
Loading subviews with MVP.

I have been playing around with the MVP pattern using winforms for the last couple of days, there is only really one thing that I'm not sure how to do. How do you create a subform from another view. Would this be a valid option. public class MyForm : IMainFormView { private MainFormPresenter pres; public MyForm() ...

Is there any MVP template for Visual Studio

like the MVC Framework provided by MS to create folder structure? ...

Are there any MVP Frameworks projects out there?

MVC is used a number of popular frameworks. To name just a few, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, Monorail, Spring MVC. Are there any equivalent frameworks using any variant of MVP? Most of the examples I've found online seem to be custom implementations of the pattern rather than reusable frameworks. Suggestions need not be specific to an...

Supervising Controller Pattern Understanding

I'm trying to use the Supervising Controller pattern in a simple web application. My view is a sign up form and has many fields for a user to input (Think several pages of gmail sign up) This data will populate an entity, and this entity is processed when the user has submitted it. For Example: public interface ICreateAccountView { ...

Complex Supervising Controller examples for winforms

Sorry if this has already been asked before but I couldn't find any help. I was wondering if anyone had any good examples of complex winforms created using the supervising controller MVP pattern. I have read a lot of examples but they are really only simple and only deal with having one form and one model. What I am looking for is a...

MVP pattern with Javascript framework?

Has anyone been able to implement the MVP model with any javascript frameworks? I'm having trouble figuring out how to have the presenter -> view inversion from server code to javascript. I have some ideas, but kind of hackish and would like to see what others are doing. ...

Is it normal to have a long list of arguments in the constructor of a Presenter class?

Warning acronym overload approaching!!! I'm doing TDD and DDD with an MVP passive view pattern and DI. I'm finding myself adding dependency after dependency to the constructor of my presenter class as I write each new test. Most are domain objects. I'm using factories for dependency injection though I will likely be moving to an IoC cont...

technology agnostic presenters - widgets

I'm experimenting with using widget interfaces and manual data binding to how it impacts using MVP in a .net application which uses more than one ui technology (ie, wpf, web, winforms). My broad question is to anyone who has experience doing something similar with their presenters: 1) is it worth the effort 2) do you have any referenc...

MVP : other constructor's parameters than view and model ?

Hi all, I'm experimenting with implementing a lightweight mvp framework with Delphi 2009. Views are passive but supports databinding (via an interface property). I'm facing a dilemna: I've several very similar views/presenter/model triad, ie : order form and a customer form = behavior and logic is the same but the datasource for data...

Is MVC/MVP with Winforms an anti-pattern?

I have seen some developers attempting to shoehorn the MVC or MVP patterns into Winforms applications, presumably on the premise that, if it's good for WPF and ASP.NET, then it must be good for Winforms. Is this a good idea, or is it lipstick on a pig? Why or why not? ...

How do I attach a UserControl to a form in an MVP pattern?

I'm trying to create a kind of master/detail UI using an MVP pattern. I have the usual suspects: interface IMainView{} class MainView: Form, IMainView{} interface IMainPresenter{} class MainPresenter{} // Numerous domain objects I also have a UserControl which is also a View of its own MVP triad: interface ISubView{} class SubView:...

Benefits of MVC over MVP

Possible Duplicates: What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference? mvc and mvp pattern Folks, What are some of the benefits of using MVC over MVP? I like that I don't have to use a framework for MVP and can be implemented via interfaces and classes. I still get the separation of concerns that MVC has and I get unit testi...

Why are tab headers displayed in the content area of tabs in a XAML TabControl?

I've got a TabControl whose ItemsSource is bound to an observable collection of views (UserControls) each which have as its root element a TabItem. However, when it is displayed, the Header text is in content of each TabItem, as if UserControl wrapper is causing conflicts: The TabControl is in SmartFormView.xaml: <UserControl x:Class...

Why can't I call a method in my View's code-behind from the view's presenter?

This is the code-behind of my view: using System.Windows.Controls; namespace TestBoundTabControl.Views { public partial class SmartFormView : UserControl { public SmartFormView() { InitializeComponent(); } public void BeforeLoad() { MainTabControl.SelectedIndex = ...

What's your recommendation for architecting GWT applications? MVC, MVP or custom messaging solution?

Hello, I just started a new GWT project for a client and I'm interested in hearing people's experience with various GWT MVC architectures. On a recent project, I used both GXT MVC, as well as a custom messaging solution (based on Appcelerator's MQ). GXT MVC worked OK, but it seemed like overkill for GWT and was hard to make work with br...

How can I access my View elements via x:Name from my Presenter?

My presenter defines its own view: public SmartFormPresenter(SmartFormView view) { View = view; View.DataContext = this; } In the view I have an element with x:Name="MainTabControl": <DockPanel LastChildFill="True"> <TabControl x:Name="MainTabControl" DockPanel.Dock="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding SmartFormAreaPresenters}"> ...

What is the syntax to define view/presenter pairs in XAML?

Why is that when I define a view with data context in this way: <views:MessageView DataContext="{x:Type presenters:MessagePresenter}"/> that my MessagePresenter does not run its constructor? What is the syntax to define view/presenter pairs like this in XAML? ...

Moq with WinForms MVP Pattern - Failing Test

Hi all - I'm learning TDD and the MVP pattern. I've created a simple WinForms app that's like a replacement for the TOAD SQL tool. I'm trying to go back and write tests now for the code I've already written (which I know isn't the correct process for TDD, but please bear with me). In my test class for the form, I want to test the conc...

Looking for Great Example Java Application in MVC or MVP

I'm going to be delivering a presentation to my company regarding MVC, MVP and MVVM patterns, test-driven development, and ORM solutions. I'm a .Net programmer and have found the NerdDinner application to be a nice example app to illustrate MVC, TDD and ORM. Is there a good example app in the Java world to demonstrate MVC or MVP with J...

MVC or MVP? Which design pattern makes the most sense?

Which do you guys prefer? I've been looking into both and there definitely seems to be some inconsistency in what people call them. I will try and jot down what the differences are and you can correct me if I'm wrong. MVC Model holds references to it's own observers (Views), on updates to the model it notifies observers. Views pass a...