
Writing a reliable, totally-ordered multicast system in Python

I have to write a reliable, totally-ordered multicast system from scratch in Python. I can't use any external libraries. I'm allowed to use a central sequencer. There seems to be two immediate approaches: write an efficient system, attaching a unique id to each multicasted message, having the sequencer multicast sequence numbers for ...

Is it possible to start a custom thread in an IIS hosted C++ application?

Hi all We host a C++ based WebServices application in IIS and we're finding that when we try to start our own C++ threads IIS has a fit and crashes. The threads are based on boost.thread which clearly dribbles down to the standard Windows threading API underneath. The reason I need to start the thread is to listen for multicasts fro...

Objective-C - Determining IP address of iPod touch programmatically

I'm programming in objective-C for several iPod devices and I was wondering about something. I'm developing an application that utilizes the server-client model and I'm using the UDP protocol with C sockets. Is there a class out there that allows me to determine the iPod devices IP address? After googling around other forums, I haven't f...

As a developer, do I need to fully understand multicasting protocols such as IGMP, PIM-DM and PIM-SM?

We utilise multicasting in our application to efficiently broadcast updates to clients connected to middle-tier(s). I'm continually asked by network engineers about "how our multicasting works" and what multicast protocols it supports. I'm puzzled by these type of questions, in that as far as I'm concerned, our client processes simply ...

multicast ip address - blocked in call to recvfrom

i am writing a simple multicast application. i intend to run it on localhost. i have done the following: char *maddr; . . . sendfd = socket(...); struct sockaddr_in sasend; sasend.sin_family = AF_INET; sasend.sin_port = htonl(portno); inet_ntop(maddr, &(sasend.sin_addr.s_addr)); struct sockaddr_in sarecv; memcpy(&sarecv, &sasend); ...

multicasting on linux

i am testing a simple multicast application on linux. i got it working on my pc by doing the following: disabling the firewall running the command route add -net netmask dev eth0 if you are interested in the details, see this post why are these two steps required? is there an alternative. i am testing the code o...

Could not be performed exception using a socket to do a UDP Multicast

When running a C# app I created on XP it runs just fine, but under Windows 7, I get the following error: "An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full" I am doing the following: socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolTy...

protection points in survivable mutlicast network

I am working on a project on survivable multicasting.I want to propose a hybrid scheme(protection and restoration) for that purpose.Can anyone help me with an approach to decide protection points in a multicast tree??(The protection points will be those points upto which there will be an alternate path from the multicast source(protectio...

MultiCast Messages to multiple clients on the same machine

Im trying to write a server/service that broadcasts a message on the lan ever second or so, Kind of like a service discovery. The message needs to be received by multiple client programs that could be on the same machine or different machines. But there could be more than one program on each machine running at the same time...

UDP Multicast over the internet?

I'm not sure how best to approach my problem. I have a service with runs on a remote machine with receives and process UDP packets. I want the service to be able to re-send these packets to anyone that happens to want them (could be no-one, will typically be one machine, but may be more) I figured UDP Multicasting would be ideal - the s...

How to Send a structure using sendto()

I have created structure : struct buffer { string ProjectName ; string ProjectID ; } buffer buf; buf.ProjectID = "212"; buf.ProjectName = "MyProj"; Now to send this structure using sendto method , I am typecasting the strucure and sending it back as below: char *sendbuf = (char*)&buf; sentbytes = sendto(sock,sendbuf,strlen(s...

receive multicast from specific network interface on Linux

Hello, I'm trying to receive a multicast data from specific network interface on CentOS 5.5 sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(1234); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); bind(sd, (sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); setsockopt(sd...