
jquery won't work in multi level dependency?

$(document).ready(function() { $("#ddlprod").change(function() { var pk= $("#ddlprod").val(); $.ajax({ url: "ajaxprintdropdown.php", type: "POST", data: 'pk='+pk, timeout: 5000, success: function(output) { $('#divtesting').show...

[C#] Read XML and add it to a listView with multi columns

hi all, how can i add subItems into my listView with 3 columns? it only adds items to the first column //Read XML private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Xml.XmlDocument loadDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); loadDoc.Load(Application.StartupPath + "\\Computers.xml"); foreach ...

Design ideas for multi-select items from a long list

hello I'm developing a system in which I need to select, from a long list os customers, some to which an specific (batch) action will be executed. For example, I want to select "John", "Peter" and "Steve" and click the "delete" button. No more than 5 customers will be selected. The problem is that, since there're more than 500 customer...

Multithreading in PHP

Hi all, I am trying to create a multi threaded PHP application right now. I have read lots of paper that explains how to create multi threading. All of those examples are built on diving the processes on different worker PHP files. Actualy that is also what I am trying to do but there is a problem :) There are too many jobs even to ...

MutliKeyMap implementation

Hello, I need to implement a MultiKeyMap, where I can have 2 keys and a value. I was looking to Apache collections MultiKeyMap, but I'm not sure if it is the best one. My problem is that I need to use this MultiKeyMap in a Web environment, and the Apache implementation is not thread safe (and Collections.synchronizedMap(..) doesn't wor...

Loading large multi-sample audio files into memory for playback - how to avoid temporary freezing

I am writing an application needs to use large audio multi-samples, usually around 50 mb in size. One file contains approximately 80 individual short sound recordings, which can get played back by my application at any time. For this reason all the audio data gets loaded into memory for quick access. However, when loading one of these f...

Out of memory with multi images in one picturebox

Hi, ive problem with out of memory when im trying load few images into one picturebox. Pls Help :) public void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog(); dialog.ShowDialog(); string selected = dialog.SelectedPath; string[] imageFileList = Dir...

Redirect to a specific url depending upon the base url using htaccess file

I am using htaccess to redirect to url with page description. For example RewriteRule ^Flash$ /index.php?section=flash [L,NC] By using this code when i hot it redirects me to section=flash. This works fine. But now what i want to have two more site with the same htaccess file. So can an...

multithreading and sever.execute

hi folks, I have this scenerio where i have to get some records, enumerate them, and send emails to the customers using a new thread in the appliction. Here is the code. foreach (BookingDetail b in bookings) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); context.Server.("Emails/FeedbackEmail.aspx?BookingDetailI...

curl multiple requests cookie issue

I'm using curl multi API for multiple curl requests. first I'm using a single request to login to a site and save the cookie file. then I'm using the curl multi API to get some data from that site. The problem I'm facing is that from some reason the cookie file does not get read and I'm redirecting to the main login page. I must say t...

How to open multiple encrypted database adobe air?

I need to open multiple encrypted database by using one sql connection. I use "attach" method for attach the database with opened connection. But it throws the error.“Error #3125: Unable to open the database file.” even I gave the valid encryption key. Please gave some ideas. Thanks in advance. ...

iPhone - Track three touches

Suppose you have three points of contact on the iPhone screen and one of those touches moves... The touchesMoved method will be invoked and the [[event touchesForView:self] count] will be equal to '3' because there are three touches for the event, but how can you distinguish between the touches? For example - find out whether it was th... Reading from ListViews with Multiple Columns

Alright. So I was able to find out how to read from the first column but I need to read from both of them. I am using full row select which I need on there. Here is the code I am using to get it for the first column. Dim I As Integer For I = 0 To ListView1.SelectedItems.Count - 1 MsgBox(ListView1.SelectedItems(I).Text) Next ...

Execute multiple command lines with the same process using C#

Hi according to my last question here I try to write a sql Editor or some thing like this,in this way I try to connect to CMD from C# and execute my command. now my problem is for example I connect to SQLPLUS after that I cant get SQLPLUS command,and the other resource I review don't satisfy me.Please help me how after I connected to Sql...

Multiple NT service owned by the same program in Delphi

I'm looking for Delphi sample code to develope a Win32 Windows service which can be installed many times (with different Name). The idea is to have 1 exe and 1 registry key with 1 subkey for every service to be installed. I use the exe to install/run many service, every service take his parameter from his registry subkey. Does anyone ha...

Testcase with multitouch on Android?

The TouchUtils class in the android documentation has functions like drag(),%20float,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20int) but they do not support multi touch gestures, like a two finger swipe. Looking at the MotionEven...

Multi-Tier Application in .NET

Hello, I am still learning .NET framework and I want to implement multi-tier application just for practice. I was wondering what is the best way to achieve that. My goal is to make application for hospitals. What is my question? Is it good idea to implement multithreaded server that accepts client requests via sockets. Worker threads...

Run a external program with specified max running time

I want to execute an external program in each thread of a multi-threaded python program. Let's say max running time is set to 1 second. If started process completes within 1 second, main program capture its output for further processing. If it doesn't finishes in 1 second, main program just terminate it and start another new process. H...

Finding the root directory of a multi module maven reactor project

I want to use the maven-dependency-plugin to copy EAR-files from all sub-modules of my multi-module project to a directory that is relative to the root directory of the entire project. That is, my layout looks similar to this, names changed: to-deploy/ my-project/ ear-module-a/ ear-module-b/ more-modules-1/ ear-modu...

Managing access to several identical resources using semaphores

I need to come up with a "ResourceManager" C# class that will create "n" threads (one for HW resource) and hand them to clients so they can use it. Each client is running on a separate thread and will make a blocking call like Resource resource = ResourceManager.GetResource() If there are no available resources after certain timeOut, i...