
How to obtain specific Excel object library without the corresponding Office version installed.

I am developing a Excel automation app that read and write to Excel spreadsheet. I have Office 2007 installed on my machine. I therefore can reference the Excel 12.0 Object Library and the Excel 5.0 Object Library. I don't want to use Excel 5.0 because it's really quite old and poorly documented. Therefore I'm referencing Excel 12.0. Ho...

COM interop, Office 2010 x64 and Visual Studio 2010.

Hi, I just installed Office 2010 x64 on my Windows 7 x64 laptop. It already had Visual Studio 2010 on it. Now I try to add Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel or something to the project, but it just can't find the project. When I try to open a project from the website of Microsoft (a sample of Office development) Visual Studio says that ...

PowerShell: How to find and uninstall a MS Office Update

I've been hunting for a clean way to uninstall an MSOffice security update on a large number of workstations. I've found some awkward solutions, but nothing as clean or general like using PowerShell and get-wmiobject with Win32_QuickFixEngineering and the .Uninstall method on the resulting object. [Apparently, Win32_QuickFixEngineeri... and MS Office Project integration and exporting it as image.

I have requirement of creating MS Project object in c# and exporting image of it for end user to download. I can achieve first part of the requirement of creating MS Project object as suggested in following link. but exporting it as image with specif...

Copying Primary key to another field in Access.

Hey, I'm struggling to copy the Primary Key to another field in Access. This is irrelevant , but clarifying on what I'm comparing. ... WHERE Tunniste=" & [Tarkiste] & "" Tunniste = Primary Key , Autonumber , ID (Generated by Access.) Tarkiste = This is the field I want to copy it to compare it. I'm open to suggestions, I've already...

Can i use live meeting service portal API with SharePoint?

Can I use live meeting service portal API with Sharepoint to schedule live meetings and OCS meetings from a sharepoint page? If yes, what should be the starting point and which approach is better. Can i use VSTO for that or not? ...

Which C/C++ GUI toolkit does support Office 2003/2007 styles

I don't need ribbons but i would like to have the blue/orange style. Currently i planned to use WxWidgets but it seems to be not able to do anythink like this. Do i have an alternative other then MFC + Featurepack ? ...

What's currently the best way to extend Excel using C#?

I have the professional versions of VS2008 & VS2010. I wish to add a couple buttons to a toolbar in Excel. When they are clicked I'd like to be able to open a form (either WinForms or WPF is fine) collect a few values from the user in the form and then take that data + read cell values from the current worksheet to perform some databas...

How to have an excel addin read rows from a worksheet until no more data?

I've started writing a Com addin for Excel 2003 using C#. I'm looking for a code example showing how to read in cell data from the active worksheet. I've seen that you can write code like this: Excel.Range firstCell = ws.get_Range("A1", Type.Missing); Excel.Range lastCell = ws.get_Range("A10", Type.Missing); Excel.Range worksheetCells =...

Is it possible to write an Addin that works in both Excel 2003 and 2007?

I've been writing a shared addin for Excel 2003. It adds a menu (CommandBarPopup) and a couple menu items off it (CommandBarButton) that when clicked open a WPF window to read a couple values and manipulate the worksheet. Is there a way to write it so that it would work in office 2007/2010 as well, or is it impossible? If so, can anyo...

Outlook VSTO AddIn Configuration

I'm working on VSTO addin for outlook 2003.Outlook can read the startup section from Outlook.exe.config. <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v1.0.3705" /> <supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322" /> <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" /> </startup> But it is not able to read the system.diagnostics section of the confi...

Avoid Microsoft Office 2000 Installation Prompt When Opening VB6 Project File or Dialog

I suddenly am tasked to debug an old project in Visual Studio 6. My PC setup contains an IME Microsoft Office 2000. Each time I try to open a .VBP file using Visual Studio, a Microsoft Office 2000 Installation CD dialog is shown. I could cancel the installation process but it does get bother some in repeating this again and again. I foun...

Can someone confirm how Microsoft Excel 2007 internally represents numbers?

I know the IEEE 754 floating point standard by heart as I had to learn it for an exam. I know exactly how floating point numbers are used and the problems that they can have. I can manually do any operation on the binary representation of floating point numbers. However, I have not found a single source which unambiguously states that e...

Helpful advice on developing a professional MS Word add-on

A few months back I put together a simple proof-of-concept piece of software for a small firm with an idea for a document editing tool. The company wanted this tool to be integrated into Microsoft Word, understandably, to maximize its accessibility to the average user. I essentially wrote the underlying library with all of the core func...

MS Word 03 - Terribly simple question about turning off the squiggly lines for code

So I am making documents with code examples in word. The squiggly do I turn off the red and green lines that appear under the grammer and spelling errors?? Sorry I know its simple for this forum, but I don't know how to do it! Thanks Justin ...

Produce high-quality, custom-size thumbnails from Office documents on Windows?

Hi, What do you think would be the best way to produce custom size image thumbnail from MS Office documents (doc, xls and ppt) on Windows with native code (means all means besides .NET/JAVA)? My current research result: IExtractImage COM. Problem: The size of the generated result is fixed and low quality, and you can't be sure all t...

How to program macros on iWork 09?

Hi We have a simple macro that connects Access and Excel (Office 2007 on Windows) with some forms and we are trying to create the iWork version, but I cant find how to create a macro or something, does anyone knows some manual or links to do this? Im using iWork 09 on Snow Leopard. Thanks! ...

Why do custom file properties, set using the DSOFile library, not persist after saving?

I am currently working on a plugin for AutoCAD that allows users to interact with a document versioning application, and in order to sync files between the remote repository and local machine, I had planned on using custom file properties. The properties would be set when a file is initially downloaded, and then persisted for as long as ...

Easy creation/updating of Office Open XML Charts (PowerPoint preferred)

Does anybody know Office-independent .NET components supporting creation/updating full-fledged office open xml charts from different types of documents (PowerPoint preferred) in a couple of lines of code. An example from MSDN How to: Insert a Chart into a Spreadsheet Document does it in a difficult way (as far as I can understand I nee...

Problem with format a single excel column with OLE automation using Delphi

Dear All, I have piece of code which I use to format a range of cells in Excel. It works fine in Excel 2007 but when the range is only 1 column wide and it is Excel 2003 instead of 2007, I'll get an error saying the I am assigning invalid value for a border's line style. ** valuables such as "xlInsideHorizontal", I have declared them a...