
iPhone Development - Complex application using multiple views/xib/nib

Hey all, I'm new to iPhone development, and multiple views (xib or nib) are really confusing me. This is what i'm trying to achieve... View with Tab Bar (Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3) Tab 2 View (Navigation Controller) 2.1 Selecting Table Row will show a View with cell details 2.2 Add button on the navigation bar will show a series of view int...

opengles view switching problem

Hi I´m trying to make simple game using OpenGLES. I have two EAGLViews(menu and game view). Each view has its own viewController. Initializing of the views is done by initWithNIBName method of the viewController. And when I want to show the view, I simply use addSubview method of the main window. The game view is initialized only once ...

MVC: does anyone know a multi view design for MVC?

I have a system that need two representations of the same model, and for simplicity i want to use one model, and not keep multiple models - because than my system will suffer from translation errors (the models will not be compatible) that might cause the system to be faulty. Does anyone know a good design practice for that problem? ...

Switch between OpenGL ES View and UIKit View controllers

Hello everyone, this is my question. I'm developing a game on iPhone with OpenGL ES. I began my development using the Xcode template OpenGL ES Application, with one EAGLView, etc. My menu view and game view use the same OGL view but now I want to add score ranking so I need a keyboard and a text field to write name, and some labels or ...

Tabbar Nav app, allowing one view to rotate while others do not

Hello, I have a tab bar application in which i have 3 diffrent views each with there own view controller. In the tab bar code i have this, to handle rotation. #import "RotatingTabBarController.h" @implementation RotatingTabBarController // Override to allow orientations other than the default portrait orientation. - (BOOL)sh...

On iOS with OpenGLES how to have multiple views ?

On iOS if I want to overlay two views and then blend from one scene to another. E.g.: From menu of a game to the actual game. Have menu first, then on click ("start game") load game view and have a nice blend/transform from the menu to the game stage. This is not a specific question for blending but on how to handle multiple views in...

Use UIImage in another View

Hello community, I have implemented an CoverFlow with a button below. When i tap the button the App jump to the second view, and the picture that is active in the coverflow should be on the nex View: Here is the viewDidLoad of my CoverFlowViewController.m: - (IBAction)goToChart { [rootViewController switchViews]; } // Implement vi...