
Installing PHP extensions on Windows

I am using a Windows XP Home Edition. I need to install a few extensions to PHP -- memcache, APC, .etc. And I would very much like to use PECL to make this happen. The problem is PECL takes it for granted that I will have certain programs on my computer. On another post, I read, for instance, that you need to have Microsoft Visual Studio...

c2593 error (operator identifier is ambiguous) when compiling for x64 platform

I'm trying to compile a C++ project using Microsoft VisualStudio 2008. This particular project compiles fine if you use Win32 as target platform. If I try to compile the same project for the x64 platform I get a C2593 'operator identifier' is ambiguous error in this line: case 't': os_ << (size_t)path->rnode->char_type; break; An...

Where msdev is located

I have a 3rd party product that tries to execute msdev, but it can not found. I have two versions of Visual Studio (6 and 9) installed on my desktop. ...