
Multi layer perceptron for OCR

Hi, I intend to use a multi layer perceptron network trained with backpropagation (one hidden layer, inputs served as 8x8 bit matrices containing the B/W pixels from the image). The following questions arise: which type of learning should I use: batch or on-line? how could I estimate the right number of nodes in the hidden layer? I in...

Understanding a multilayer perceptron network

Hi all, I'm trying to understand how to train a multilayer; however, I'm having some trouble figuring out how to determine a suitable network architecture--i.e., number of nodes/neurons in each layer of the network. For a specific task, I have four input sources that can each input one of three states. I guess that would mean four inpu...

What is the 'order' of a perceptron

A few simple marks for those who know the answer. I'm doing revision for exams at the moment and one of the past questions is: What is meant by the order of a perceptron? I can't find any information about this in my lecture notes, and even google seems at a loss. My guess is that the order is the number of layers in a neural net...

Adding a bias neuron to Encog network

Hello, I am porting some C code involving an artificial neural network to Java. I have decided to use the Encog framework. I would like my network to have a bias neuron (which uses weighted synapses and always outputs 1.0) connected to hidden layers and the output layer; they are marked with green in this graph. How can I create such ...