
MVVM Foundation vs MVVM Toolkit

Can someone explain the differences between the MVVM Foundation and the MVVM Toolkit? They seem to have a lot in common. ...

Using MVVM Foundation Messenger to Show Dialog

I'm building a WPF app and trying to conform to MVVM best practices. I'm using the MVVM Foundation framework and noticed the Messenger class, which I've read should be used for handling dialogs in WPF. This sounds great, but I'm totally not understanding how to use a Messenger for this purpose. Literally, all I want to do is open a modal...

MVVM ViewModel to View Messaging

MVVM question. Messaging between ViewModel and View, how is it best implemented? The application has some points of “user communication” such as: “You have entered comments for this selection. Do you wish to save or discard” when the value of a Yes/No/NA selection changes. So I need some proscribed way of the View binding to the ViewM...

Query on MVVM pattern in WPF?

I am implementing a MVVM pattern in my WPF application. My application main window is divided into four parts: Main Menu On the Top Outlook Navigation Control on the Left. A List View on the Middle. Another List view on the bottom. The Navigation control shows different setting (configuration) controls in the Tab items. All the fo...

Please suggest me the ( Interaction model of view model) MVVM design in the simple scenario discussed in the subject/

Data Layer I have an Order class as an entity. This Order entity is my model object. Order can be different types, let it be A B C D Also Order class may have common properties like Name, Time of creation, etc. Also based on the order type there are different fields that are not common. View Layer The view contains the followi...

How to pass EventArgument information from view to view model in WPF?

I have ListView control in my application which is binded to the collection of CustomObject List<CustomObject>. The CustomObject has seperate view. This ListView has seperate view model. The collection List _customobject is containted in the ListView ViewModel class. My Query: I want to invoke a view that show properties of custom ob...

Creating a clickable image in WPF

I want to make a user control that shows an image and can invoke a command when clicked. Later I want to bind a list of these controls to a list of products. ...

How can I make the Visual Studio debugger more useful when using the MVVM Foundation Messenger?

I've been generally very pleased with the MVVM Foundation Messenger, but I've noticed that when a messenger call causes an exception, the Visual Studio debugger doesn't ever seem to take me to the line of code that caused the exception (instead, it jumps to the method in the Messenger class that invoked the action). This forces me to do ...

MVVM Foundation: How to close Application Window from ViewModel

I am using MVVM Foundation but I think its quite straight-forward and not really framework specific. My setup is as follows: StartViewModel - has a ExitCommand that returns a RelayCommand/ICommand public ICommand ExitCommand { get { return _exitCommand ?? (_exitCommand = new RelayCommand(() => MessageBox.Show("Hello World"))); } }...

MVVM Foundation: Why return ICommand when its defined as RelayCommand

i am using the SampleModel project from MVVM Foundation.Why is ICommand returned when _decrementCommand is declared as RelayCommand. I know RelayCommand inherits ICommand but won't is be clearer to just return a RelayCommand? public ICommand DecrementCommand { get { return _decrementCommand ?? (_decrementCommand = new RelayCommand(...

MVVM Foundation: Assertion Failed Error: Invalid Property Name

i am just getting started with MVVM Foundation. I am getting my codes below: StartViewModel class StartViewModel : ObservableObject { public StartViewModel() { _counter = 0; } public ICommand IncrementCommand { get { return _incrementCommand ?? (_incrementCommand = new RelayCommand(() => ++Counter)...

Using MVVM Foundation Messenger to Show Dialog

i have read the other question here on StackOverflow. I understand how to create messages between ViewModels/Objects. But I dont get how can i actually display a dialog. Can I see some code samples implementing this? ...

What MVVM framework is Good For?

Hi. i know some Mvvm Frameworks that introduced in this thread please describe or give me link for that what are them useful for? not information about MVVM about MVVM Framework. thanks :) i want to know : What Is MVVM Framework? ...

Showing Dialogs in MVVM & Setting dialog options

I am just wondering is this the way to show dialogs in MVVM? public ICommand OpenFileCommand { get { if (_openFileCommand == null) { _openFileCommand = new RelayCommand(delegate { var strArr = DialogsViewModel.GetOpenFileDialog("Open a file ...", "Text files|*.txt | All Files|*.*")...

C#: Extending from more than 1 class

Suppose I have a ViewModel TabViewModel that Extends ObservableObject the class for ViewModels in the MVVM Foundation Framework. Then I also have a EditorTabViewModel that extends TabViewModel, Now I need to extend DependencyObject to implement DependencyProperties. I cannot extend more than 1 class. How might I implement this? I could h...

Double click event in MVVM Foundation

I've seen several methods for handling this across several libraries but I wanted to know what is the best way to do this, specifically, with MVVM Foundation. I'm trying to capture double click for list item. Thanks! ...