
What happens to an MSMQ transaction when the application is stopped?

I have Windows Services that are reading from MSMQ queues, performing some work, and then sending to either another queue or another service. Everything is transactional, so if there is a failure the message will remain / revert to its original queue for reprocessing. Some messages have now 'disappeared'. I don't see how this can happ...

Remote MSMQ communication

I have MSMQ in my local machine. I want to send message from my MSMQ to a remote Machine MSMQ. i am writing code in C#. is there any requirement of configure any MSMQ? i mean permission or any others. Please help me as soon as possible. Ashish ...

Set MSMQ permision

Sir, I have a MSMQ. I need to set "S-1-5-32-554" or "Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access". How to set this permision so that I communicate two message queue remotely? Can anybody help me? Thank in advance ...

MSMQ competing consumer

Can someone tell me whether MSMQ (using transactions) supports competing consumers? Basically, I have multiple threads dequeueing messages off of a single queue. Just wanted to make sure this will work since MSMQ sometimes behaves differently than I expect. ...

WCF MSMQ Service unable to detect that a queue is transactional

I have created an service oriented application using wcf and msmq. We can only use server 2003, so the version of msmq is 3.0. The service works, but when using the Microsoft Service Trace Viewer. I keep getting warning when opening service hosts about wcf not being able to confirm wether the queue is transactional. Here is the Trace :...

WCF MSMQ last message in the transaction

Hello, I am wondering if there is a way in WCF MSMQ to know if iam processing the last message in the transaction I did lot of researches I found that there is a property IsLastInTransaction but this property not available in MsmqMessage<T> Class it only available in System.Messaging.Message Anybody know how can I dietarian if this i...