
Returning from a multimap search with equal_range without being error-prone

I'm about to refactor some duplicated code. Two functions both search in a multimap using equal_range(). In a for loop after the call to equal_range() there is a for loop that sets an iterator to equalRange.first with the condition it != equalRange.second. If the correct value is found, the two functions differ. What I would like to do...

Multimap with HashMultiset for values

Hi, I'm trying to have a (hash-based) Multimap with a (hash-based) Multiset of values for each key. See the example: Multimap<Object, Object> mmap = Multimaps.newMultimap( Maps.<Object, Collection<Object>>newHashMap(), new Supplier<Collection<Object>>() { public Collection<Object> get() { return HashMultiset.create(); ...

Many-value map in Scala

In Scala 2.8, I have an immutable map with multiple values for each key: Map[T,Iterable[U]] Is there a superior representation? Secondly, how would you generate such a map from Iterable[(T,U)] ? I am presently using: def toGroupedMap[T,U](vals: Iterable[(T,U)]): Map[T,Iterable[U]] = vals.groupBy(_._1).map({ case (s,it) => (s,it....

Scriptaculous Slider handle doesn't move when slider is above a multimap.

I have a Scriptaculous Slider showing in a modal-dialog window above a Multimap. The problem that I'm having is that on this page the slider handle doesn't move if you try to drag it. If I click on the slider track, the handle correctly jumps to that point and you can then use the handle to drag correctly. Clicking on the handle success...

Insert 2 Variables into a C++ STL Multimap

Hello all, I'm having some trouble trying to read in a file that consists of two columns. The first column is a document ID # (int) and the second (separated by whitespace) is the word itself (string). What I'm doing is reading it into a vector, then going through the vector and using even/odd mod, assigning the respective variables thei...

In R, how to transform a matrix wtih 2 columns into a multimap like structure

Hi, I am wondering if there is a way to transform a matrix of 2 column into a multimap or list of list. The first column of the matrix is an id (with possibly duplicated entries) and the 2nd column is some value. For example, if I have to following matrix m<-matrix(c(1,2,1,3,2,4), c(3,2)) i would like to transform it into the follo...

Multimap erase doesn't work

following code doesn't work with input: 2 7 add Elly 0888424242 add Elly 0883666666 queryname Elly querynum 0883266642 querynum 0888424242 delnum 0883666666 queryname Elly 3 add Kriss 42 add Elly 42 querynum 42 Why my erase doesn't work? #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<map> #include <string> using namespace std; void ...

Is there a sorted java collection which handles duplicates?

I need a collection that behaves something like C++ multimap, but I also need to be able to get elements by a range of keys. ...

Terminology: If I remove all but one value sharing a key from a MultiMap, what have I done?

Suppose that I have a multimap (which maps multiple values to a single key), and then I decide that I need to remove all but the first/last/predicate-matching value for all keys. After this operation, I have a traditional map (which maps a single value to a single key). Is there a word that describes this operation? The best I've come...

C++ Map Question

Hi. I'm working on my C++ assignment about soccer and I encountered a problem with map. My problem that I encountered is that when I stored 2 or more "midfielders" as the key, even the cout data shows different, but when I do a multiplication on the 2nd ->second value, it "adds up" the first ->second value and multiply with it. E.g. J...

multiset & multimap - What's the point?

As the question states ... i don't get the point about multisets / multimaps. So, what's the purpose? ...

Google Maps API vs Multimap/Bing Maps API

I want to know if anyone who has experience of using both the Google Maps API and the Multimap API can give a good reason as to why one is better than the other - or maybe a list of pros and cons? I will be working on a complete re-development of a site which currently uses the Multimap (Classic) API and want to consider the possibility...

How to create a Multimap<K,V> from a Map<K, Collection<V>> ?

I didn't find such a multimap construction... When i want to do this, I iterate over the map, and populate the multimap. Is there an other way ?? final Map<String, Collection<String>> map = ImmutableMap.<String, Collection<String>>of( "1", Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "c")); System.out.println(Multimaps.forMap(map)); final ...

Multimap containing pairs?

Is it possible for a multimap to contain within it pairs? IE, rather then being defined as multimap<char,int> for instance, it would be defined as multimap<pair, pair>? How would this multimap then be sorted? Also, how would one access the individual contents of each pair? ...

C++ case declaration?

I am trying to adapt a digital electronics problem to a C++ STL based program. Originally I have 4 inputs C1, C2, C3, C4. This means I have a total of 16 combinations: 0000 0001 . . . 1111 I have a multimap defined by typedef std::pair<int, int> au_pair; //vertices typedef std::pair<int, int> acq_pair; //ch qlty typedef std::multim...

multimap accumulate values

I have a multimap defined by typedef std::pair<int, int> comp_buf_pair; //pair<comp_t, dij> typedef std::pair<int, comp_buf_pair> node_buf_pair; typedef std::multimap<int, comp_buf_pair> buf_map; //key=PE, value = pair<comp_t, dij> typedef buf_map::iterator It_buf; int summ (int x, int y) {return x+y;} int total_buf_size = 0; std::c...

C++ case multimap

I have a multimap defined by typedef std::pair<int, int> au_pair; //vertices typedef std::pair<int, int> acq_pair; //ch qlty specified by C typedef std::multimap<int, acq_pair> au_map; typedef au_map::iterator It_au; The no. of simulations depend on the size of the au_map. For eg: if the au_map.size() = 5 I will have C1, C2, C3, C4, C...

assign values to selective items using STL multimap

typedef std::pair<int, bool> acq_pair; //edge, channel_quality typedef std::pair<int, acq_pair> ac_pair; typedef std::multimap<int, acq_pair> ac_map; typedef ac_map::iterator It_acq; int bits = acq_map.size(); std::cout << "bits = " << bits << std::endl; std::vector<std::vector<bool> > c_flags (1 << bits); for (i = 0; i < c_flags.siz...

C++ defining two multimaps causes program to crash

This is utterly mystifying me. I have, in my class declaration, two lines: std::multimap<int, int> commands; std::multimap<std::string, std::string> config; The code compiles without issue, but when I run it, I get the following error: *** glibc detected *** ./antares: free(): invalid pointer: 0xb5ac1b64 *** Seems simple enough, ex...

using boost multi_index_container to preserve insertion order

I initially started out using a std::multimap to store many values with the same key, but then I discovered that it doesn't preserve the insertion order among values with the same key. This answer claims it can be done with boost::multi_index::multi_index_container, but gives no example. Looking through the docs, there are no examples ...