
Ordered Delivery with netMSMQbinding

Is it possible to guarantee ordered delivery when using WCF netMSMQbinding? We are putting an insert command followed by a number of update commands on the same queue, and occassionally one of the updates beats the insert. Having added extensive logging it is clear that they are being added to the queue in the correct order and being p...

Biztalk Ordered Delivery failure

We have a BizTalk application where the order of messages being inputted is very important and has to be kept, meaning they have to be outputted in the same order. Normally ordered delivery would do the trick here. However I read that ordered delivery is only guaranteed when you connect a receive location directly to a send port. The m...

Biztalk Ordered Delivery direct bound to multiple ports

Hi, another ordered delivery problem. We have an orchestration which is bound to a send port which has ordered delivery true. Another send port also picks up these messages through filtering, this port also has ordered delivery. Now for some reason when there are multiple ports using the message and one of these is directly port bind...

Starting mutliple orchestrations from parent orchestration and passing messages to them

Hello, I have a situation where a main orchestration is responsible for processing a convoy of messages. These messages belong to a set of customers, the orchestration will read the messages as they come in, and for each new customer id it finds, it will spin up a new orchestration that is responsible for processing the messages of a par...