
Coverting a TMyQuery dataset to TClientDataSet in Delphi

Hi I make use of the Mydac components by devart (corelab) to access MySql from Delphi (2006) Very often I need to work with data in a TClientDataSet What is the best way to convert the dataset of a TMyQuery to TClientDataSet Currently I am using var MyQuery : TMyQuery; Dsp : TDataSetProvider; Cds : TClientDataS...

Delphi 2009, MyDAC and relational database

Hello everyone! I have quite a problem concerning the use of relational database concepts in Delphi 2009 with MyDAC. I have a database structure that looks somehow like the following: Item id name Storage id name StorageItem id item_id storage_id place Now when I have an active dataset from "Item" how can I disp...

Using multithreading for making queries in Delphi

I've been recently applying threads for making queries to a MYSQL database, I use MyDAC for connection to DB, 'cause TMyConnection doesnot let making simultaneously queries per a connection, I create a new connection and a new query object per every thread executing a query, so in certain time could happens that server has several connec...

Experience with direct data access components

I would like to know as to what has been the experience of using direct data access components like devart's MyDAC which allows a direct connection to the mysql server rather than through the client library or ODBC. ...

documentation, pointers on TMyTable.Open in MyDAC

I am learning Devart's mydac Data Access Components and I have few question I have not been able to resolve through online searches and the documentations. In the code examples, I see invocation of TMyTable.Open but I could not find the description in TMyTable class or its inheritance path. I would like to as if anyone can point me to th...

Return value of stored functions in MyDAC

I am working with Devart's MyDac and MySQL Server 5.0.41. Here is a section from the documentation on executing stored procedures with TMyConnection.ExecProc: Note: Stored functions unlike stored procedures return result values that are obtained internally through the RESULT parameter. You will no longer have to provide anonymous va...