
Return Multiple Results in Linq2Sql without a stored procedure?

Hi folks, i would like to return two record sets from a simple database table with one Linq2Sql query. I know how to do it if this was using Linq2Sql calling a stored procedure, but I don't want to use a stored procedure. Is it possible to do it? I've found an article here that has a suggested solution, but i hate the idea of having ...

NHibernate handling mutliple resultsets from a sp call

I'm using a stored procedure to handle search on my site, it includes full text searching, relevance and paging. I also wanted it to return the total number of results that would have been returned, had paging not being there. So I've now got my SP returning 2 select statements, the search and just SELECT @totalResults. Is there any way...

Multiple results for one field in a joined SQL query

I'm not sure if this is possible from with a SQL query, but I'll give it a go. I'm developing a SharePoint web part in C# that connects to a SQL database and runs a query, then databinds that result set to a gridview. It's working fine, but I have a small snag. For the most part, my query will return exactly one result for every field. ...

MVC2 One Async Call, Multiple Async Updates...

I have an operation on my Page that then requires 3 long (few seconds each) operations to be performed in series. After each operation is performed though, I would like the controller to return a partial view and have the page update with a status (keeps the user informed, I find that if people know that stuff is happening they worry le...

StoredProcedure returning multiple resultset Sql To Linq using designer

I want to get multiple resultsets from a storedProc using sql to linq. I was not able to generate it from designer so I wrote below code in designer.cs file. But whenever I add something to designer, it refreshes the designer with the markup in .dbml file and hence it removes the below code every time I add something. I have to copy it e...

How can I ignore first results from a function in Lua ?

Lua functions can return multiple results : a, b, c = unpack({'one', 'two', 'three'}) If I'm not interested in the third return value, I can choose to ignore it when calling the function : a, b = unpack({'one', 'two', 'three'}) Is there a similar way to ignore the X first elements when calling the function ? I could write this cod...