
'System.Windows.Data.MultiBinding' is not a valid value for property 'Text'.

I'm trying to write a custom MarkupExtension that allows me to use my own mechanisms for defining a binding, however when I attempt to return a MultiBinding from my MarkupExtension I get the above exception. I have: <TextBlock Text="{my:CustomMarkup ...}" /> CustomMarkup returns a MultiBinding, but apparently Text doesn't like being ...

Problem with validation and multibinding

Hi, In my WPF application I use the following xaml: ... <TextBox services:TextBoxService.IsFocused="{Binding Path=IsSelected, Mode=OneWay}" FocusVisualStyle="{x:Null}"> <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource mconv_operableToString}" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"> <Binding Path...

WPF MultiBinding - UnsetValue Issue

I have a TextBlock. When its Text is bound as: <Binding Path="Applicant2.Surname"/> It works fine, however I want to include the Forenames so changed the binding to: <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1}"> <Binding Path="Applicant2.Forenames"/> <Binding Path="Applicant2.Surname"/> </MultiBinding> This displays {DependencyPr...

Targeting Custom Property with Multi Bindings in Silverlight

I'm trying to use WPF MultiBinding to target a custom property I defined on my UserControl. I'm not having any luck. All of the examples that I've seen target built-in .Net properties (Text, ItemSource, IsEnabled). I'm wondering if you can target a custom property. Please help. /// public partial class ActivityStatusDisplay : User...

WPF corelating Multibindings and Converter's values[]

My XAML is as follows <Button.IsEnabled > <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource IsEnabledConverter}" > <Binding Path="aaa"/> <Binding Path="bbb"/> <Binding Path="ccc"/> <Binding Path="ddd"/> <Binding Path="eee"/> <Binding Path="fff"/> <Binding Path="ggg"/> <Binding P...

WPF Compact this XAML which assigns static string to binding

There may not be any practical use of what I want to do, but just to satisfy my curiosity can we compact the 2nd binding in the following XAML into 1 line <TextBlock> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource MyConverter}"> <Binding Source="{StaticResource One}"></Binding> <Binding> ...

Databinding to the value of a multiBinding

Maybe I am not quite grasping multibindings. I have a property on my viewmodel called OfficeDisplayName that is written to the database. This is a concatenated field based on a person's FirstName, Lastname, and office location. So I have a multibinding on a beautifully...but how do I bind the full value ...

Why does Multibinding have NotifyOnTargetUpdated but no TargetUpdated property

I've run into a problem where the TargetUpdated event seemed like it would be perfect. Unfortunately it looks like Multibinding does not have a TargetUpdated property. Is there some way to still set this up or do I need to find another solution entirely. Heres some code to help Heres the binding... <RotateTransform x:Name="LeftNeedle"...

TreeView Multibinding with multiple classes

I was reading this post StackOverFlowPost but I think I need more than that. Here is my situation. I am trying to fill a TreeView with items from a class with two different types ObservableCollection's. Here is the class definition: public class User : INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged...

Binding a Property of an object in Item (row) to a DataGridCell Property in WPF DataGrid

Using Release WPF DataGrid I am trying to bind to the property of a CellViewModel (that supports INotifyPropertyChanged of course). I am binding the DataGrid's ItemsSource to an ObservableCollection of type RowViewModel (which is inherited from Dr.WPF's ObservableDictonary) of type CellViewModel and I want bind to a property of a CellVie...

treeview Multibinding in wpf

I want to bind a treeview to a class like this one: public class Folder : Base_FileFolder { public Folder() { Folders = new ObservableCollection<Folder>(); Files = new ObservableCollection<File>(); } public ObservableCollection<Folder> Folders { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<File> Files { ge...

Multibinding Multiselection ListView

OK I have a weird one here. What I am trying to figure out is how to have one listview, populated by an ObservableCollection, update another ListView, populated by another ObservableCollection, based on the first listview's selection and then use a valueconverter to check or uncheck a checkbox based on the selection combined with the cur...

Binding WPF control to multiple sources (not traditional multibinding)

I am trying to do some databinding magic. I have a Shipments view that lists shipments, and provides filtering and ordering ability on the list. The filter string box, Delivery Status filters (checkboxes) and Ordering Radiobuttons are databound to properties in the ViewModel. I want to add the ability to save state and I have elected ...

2 Properties in One Binding?

Can I combine 2 elements in one biding? <Canvas> <Ellipse Fill="Black" x:Name="dot1" Width="16" Height="16" Canvas.Left="124" Canvas.Top="133"/> <Ellipse Fill="Black" x:Name="dot2" Width="16" Height="16" Canvas.Left="221" Canvas.Top="40"/> <Line Stroke="Black" x:Name="line1" X1="{Binding ElementName=dot1, Path=(Ca...

WPF - Elegant way of disabling and enabling different controls based on different states of the Model using MVVM

Hey guys, I am looking for an elegant solution for the following problem. Let's assume we have a (View)Model with the following boolean properties: Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Next I have 5 controls on the surface that shall only be visible when a condition based on those properties are met. Of course, as soon as one of those properties...

Using Multibinding.StringFormat in codebehind

I have this application that has dynamic language switching built in. Based on the selected Culture, strings throughout the application will change. Translated strings and their original values come out of resource files. I use bindings to attach the resource values to buttons, labels, etc. Most of this binding occurs in the code beh...