
What are the advantages of using WCF over frameworks like MassTransit or hand written MSMQ client?

I am looking at using MSMQ as a solution to do asynchronous execution in my upcoming project. I want to know the differences between using WCF and frameworks like MassTransit or even hand written MSMQ client to place/read task off MSMQ. Basically the application will be several websites (internal through LAN or external through the Int...

send a COM object with a BSTR value type in a MSMQ message

I'm trying to send a COM object over a MSMQ message in C++. This is my object : class ATL_NO_VTABLE CAnalisis : public CComObjectRootEx, public CComCoClass, public ISupportErrorInfo, public IDispatchImpl, public IPersistStreamInit { private: typedef struct { DOUBLE size; float color; float light; ...

question related to MSMQ "how to action a message" (don't know how to explain please read code) thanks

Hi, I am using MSMQ as a way to provide asynchronous SOA. Please refer to the code below as it's quite hard to explain. I am trying to figure out the best way to do it. //another method reads off MSMQ and passes the Message into this method public void ReadMSMQAndAction(Message m) { var e = m.Entity; /* this is really bad, but i s...

How to get a mixed SSIS-J2EE system to communicate via messaging?

I'm currently developing an ETL solution which, for various reasons, include SSIS components as well as J2EE services. I need the various components to communicate asynchronously via messaging queues. However, the obvious constraint is that SSIS only integrates with MSMQ while it obviously makes sense to use JMS on the Java side. I h...

MSMQ Siebel adapter

Does MSMQ Siebel adapter exist? If so, how is it different from TIBCO Siebel adapter? ...

How does the MSMQ binding in WCF differ from WsHttp?

I'm trying to grok the MSMQ binding in WCF and wanted to know how it's different than the configuration for BasicHttp or WsHttp? ...

Including MSMQ as a prerequisite for my application

I'm working on an application that uses MSMQ for interprocess communication, and I need the setup project to be able to install the service if it isn't already. I've checked around for information on making it a prerequisite, but so far I've been unsuccessful at finding this. Any ideas? ...

Microsoft Message Queue - priority flag or a separate queue?

I've implemented a system in C# that uses the Microsoft Message Queue (System.Messaging) for communication between related processes. Essentially, a number of Sender services generate messages to put in the queue and a number of Receiver processes watch the queues and grab those messages when they arrive. I've just been told that there...

MSMQ Private queue automatically remove unread message beyond 24 hours

Hello, I use MSMQ through WCF to store messages in private queue. (private queue hosted by Windows Server 2003). Messages are stored only for 24 hours and automatically removed from queue, somebody know why ? Thank's for your help ...

MSMQ sending message problem... (c#)

My code : string _path = "mymachine\\Private$\\example"; // create a message queue object MessageQueue MQueue = new MessageQueue(_path); // create the message and set the base properties Message Msg = new Message("Messagem"); Msg.ResponseQueue = MQueue; Msg.Priority = MessagePriority.Normal; Msg.UseJournalQueue = true; ...

Is It possible to use WCF(C#) in that environment ? ...

I have several "blackbox" that sends data to determinated IP and PORT, I can´t specify anything else (just IP and PORT)... My server should be listening that PORT and catch information to send to MSMQ... How can I set a WCF server to listening that PORT? Thanks! ...

Can I Redirect mis-addressed message on outgoing MSMQ?

I have a bunch of message on an outgoing MSMQ that have been addressed incorrectly due to a typo. They are stuck on the outgoing queue since the box they have been directed at does not exist. The name of the queue is of the form DIRECT=OS:foo\private$\MyQueue and is in state Waiting to connect and I want to send to DIRECT=OS:bar\...

Need help to decide what is the best solution to tracking system (.NET)

Hello people ! That is my first question around here, my name is Anna! My problem: My client has several personal devices (blackbox with gps) to locate people/car... There are about 12000 people/car using that device... It sends their location to specified IP/Port... I can´t do anything on that side... My job? Devolope a listener to ca...

Implementing a Message Bus architecture

I'm currently doing analysis and design for a new message bus architecture in my company. I have tried MSMQ to do something like this in the past and it works well and was thinking of doing the same thing again for this project but using WCF as the API instead of using the System.Messaging API. Has anyone had experience with MSMQ in WC...

Ordered Delivery with netMSMQbinding

Is it possible to guarantee ordered delivery when using WCF netMSMQbinding? We are putting an insert command followed by a number of update commands on the same queue, and occassionally one of the updates beats the insert. Having added extensive logging it is clear that they are being added to the queue in the correct order and being p...

Permissions error accessing MSMQ from ASP .Net Web Service

I have written a web service that reads from a message queue. This works fine under Cassini. Now that I have deployed the service under IIS, I receive an error message when the service tries to access the queue: The queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation. I have set the anonymous acces...

MSMQ Poison Message Handling

Hello, How would I handle poison messages when not using WCF? The code below creates a loop, and I was curious if MSMQ provided a system to automatically handle poison messages. MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(@".\Private$\My/Queue"); while (true) { using (MessageQueueTransaction _transaction = new MessageQueueTra...

Setting permissions on a MSMQ queue in script

Can anyone give me some pointers on how to set permissions on MSMQ queues in script, preferably PowerShell, but I'd use VBscript ...

Implementing subscriber / publisher system with MSMQ with dynamic endpoints

I'm trying to create a feedback system which all messages get posted to then published back to the correct subsystem. We are using queues quiet heavily and i want to make the subscriber code as clean as possible. I want to switch based off the message id i get into the feedback system and publish to its specific subscriber. i don't want ...

Should MSMQ be installed if we use MSMQ to communicate between applications?

Hello everyone, Should MSMQ be installed through Add/Remove programs in control panel if we use MSMQ in C#? Thanks ...