
Coverting a TMyQuery dataset to TClientDataSet in Delphi

Hi I make use of the Mydac components by devart (corelab) to access MySql from Delphi (2006) Very often I need to work with data in a TClientDataSet What is the best way to convert the dataset of a TMyQuery to TClientDataSet Currently I am using var MyQuery : TMyQuery; Dsp : TDataSetProvider; Cds : TClientDataS...

Are there any .NET data providers for Oracle that do not require the Oracle Client to be installed?

I am developing a rich client application that will use the Entity Framework (with DevArt's DotConnect for Oracle) to connect to a central Oracle database. However, I have found that this scenario requires every client machine to have the Oracle client installed in order to connect to the Oracle 10g server. Is there an easy way around ...

Can you include linq-to-sql changes and ADO.NET dataset table adapter updates in a single transaction?

Here are the relevant technologies that I'm working with: Devart's dot Connect for Oracle (to facilitate Linq-to-Sql for Oracle). Strongly Typed ADO.NET Datasets. An Oracle database. Here's the challenge: My legacy code submits database updates with ADO.NET datasets and table adapters. I'd like to begin converting that code over to...

DevArt's dotConnect for Oracle vs DataDirect's ADO.NET data provider

Has anybody done a comparative analysis of dotConnect for Oracle from DevArt and the ADO.NET data provider from DataDirect. We are thinking of using the Entity Framework support available in these frameworks for a critical enterprise application. Some articles that I read suggest the following: DevArt dotConnect is much faster as comp...

Devart Oracle provider direct mode issues with parametrized queries

Hey, I'm having some bizarre issues with parametrized queries in direct mode. Basically if I perform an insert on a table that already contains a unique row I get an insert exception which is expected. After the insert exception I use this same connection to grab the info for which data is already locked down to report the user (I know...

DevArt MySQL components connecting to MySQL with Shared Memory protocol

Has anybody had success with connecting to MySQL using the Shared Memory protocol via the DevArt components? (in .NET) If so, how did you do it, what is the connection string? And what other gotcha's are there? Note I have the sever started fine with... mysqld --skip-networking --shared_memory=1 --shared-memory-base-name='MyName' an...

How to Install DBMonitor

This is probably a really simple question, but here it is. I just renewed my license for the DevArt DBExpress driver for Firebird. The help file says I can use their freeware DBMonitor application with it but since I am using D2006, I have to use these instructions: "If you are Delphi Pro version user, then you don't have TSQLMonitor ...

OUTER APPLY is not supported by MySQL

I am using Entity Framework with MySQL. The following query results an error: var foobar = ctx.ArticleBase.OfType<ActicleSpecial>().Include("CreatedBy.Image.Location").ToList(); Error: "OUTER APPLY is not supported by MySQL" I also get the "CROSS APPLY is not supported by MySQL" on a little different query. I have the following datam...

Entity Framework - Why does EF use LEFT OUTER JOIN's in a 1-to-1 relationship?

Why does .NET Entity Framework produce SQL that uses a subquery and left outer join on a simple 1-to-1 relationship? I expected to see a simple join on the two tables. I'm using Devart Dotconnect for Oracle. Any ideas? Below is the output I see courtesy of the EFTracingProvider: SELECT 1 AS C1, "Join1".USER_ID1 AS USER_ID, ... FROM "M...

Linq to Entities and LEFT OUTER JOIN issue with MANY:1 relations

Can somebody tell me, why does Linq to Entities translate many to 1 relationships to left outer join instead of inner join? Because there's referential constraint on DB itself that ensures there's a record in the right table, so inner join should be used instead (and it would work much faster) If relation was many to 0..1 left outer joi...

Can we control LINQ expression order with Skip(), Take() and OrderBy()

I'm using LINQ to Entities to display paged results. But I'm having issues with the combination of Skip(), Take() and OrderBy() calls. Everything works fine, except that OrderBy() is assigned too late. It's executed after result set has been cut down by Skip() and Take(). So each page of results has items in order. But ordering is done...

Using VCL for the web (intraweb) as a trick for adding web interface to a legacy non-tiered (2 tiers) Delphi win32 application does make sense?

My team is maintaining a huge Client Server win32 Delphi application. It is a client/server application (Thick client) that uses DevArt (SDAC) components to connect to SQL Server. The business logic is often "trapped" in Component's event handlers, anyway with some degree of refactoring it is doable to move the business logic in common ...

Issue with Updating Changes in LINQ

I'm having an issue with updating the database. The app shows the updated value, but the database does not. No errors returned. My table has a PK. Using DotConnect for Oracle, but the LINQ syntax is the same. namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { DataCon...

How to dynamically group a list depending on role in mvc.

Here is my scenario: We would like to have a page listing donors, depending on the user viewing the page we would like to group by the donor's giving level, or just their sort name. The twist that is throwing me is that we would like to group the Anonomous Donors and give a count based on the grouping. In my controller I have [Http...

Delphi: How to get the query that is passed to the server when parameters are used

I have a query with parameters inside a Devart TMSQuery.SQL. Something like select * from customers where customer = :CustomerID in code I do // Delphi sqlcustomer.ParamByName('CustomerID').asinteger := 4;; I want to debug and see the exact sql command sent to the server, if I try to use TMSQuery.sql I just have th...

Suggestions for caching a dataset

I'd like to perform the following: 1) Open a dataset (using TMSQuery, SDAC DevArt component) 2) caching the content to disk (imagine a list of cutsomers) 3) the next time I need to Open the dataset I will first populate it with cached data, then I will just Refresh it by calling TMSQuery.RefreshQuick method. In this way I plan to ob...

How to access the search text in a TCRDBGrid component?

Is there a way to access the text entered in a Devart (Core Lab) TCRDBGrid search bar? I tried implementing the OnKeyDown event but the event didn't happen during entry in the search fields, only when the grid itself was selected. There are no other events that look relevant. The text appears to go into a TEdit which is part of a TCRGr...