
why when setting <ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentViewModel}" i get the ToString() of the ViewModel name?

Hi , I'm using mvvm-light. i;m trying to create an application with one side command button and the other side place holder for views. when i try to create the view by command i get the ToString name of the ViewModel. For Example : LU.ViewModel.ChannelsViewModel What i'm missing? here is my code: mainWindow New Channel <...

How to close a UserControl View in mvvm-light?

Hi, I've craeted a sample with mainView and 2 other views (usercontrols). I've placed a button "close" on the child view and i want to close that view. there is a command attached to that button, and when close is pressed i ask the ViewModelLocator to clean it. BUt- the view still being displayed.. What i'm doing wrong? How can i clos...

Ideal place to compose parts when using MEF + MVVM light toolkit?

Now that I'm working on my newer application that uses MEF with the MVVM light toolkit, I've run into a case where I can't load specific plugins because they rely on a part that isn't getting exported. That part isn't getting exported because it's a View, and the View isn't resolved with MEF (yet). It seems that every time I play with ...

Wpf popups or modal windows as user entry screens?

I am building an application which has multiple user entry screens. I would like to know if there are advantages/disadvantages of using wpf popups rather than modal windows? I am using mvvm-light. I have noticed that popups are being used extensively in touch applications (eg iPad). ...

Setting a Visual State from a data bound enum in WPF

Hey all, I've got a scenario where I want to switch the visiblity of 4 different content controls. The visual states I have set opacity, and collapsed based on each given state (See code.) What I'd like to do is have the visual state bound to a property of my View Model of type Enum. I tried using DataStateBehavior, but it requires tr...

Visual Studio 2010 error: Type universe cannot resolve assembly

I've loaded a WPF project initially created in Visual Studio 2008 into Visual Studio 2010. The conversion process goes smoothly, but on certain XAML files the VS2010 designer throws several errors related to project references, including this one: System.Reflection.Adds.UnresolvedAssemblyException Type universe cannot resolve as...

Update observable collection by requerying or adding to collection?

I have a observable collection exposed as a property within a view model. The observable collection is loaded with objects from a data access layer (linq2sql). When a new item is added to the database through another view model what is the best way to update the observable collection? Should I repopulate the observable collection with a...

Proper way in MVVM to drive visual states.

Given a content presenter that can display one of 4 different application pages, and I want to fade/otherwise animate a transition between pages based on view model state. Ideally I'd like to have these all defined within a DataTemplate, and then trigger transitions based on an enum from the view model, so that when some enum representi...

Unblocking a DLL on a company machine. How ?

I am trying to test out MVVMLight but the DLLs that come with it are BLOCKED. I have read about it and I am told to click the UNBLOCK in the file property.. but that doesnt exist for me.. Then I found out of a program called STREAMS that is suppose to unblock.. that didnt work... any other idea how to fix this? Error 7 Could not loa...

MVVM-Light Locator Pattern and Reusable UserControl

I have an existing Silverlight 4 application that I am attempting to convert to use the locator pattern and the MVVM-Light library. My understanding is that the MvvmLocator class keeps a reference to each view model and allows you to bind the DataContext of each view to an appropriate ViewModel in the locator. My application uses a nav...

Silverlight 4 DataGrid LoadingRow event using MVVM-Light EventToCommand not firing?

I'm using the MVVM-Light EventToCommand to try and implement a pre-fetching mechanism from my ViewModel, using the sample code for EventToCommand that's posted on the MVVM Light codeplex site. Unfortunately the command doesn't seem to fire, even though the MouseMove event which I used as my model does fire fine. Am I missing somethin...

Where to place the timer in a mvvm project that polls a feed

I have a MVVM project that polls a feed every 10 seconds to see for updates. The result from the feed is displayed using a ObervableCollection. This works nice, but Im unsure as to where I can put my dispatchedtimer. Should it be in the Model.DataService or in the ViewModel.MainViewModel? thanks ...

Missing System.Windows.Interactivity in Silverlight 4 - mvvm light tutorial

Hi, I'm trying to follow this MVVM Light Toolkit V3 Alpha 2: EventToCommand behavior tutorial. I'm using vs2010 with silverlight 4. I dont have expression blend. The tutorial states that In addition, you need the System.Windows.Interactivity.dll I don't seem to have this: I can't see this when I try to add a reference. Anyone k...

Multiple views in project

I want to create a project that contains 2 views and 2 viewmodels. One of the views will display persons that i get from a feed and the other will display the weather which I also receive from a feed. Now in my viewmodellocator constructor I have static ViewModelLocator() { Container = new UnityContainer(); ...

Global static resources in a WPF class library?

In a WPF application, you can put your global static resources in app.xaml .. like <Application.Resources> <!--Global View Model Locator--> <vm:ViewModelLocator x:Key="Locator" d:IsDataSource="True" /> </Application.Resources> That was from MVVM Light ;). Now, if your project is a wpf ...

MVVM Light Messaging

In terms of communicating different messages within an app would a good idea be to create a class for each message type? Some of my messages will need a reference a model object. For example DoThisMessageType: Messenger.Default.Send<DoThisMessageType>(_doThisMessageType); Messenger.Default.Register<DoThisMessageType>(this, delegate(Do...

Add EventToCommand to each Row in xaml

Is there a way to add a DoubleClickEvent to each Row in xaml rather than using the event of the datagridcontrol? Something like this (this code does not work): <UserControl xmlns:i="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Interactivity;assembly=System.Windows.Interactivity" xmlns:cmd="clr-namespace:GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command;a...

IMessenger.Send Missing Overload That Accepts a Token

Not sure if this was a design decision but IMessenger.Send seems to be missing overload that accepts a token ...

Mvvm-Light Silverlight, using EventToCommand with a Combobox

I've hooked up a ComboBox's SelectedItemChangeEvent to a ICommand in my view model. Everything seems to be working fine however I do not know how to get the SelectedItem of the ComboxBox. I think I need to use the CommandParameter of the EventToCommand - do I bind this to something in my ViewModel that has the selectedItem of the ComboBo...

MVVM Light requires a reference to System.Windows in my ViewModel?

My goal was to enable the ViewModel to tell the View to present a MessageBox and ask the user a question. I didn't want the ViewModel to have any reference to Windows-specific code. I take the time to download and install MVVM Light Toolkit. Now I find that even with the toolkit, it is necessary for my ViewModel to reference System.Win...