
PHP: Merge 2 Multidimensional Arrays

I need to merge 2 multidimensional arrays together to create a new array. The 2 arrays are created from $_POST and $_FILES and I need them to be associated with each other. Array #1 Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 123 [1] => "Title #1" [2] => "Name #1" ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 124 ...

How do I determine whether or not a particluar Key Combination is already in a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL associative array in PHP?

To simplify this posed question, assume that each cell has a Row Name and a Column name that properly maps you to the appropriate cell. I'm looping through DB records and creating a location for certain fields in a 2D array that I'll be returning to the caller. My question is how can I tell if a cell already exists at array[rownName][col...

How does C allocate data items in a multidimensional array?

I'd like to find out how C will allocate a the data items of a multidimensional array, and if their allocation is consistent across machines. I know that, at the lowest level, the data items are neighbours, but I don't know how they're arranged further up. For example, if I allocate a 3D array as int threeD[10][5][6], can I assume that...

Declaring char[][512]?

I have an C++ SDK that requires a char[][512] as a parameter. I know that this is supposed to be a list of file names and the number of files could vary. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to declare this. I have an array of CStrings and I am trying to copy them over using strcpy_s and then pass them into the SDK. Any idea on how...

Converting multidimensional arrays to pointers in c++

I have a program that looks like the following: double[4][4] startMatrix; double[4][4] inverseMatrix; initialize(startMatrix) //this puts the information I want in startMatrix I now want to calculate the inverse of startMatrix and put it into inverseMatrix. I have a library function for this purpose whose prototype is the following: ...

Recursively creating a multi-dimensional array in PHP

Hi guys, I am trying to figure out the best way to write a PHP function that will recursively build a multi-dimensional array with an unknown number of sublevels from a mysql table. Its purpose is to create a data structure which can be looped through to create a navigation menu on a website, with each menu item possibly having a submen...

PHP: Sort Multidimensional Array with Different Depth per element by Field

Hey, i have have got an array of the complexe sort to store my navigation (which is supposed to be changed by the user afterwards). I do not want to have the script only work with 3 levels of depth so I am looking for a nice and good way to sort this array by the position field. $nav[1]=array( 'name'=>'home', 'position'=>'2', ...

PHP5: Adding stuff into a multidimensional array given a location of any length?

// given following array: $data = array( 0=>array( "data"=>"object1", "col"=>array( 0=>array( "data"=>"object2", "col"=>array( 0=>array( "data"=>"object3", ), 1=>array( "data"=>"object4", ), ) ), 1=>array( "data"=...

Separate multi dimensional array

Hello! I have a multi dimensional array in PHP. $f = array('one' => array(*doesntmatter*), two => array()); When I want to use it, I only want one of the arrays. (one or two or three etc) So I want to slice it into (in this case) two seperate arrays, like this: $one = array(**); $two = array(**); Can I solve this with a default fu...

PHP - Stepping through multi-dimensional array by key

I have a SOAP result set that the nuSoap extension has turned into a nice array for me. I'm sure I could scratch out some long way of looping it for what I want - but it seems there must be a faster way to just loop through the specific data elements. Here is the array: Array ( [xxxResult] => Array ( [NewDataSet] => Arra...

mutidimensional array from javascript/jquery to ruby/sinatra

Hi, how do I pass a 2-dimensional array from javascript to ruby, please? I have this on client side: function send_data() { var testdata = { "1": { "name": "client_1", "note": "bigboy" }, "2": { "name": "client_2", "note": "smallboy" } } consol...

Javascript Multi-level array of JSON objects - how to access key-value pair in second level or higher

Consider the following array of JSON objects: myList = [ {title:"Parent1", children:[{childname:"Child11"}, {childname:"Child12"}], cars:[{carname:"Car11"}, {carname:"Car12"}] }, {title:"Parent2", children:[{childname:"Child21"}, {childname:"Chil...

PHP Multidimensional Array Sum/Erase Problem

Hi, I have an array that looks like the following: The format: [Person#] => Array ( [Bank#] => Balance . . [Bank#] => Balance ) The Array: [1] => Array ( [0] => 707 //Person #1 has 707 balance in Bank #0 [1] => 472 //Person #1 has 472 balance in Bank #1 ) [2] => Arra...

Is it possible to iterate over a multi-dimensional array in smarty?

Can someone provide a simple demo? I can't seem to get my head around the smarty syntax for iterating over an array that looks like the one below. I want to get at values at all levels. Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 0 [name] => 12312 [sub24] => Array ( ...

Array to XML -- Rails

I have a multi-dimensional array that I'd like to use for building an xml output. The array is storing a csv import. Where people[0][...] are the column names that will become the xml tags, and the people[...>0][...] are the values. For instance, array contains: people[0][0] => first-name people[0][1] => last-name people[1][0] => Bob p...

Displaying a Multidimensional Array in a Bar Graph (in JavaScript)?

Hey Is it possible for someone to give me a few pointers on how to display a multidimensional array in the form of a bar graph? The array is multidimensional, with three elements in each part - and the elements are determined by a HTML form. So if it is possible to display this kind of array in the form of a bar graph in Javascript on...

Create Multi-Dimensional Array With Algorithm Using Data in Single-Dimensional Array

I have an single-dimensional array of PHP objects. Each object has two attributes, one attribute is the object's unique ID and the other is the unique ID of another object in the array that is its parent. For example: array(3) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#1 (2) { ["ID"]=> int(1) ["parentID"]=> int(0) } [1]=> object...

Fastest way to read a file line by line with an arbitrary number of characters in each

Ok, I'm trying to figure out which way would be faster to read a text file that I'm working with. The contents of the file look like this 1982 3923 3542 4343 2344 3453 2 334 423423 32432 23423 They're basically just an arbitrary number of int numbers and I need to read line by line. Would it be better to use getline or the insertion ...

Writing Multidemisional Array jQuery

Hi, Good Day!... I would like to ask on how to write Multidimensional Array in jQuery ? its oky if its in basic syntax, im still new to jQuery. ...

Remove all sub arrays for multidimensional array in PHP.

What is a simple mode, in PHP, to remove all the sub arrays of a multidimensional array? What I want is to remove all the sub arrays but the top one... Thanks, titel ...