
Getting ClassCastException with JSF 1.2 Custom Component and BEA 10.3

Im getting a ClassCastException if i use Attributes in my Custom Headline Tag. Without Attributes rendering works fine. Calling <t:headline value="test" /> gives a ClassCastException even before a Method in my HeadlineComponent or HeadlineTag-Class is called. <t:headline /> works fine. I'm using MyFaces-1.2, on BEA 10.3 default.jsp ...

problem on representing label of component in validation message in jsf

hi i am working on multilingual web application and i want to show label of components in validation message instead of client-id <h:outputLabel styleClass="default largest" value="#{text['']}" id="testLabel" for="testInput"/> <t:inputText id="testInput" forceId="true" label="#{text['']}" value="#{test}" autocomplete=...

JSF (Myfaces) converter resource bundle messages

Hi, does anyone know where I can get a list of the converters used by JSF so I can set a custom message for them in the resource bundle? ...

How to prepopulate repeating h:selectOneMenu?

Modifying working form with one spot per order to multiple spots per order I met problems with prepopulating h:selectOneMenu. Exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value binding '#{spot.deliveryTypes}'of UISelectItems with component-path {Component-Path : [Class: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /order.jsp][Class: java...

Error with JSF a4j + tomahawk + myfaces: Resources framework is not initialised, check web.xml for Filter configuration

I am trying to use <a4j:commandLink> in my JSP and I get the following error that I don't understand at all: Exception while calling encodeBegin on component : { Component-Path : [Class: org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot,ViewId: /pages/clienteAM.jsp] [Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: clientesForm] [Class: jav...

How can I determine what constitutes valid nesting of tags in Apache Trinidad Faces?

I have a complex application that contains a mix of JSF and Apache MyFaces. In any case, I'm getting a runtime ServletException about a ConvertNumberTag () that's invalidly-nested (currently, it's under a tr:outputText tag). Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to tell what is valid and invalid nesting. The Apache MyFaces site doesn't...

No factories configured while using Jetty 7 embedded + Myfaces 1.2

I am using an embedded version of jetty 7 to load a web application using Apache MyFaces 1.2 in a junit 4 test class on the advice from another thread. While running the test i get this error. java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Factories configured for this Application. This happens if the faces-initialization does not work at all - m...

How to handle Code Error 500 in Richfaces

Hello, I'm using Richfaces 3.2.2 and need to show the user the 500 error page when there is Exception. The issue is that when I use ajax event I can't show the user the 500 error when there is an Exception. I've already defined the error page on web.xml. Excuse My English. Any suggestion please ? ...

Tomahawk tree2 component spacing

Is there any way to change left-margins for the nodes? Tree2 renders those margins with columns such as: <td height="100%" width="19" style=""><img height="18" border="0" width="19" src="/vwwinner/faces/myFacesExtensionResource/org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.MyFacesResourceLoader/12806587/tree2.HtmlTreeRenderer/images/spacer.gif...

Populating a page from Data table in modal panel

I'm trying to get some data from a datatable in rich:modal panel The whole flow is as follows When clicking on search button on main page, a modal panel pops up with appropriate data & check box Till this point the application is working fine After clicking on ok button, selected data should be populated into main page. This is wher...

MyFaces Tomahawk JSCookMenu - failure to navigate to page defined by action in faces-config

This is my first attempt at using JSCookMenu and its homepage ( has been down for more than a week, so forgive me if the answer to my question should appear on there. I have a simple web app, stripped down in order to test JSCookMenu's action forwarding to a new JSF page. I have an admin page with...

How can I perform partial reloading within a Tobago Sheet? (Java)

I am using JSF MyFaces 1.1 and Tobago 1.0.27. Now I would like to create a sheet with partial reloading. I know that I need to know the ID of the specific control within my sheet, which has to be reloaded if for example a button is clicked. The problem is, that this ID contains the row number of the current row within the sheet. How can ...

JSF - How do I force an application-scoped bean to instantiate at application startup?

I can't seem to find a way to force an application-scoped managed bean to be instantiated/initialized when the web app is started. It seems that application-scoped beans get lazy-instantiated the first time the bean is accessed, not when the web app is started up. For my web app this happens when the first user opens a page in the web ap...

jsf form not executing action because comboboxes

Hello, executing this form the action is not executed, but if I comment the combo boxes the action is executed without any problem, so I assume my spring webflow is ok. The combo boxes are populated with the correct data without any problem so I suppose the problem is in the jsf template. Code: <%@ include file="/jsp/taglibs.jsp"%> <...

JSF - How can I format my global messages in <h:messages> in a visually appealing way?

I'm not too familiar with using the <h:messages> element in JSF. What I'm trying to do is use it to display a list of global messages of varying severity that are generated by a method in my backing bean. Getting the messages into the FacesContext isn't too much of a problem, and my code is along these lines: FacesMessage message; Faces...

Is it possible to run MyFaces as OSGi Bundle with Equinox?

Hi all, i try to run JSF (MyFaces) Application as OSGi Bundle (Spring DM and Equinox).Is it possible at all? Are there any web resources with some examples? Thanx in advance ...

Jsf form action

Hi! I have simple JSF form: <html xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:t="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:f=""&gt; <ui:composition template="layout.jsp"> <ui:define name="title">Редактирование шаблона<...

@PostConstruct Annotation and JSF

Hello; I have a problem on my project implemented on JSF 1.2 (MyFaces 1.2.6) and integrated Spring. The problem is about @PostConstruct annotation. It is executed but I see that it is executed before managed properties are populated. First I suspect about managed properties taken from Spring context so I tried a simple integer manage...

JSF - How to determine the current JSP page from inside backing bean action method

I have a JSF application containing two JSP pages that both display some of the same data from a session-scoped container object. Each page displays the data differently, each in a data table that varies between pages. This all works properly so far. My problem is that I have been cheating a bit with how I figure out what page was req...