null

I have now got rid of the overflow on this query by forcing to a long but now I get Error 94: Invalid Use of NULL Can anyone tell me what the problem could be? SQL Query: Sum(CLng( [TotaalPrijs]/([tbl_ArtikelsPerOrder]![Aantal]*[Totaal])* [tbl_ArtikelVerwijderdUitZaaglijst]![Aantal] )) AS GezaagdeOmzet ...

Make an SQL request more efficient and tidy?

I have the following SQL query: SELECT Phrases.* FROM Phrases WHERE (((Phrases.phrase) Like "*ing aids*") AND ((Phrases.phrase) Not Like "*getting*") AND ((Phrases.phrase) Not Like "*contracting*")) AND ((Phrases.phrase) Not Like "*preventing*"); //(etc.) Now, if I were using RegEx, I might bunch all the Nots into one big (ge...

Access 2000 - Erase Multiple Forms ?

Anyway to Erase multiple forms, queries, etc in Access 2000? (In the designer that is). ...

A select query selecting a select statement

I don't even know if I am doing this query the right way. There is a Sandwiches table that has some 7 fields and 2 of them are comboboxes (Type and Bread). So I made a query that combines all of the comboboxes values into one query, like this: SELECT TypesAndBreads.TBName, TypesAndBreads.Type FROM (SELECT [Sandwiches Types].[Sandwich T...

Export MS Access Database to SQL Server 2008 Express

Is there an easy way to export a MS Access Database backend (Tables & relations) into an SQL Server database, so that it then can be used as a backend for a tailored application written in C# using Entity Framework? The Access Database contains at least 50 tables and the export should not ruin its structure and relations. ...

Re-naming chart legend in Access 2007

In an auto-generated chart based on a query (I dragged the chart object onto a blank form to start it), the chart itself is displaying and updating properly, datawise, but I want to change the Legend from reading "SumOfAvgOfield1" and "SumOfAvgOfield2" to regular words suitable for final presentations. But I can't find a way to change it...

ms access combo box refresh

i have 3 tables chapters (id, name) heading (id, name, parentid) subheading (id, name, parentid) the parents are the ids of the tables above each other. i have a form with 3 combo boxes chapter heading subheading. i have vba for the onchange for chapter and heading. This code works fine: Private Sub Chapter_AfterUpdate() Me.Headin...

MS Access Overflow - Not resolved

I have the following expression in an MS Access Query, where some of these values can be null and despite the cast to a Decimal and the Not Zero (NZ) function, I still get an overflow error. I hope someone can help me find the bug? Sum(Cdec(Nz([TotalPrice]/([tbl_ArticlesPerOrder]![Amount]*[Total])*[tbl_ArtikelRemoveFromSawList]![Amount...

How to create setup project with Access DB, Crystal Report, C# ?

Hi, all I have a problem about Crystal Report. I created a setup file with .NET. Then I install my setup, to an another computer. It works well. But when I try to generate crystal report, login screen of access database opened. It seems that --.accdb path in Crystal report is wrong. Before creating setup where can I change and how can ...

MS Access - Data Type Mismatch

I have the follow VBA code and it returns a 'data type mismatch in criteria expression' while executing. I cannot seem to find out why it is giving me this error. Can anybody help me? VBA: Public Function GezaagdeOmzet(ByVal TotaalPrijs As Double, ByVal AantalArtiklesPerOrder As Double, ByVal TotaalArtiklesPerOrder As Double, ByVal ...

HOW to access ms access database with a password?

I've password protected an mdb file but then I cannot access it on I don't know the correct code for defining the password. this is my current code, I know its wrong, but I don't also know the correct code: conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=F:\search.mdb;pwd=nit" ...

Query design in Access

I have created three queries and I need to consolidate them into a single query. They all have same foreign keys from another table. My objective is to have all the fields (primary key) from the main table displayed in the consolitated query regardless of whether there is record. Please advise ...