Add Your Own Custom Namespace to the My Namespace in VB.Net
I know how to add methods to the MY namesapce, but what I'd like to do is create my own namespaces. For example. My.Nation.State.City.Restraunt or whatever. ...
I know how to add methods to the MY namesapce, but what I'd like to do is create my own namespaces. For example. My.Nation.State.City.Restraunt or whatever. ...
I have no intention of using "My" for anything in any of my projects. I haven't done anything with it (that I know of). But every one of class libraries shows a "My" namespace in Reflector and NDepend. This adds a lot of unnecessary clutter. 1) Why does it show up? 2) How can I remove it? ...
Our Winform app consists of a Main.exe and a Launcher.exe. The purpose of the Launcher app is to check for updated versions of the Main.exe. If it finds no updates it launches Main.exe using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start If it finds an update, it copies the new Main.exe into position and launches Main.exe the same way (in this case ...