
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error (mscorlib)

Hi, I have a website developed in ASP.Net 2.0 that is throwing the error "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" in the production environment. It was not throwing this error in development. The source is 'mscorlib', and the stack trace says the error at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast. The o...

Is LoadRunner 9.1 support WPF?

I have POC test to clearify is LoadRunner support WPF or not? Now it can run POC thought business but it have error with some type that locate in mscorlib.dll. I want to know how can I add reference of mscorlib.dll to LoadRunner? Thanks, Ek ...

Getting types in mscorlib (aka Silverlight mscorlib) via reflection on?

Hello, I am trying to add Silverlight support to my favorite programming langauge Nemerle. Nemerle , on compilation procedure, loads all types via reflection mainly in 2 steps 1-) Uses Assembly.LoadFrom to load assembly 2-) Usese Assembly.GetTypes() to get the types Then at the end of compilation it emits the resolved types with Re...

How can i add a method to mscorelib

Hi. I want to add some methods to mscorlib. For example: string abc; abc.IsNumeric() i hope could explain my question. ...

MSBUILD / csc: Cleanest way of handling x64 mscorlib warning 1607

I'm trying to use VS08SP1's default project system to invoke a C# compile in explicit x64 mode (as distinct from Any Cpu). When I explicitly mark a module as x64, I get a: warning CS1607: Assembly generation -- Referenced assembly 'mscorlib.dll' targets a different processor One way of removing that is with a /nowarn:1607. Based on my...

FindAll in a list of custom objects

Hello! Well, I got an object called Mamamia and inside of it has some string properties. I created a list of this object and populated it with 150 items. I'm trying to use List.FindAll but I reaaally don't know how to do it. I've tried this way: produto = products.FindAll(delegate(Mamamia cv) {return cv.LocalPackage.Remove(1,21) == cm...

custom mscorlib.dll without native code

Is it possible to build custom mscorlib.dll without any use of native code (pinvoke allowed :-)? I've tried a little experiment this weekend to see how hard it would be to do it and had following problems: I've added one class System.Static to my version of mscorlib but had TypeLoadException with message that it can't load type 'Syste...

Determine Project References to mscorlib

Hey folks, I've got an ASP.NET web site project that for some reason is insisting on referencing both mscorlib 1.0.5 and mscorlib 2.0, and I can't figure out why. I've analyzed all the referenced DLLs using NDepend, and they all appear to only reference mscorlib 2.0. I've got a couple web references, but I can't imagine why that would c... A first chance exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

I just installed Visual Basic 2010 Express. I created a simple console application: Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim i As Integer i = 0 End Sub End Module I'm getting the following error SIX times before I get to line "i = 0": A first chance exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occur...

Howto take a glimpse into mscorlib?

Hi all! I want to read data into RSAParameters structure ( RSAParameters ) and did check twice, that the data is correct. But still, I get an error "invalid data" exception for this: bei System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException.ThrowCryptogaphicException(Int32 hr) bei System.Security.Cryptography.Utils._ImportKey(SafeP...

C# compiler: /nostdlib option

How is this possible not to include stdlib (mscorlib.dll) to my C# application when compiling it? As far as I know, all classes inherit System.Object class, which is defined in mscorlib.dll. What is more - types such as int are just aliases e.g. for System.Int32, which are also defined in mscorlib. Is this option ever used? ...

Type from mscorlib not found

There is something I cannot understand. I can't read the type reference: Assembly mscorlib = Assembly.Load("mscorlib"); // it DOES exist, returns type reference: mscorlib.GetType("System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.IDefinitionAppId"); // but its parent scope doesn't exist.. returns null: mscorlib.GetType("System.Deployment.Internal....

Can .NET VM (mscorlib) be called from native Win32 program to execute IL/other internal compiled code format?

Old question: I have an .exe (PE) with IL (.NET) code in it. When it is started, a mscorlib.dll (.NET framework) function is called to start IL code. Can I extract .NET code segment and append it to other program (that calls mscorlib.dll to execute that segment)? New question: I want to append the compiled code from a C# .NET program...

Using system types in XAML as resources

I have encountered a situation where it would be very useful to specify a floating point value directly in XAML and use it as a resource for several of my UI pieces. After searching around I found a good amount of information on how to include the proper assembly (mscorlib) in your XAML so you can do just that. Unfortunately, I am gett...

How to create a custom .NET base class library (BCL) aka mscorlib replacement?

Does anybody know how to make a custom BCL work with the stock CLR? How to discover existing the most essential ties between CLR and BCL and reuse them? Here is what I have so far: ...