
Updating list with partial results of the search run in another thread

I have a WPF form with ListView (resultsList) and I have a static method Fetcher, which returns results of the search for some information over the webpage with pagination (all pages at once, or one return for each page). It is done using WebClient so fetching 40 sites takes about 2 minutes. I don't want to appear the results immediately...

Multithreading for a Newbie

I've been working on the same project now since Christmas. I've been asked to take it from a Console Application (which just prints out trace statements), to a full Windows App. Sure, that's fine. The only thing is there are parts of the App that can take several minutes to almost an hour to run. I need to multithread it to show the ...

When should we use Java's Thread over Executor?

Executor seems like a clean abstraction. When would you want to use Thread directly rather than rely on the more robust executor? ...

Objective-C / Cocoa equivilant of C# ManualResetEvent

Is there an equivalent of the .NET ManualResetEvent class available for use in Objective-C / Cocoa? ...

Volatile equivalent in VB.NET

What is the VB.NET keyword equivalent of C# "volatile"? If there is no keyword what mechanism is the equivalent? ...

Can I call static methods on a static class instance from a Worker thread?

I am using a System.Threading.ThreadPool to manage a queue of jobs from a service. I have already implemented logging like this... abstract class Global { public static LogFile LogFile = null; } public class LogFile : IDisposable { private StreamWriter sw; public LogFile(string path){} public void WriteEntry(string logT...

What Are Threads (What is a Thread)?

Hi, I'm always confused about thread concepts. I didn't get a chance to use those concepts in a real environment so far. It will be helpful if some one clear me about threads or point me to some good tutorials. Thanks in advance ...

completionservice: how to kill all threads and return result through 5 seconds?

Hello. I have some problem with CompletionService. My task: to parse parallely for about 300 html pages, i need to wait for all the results only for 5 seconds, then - return the result to main code. I`ve decided to use CompletionService + Callable for this. The question is how to stop all threads, that were caused by CompletionService a...

How to Convert Address to Function Pointer to Call Method

Hi, I wanted to call Test1() Method Within WaitAndCallFunc() Function. Code: typedef void (*func)(); void StartTimer(void* pFuncAddr); void WaitAndCallFunc(void* pPtr); void WaitAndCallFunc(void* pPtr) { int i = 0; int nWaitTime = 3; while(1) { Sleep(1000); // I want pPtr to call Test1 Function; if(i =...

C++ runtime debugging (diagnostic strategies and constructs)

I'm planning to add extensive diagnostics into my software. Right now I'm thinking about overall strategy of how to do this, because adding such code simply ad hoc can result in serious mess. Do you have any experience in this? I want to monitor: How intensively objects from selected subset are created. How intensively selected metho...

Top tips for multithreading (Windows platform)

What are the tips you would offer to somebody who is developing a multithreaded application? The only ones I can think of are: Where it is avoidable, do not have multiple threads writing to the same data structure. Where this cannot be avoided, have critical sections so that the latecoming thread will wait until is complete. Avoid hav...

Alternatives to explicit stacks in RTOS-removal excercise?

In an embedded application programmed on C on ARM7 (with portability requirements), currently using a commercial priority-based preemptive RTOS, we need to remove that RTOS and any RTOS dependency per customer mandate. We have 8 tasks using many HW interfaces, sleep statements, I2C communications. As it is, the SW makes good use of RTOS ...

Threadsafe Vector class for C++

Does anyone know a quick and dirty threadsafe vector class for c++? I am multithreading some code, and I believe the problem I have is related to the way the vectors are used. I plan to rewrite the code, but before I go crazy redoing the code, I would like to test it with a threadsafe vector to be sure. I also figure if such a thing i...

GUI not responding while fetching data

My application often fetch data from a webpage using WebRequest, but it isn't possible to click buttons etc while it's fetching. I've understood that I have to use threads/a backgroundworker, but I can't get it to work properly; it doesn't make the GUI more respondable. The code I want to apply some kind of threading on, so that it sto...

Killing thread instantly in Java

Is it possible to kill a Java thread without raising an exception in it? This is just for testing purposes - I want to simulate a case when the entire computer dies mid-thread. Note - I saw a deprecated Thread.destroy() method, but the documentation says it never got implemented in the first place. ...

Programmatic deadlock detection in java

How can I programmatically detect that a deadlock has occurred in a Java program? ...

Deadlock in java

can anyone post a java code that ends up in deadlock?? ...

How can i query the number of cores avaiable?

Possible Duplicate: Programmatically find the number of cores on a machine I have a 3d game, and I am rebuilding its engine from scratch. The new incarnation uses multi-threading to take advantage of multiple cores. Does anyone know of a cross-platform(linux/win/mac) solution for querying the number of available cores? ...

c# app to take in excel document, and list all pivot tables on each sheet and refresh in its own thread. (faster refresh using multi threading)

Is it possible to create an multi threaded application, The lists all the pivot tables in an excel document, And fires a new thread to refresh each pivot table. Currently a applicatoin.refreshall takes 3hrs. I also do not think that vba code can be mulithreaded. Any ideas welcome ...

Thread safety in ASP.Net MVC

I suspect this applies to general ASP.Net too but I am not sure. If I have an action method on a Controller, say MyController.DoSomethingExciting and three clients hit it at "the same time", is it intrinsically thread safe, or do I need to do something to ensure that the three concurrent calls don't interact with each other? ...