
Reliably getting a character count for .doc files

What's a reliable way to automatically count the characters and/or words in a .doc or .docx file? The only real requirement is a reasonably accurate and reasonably reliable count. It needs to work with documents containing something other than Latin script, so counting characters is good enough for most cases. The count does not necessa...

Help file like Microsoft Office's

I am developing an Outlook add-in and I want to create a help file for it. Currently I am using CHM file. Is there a tool to create help file like Microsoft office's? If not, how can I create a similar one? ...

How to fire new document event for add-ins in

i created one shared Add-ins in visual studio 2005 all events working fine but new document event is not working i don't know why my code for new document is ((Word.ApplicationEvents4_Event)wb).NewDocument += new Word.ApplicationEvents4_NewDocumentEventHandler(Application_NewDocument); void Application_NewDocument(Word.Document Doc) ...

How do I create an Excel add-in that reads custom data?

I have been tasked with creating an addin for Excel 2007 that reads data from a custom data source. I already have the code that reads the data. It's written in C# and returns objects. This is for a banking system and I cannot give direct access to the data. A userID, password and hardware generated key must be provided to the C# DLL to ...

Identifying Microsoft Office temporary files

I'm watching a directory using FileSystemWatcher. When a file is copied into that directory - my watcher grabs it and performs multiple actions with it. My problem is that when a Microsoft Office file is opened, a temporary file is created in the watched directory. I can't find a way to ignore these files. Though the temporary file na...

How to find whether office is installed

How can I programatically find whether MS-office is installed on a machine, and if installed what components are installed,version and stuff like that. How do I find whether it is office professional or office ultimate. ...

JNLP not working after MS office installed

I had a jnlp file working fine. Then installed MS Office - the jnlp file now refuses to start giving me a FailedDownloadException. Obviously there shouldn't be a direct connection ... All theories appreciated. ...

VSTO for the Mac?

I have built a custom Outlook toolbar option using VSTO which logs an email in a database. This works fine in Windows. However, I’ve been asked if we can migrate this to the Mac for Entourage which I think is the Mac version of Outlook. Can a VSTO application be ported to the Mac? Is it possible to build custom toolbar options in Entoura...

Generating an Excel spreadsheet with a Pivot Table over a large embedded data source?

I have a large amount of data that is possibly more than a million rows. I want to be able to offer users the ability to download an Excel spreadsheet with a Pivot Table over this data, disconnected from any database. Is it possible to have the data source that the pivot table works over embedded in a spreadsheet? ...

Knowing MS-Office version on Your pc using java

Hi, Is there any way to know which version of MS-Office I have on my pc using 'Java'? ...

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word documentation

I need to use the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word namespace to extract if a Word document contains macros, and which ones. The MSDN documentation for this namespace doesn't give much information compared to the documentation on other .Net classes. Where can I get more informations about this namespaces (examples, complete documentation, et...

Convert Open XML Excel files to HTML

I'm developing printing solution for MS Office 2007. Office automation is not right for me, because it requires Office to be installed. Open XML Document Viewer is solution for converting Word files (.docx) to HTML format by XSLT transform, but it works only for .docx. Can the same technology be used for Excel spreadsheets files? ...

Which COM shim wizard version should I use with VS 2008 and Office 2003

On the download page for 2.3.1 it only mentions compatability with Office 2007. I tried installing v2.0 but I couldn't see the wizards in the project types. ...

Where should addins for Office 2010 put their Options GUI? (and how?)

Up until Office 2007 it was common for addins to add a tab page to the main Options dialog (Tools|Options) where users could configure the addin's settings. While this essentially still works in Office 2010 the way it is implemented seems like a backwards-compatibility clutch similar to the "COM-Addins" tab on the new ribbon where button...

Excel 2008 Cant Parse HTML

I need to export a gridview to excel, I put the return html code from the gridview to a HtmlTextWriter and put this into the response. The result file work fine in excel, excel can parse the html and the result is readable, work perfect on excel 2003 and 2007, but in some machines with Excel 2008 (MACOS) excel shows only the raw html co...

Migrating from VBA Excel 2003

I have a series of big excel files that work like a program, but I hate beeing tied up (stuck in VBA for excel 2003), so... Whats the best way to implement a gui over a excel vba program (office 2003)? (are there any tools for that... I want to move away from the office suite, but still have it in the background) Or what's the easiest ...

Export data in microsoft excel using C# windowsforms application

Hi, i got the exception when i am trying to export data to excel.... the exception is COMException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC. How shall i solve this error? How shall i get solution? Tell me the solution of this problem... Thanks in advance... My Code is: { oxl = new Excel.Application(); oxl.V...

Possible to create thumbnails of MS Office files?

Have anybody ever tried to create thumbnails/previews of MS Office files? I do not mean extract saved preview images inside the file, but actually create them. Would this even be doable? Could one print to an image/pdf directly in code? ...

Double ribbon items for SplitButton

Hi, I develop MS Office add-in which extends ribbon in the following way: <customUI xmlns="" loadImage="GetImage" onLoad="OnRibbonLoad"> <ribbon> <tabs> <tab idMso="TabHome"> <group id="PapirusGroup" label="Papirus"> <splitButton id="SaveSplitButton" size="large" get...

How can I use an Access query which uses Access-VBA-defined functions in Word VBA?

State of the question: I no longer think it is relevant that I'm referencing Excel or that the query has parameters. I think question boils down to this: How can I use an Access query which uses Access-VBA-defined functions in Word VBA? What I want to do is impossible, how can I make an inlined version of the Acos function work with my...