
What is a good way to do multi-row updates in struts (with struts live)?

Without using DynaForm and it's kin. I would like to use a POJO data transfer object, e.g., Person: public class Person { private Long id; private String firstName; private String lastName; // ... getters / setters for the fields } In the struts live action form we would have: public class PersonUpdateForm extends SLActi...

Can't I use "DECLARE" in table function ?

Thanks for your message I solved my problem like this ALTER FUNCTION [VEZNE].[fnMakbuzIslemGetir] ( @refNo as int ) RETURNS @tablename TABLE (kontrol1 char(1),key0 numeric(18,0) ,tarih datetime ,hizkod char(12),hizad char(75),ytlhizfiyat decimal(18,2) ,hizmiktar numeric(18,2),ytlhiztutar decim...

Centering Text within a Multirow Cell in LaTex

This is probably best explained with an example. I have the following table, where the "A" cell spans two rows, and the "B" cell spans two columns. \begin{table}[htdp] \begin{tabular}{l|r|r} \multirow{2}{*}{A} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{B} \\ & B1 & B2 \\ a & b1 & b2 \\ a & b1 & b2 \\ \end{tabular} \end{table} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |A ...

Rowcolor on a multirow tabular in LaTeX

So I tried learning LaTeX last night, and I trying to get this template for school assignments done ASAP. Part of that requires building a table. I want to use multirow, but need the multirows, that are acting like headings, to be colored gray. This is what I created so far from the almighty Google. % My Simple Table Example \docume...

Multirow insert into statement in MS Access

Hi, I'm an SQL newbie and trying to figure out how to insert multiple table entries in one SQL statement. Here is my code: INSERT INTO [Students](P_Id,FirstName,LastName,class,city,Phone) SELECT 123,'Avi','Davis',2,'Tel-Mond','03-456789' UNION SELECT 234, 'Dani',2,'Dimona',' 02-111' UNION SELECT 345,'Itzik',3,'Ariel', '03-2222' UNION ...

LaTex: Is it possible to vertically center multiple columns in a table?

I've found an example here but that only centers one column and I can't really adapt it to my needs. What I'd like is something like this: ...

Latex: how to break the line in multirow inside the tabular

Hi all, I cannot find out how to break the line inside the multirow in tabular. I need to make some table where I have one cell which is two row high, and I have long text in it, but it does not break the line and text is overlapping another cell on the left side. Any suggestions? Sample of code: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{...