
How do I get the MyGeneration Xsd3b data types to work

I am using MyGeneration with the Xsd3b plugin. I am trying to generate some CSLA 3.5 C# classes from an Xsd3b XML file that I extracted from my SQL Server database. The template language exposes a number of fileds for each column, including a DbTargetType and a LanguageType. My problem is that the DbTargetType and LanguageType ...

MyGeneration command line input

I have looked all over the internet, mygenteration's forum, and mygenteration's website and I cannot figure out how to pass parameters into a template through the command line using the xmldatapath switch. Does anyone know how to do this? --edit-- I did a little research and here is a summary of the format of xml input for MyGeneratio...

MyGeneration Template Creation Tutorials

Just wondering if anyone has some good resources for learning how to create new templates with MyGeneration? I've only found a couple of very basic introductions so far, and the majority of the rest of the documentation appears to be about generating code with the existing templates. I'm looking to write some templates of my own to bet...

DataLayer of a new Application: MyGeneration and/or Entity-Framework

The platform is ASP.Net 3.5sp1, with an Oracle db. We've considered both MyGeneration and Entity Framework for time and convenience in the DataLayer (and maybe some base classes in the Business Layer). My questions are: 1) Any pros and cons of using Entity Framework vs MyGeneration? 2) Any thoughts on using MyGeneration to generate...

myGeneration problem with OraOleDB.Oracle provider (?)

I can't make myGeneration tool to work correctly. This is the connection string that I use: Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=pass123;User ID=user1;Data Source=oradb1src;Persist Security Info=True And when I click on Test connection I get: [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException] - ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name [orad...

Mygeneration Template Editor

hi all, i used mygeneration to generate my code,it is very helpful but i found that the template editor is awful, and i dont have any substitution. do u have any ideas? or better generator?(no CodeSmith, it is commercial) thanks :) ...

Has anyone suffered any performance issues with CodeSmith or MyGeneration

I am new to both these pieces of software. A colleague of mine recommended these two to me. Just wanted to know if the stored procedure code they produce have any performance problems? I would like to use the software to produce stored procedures only. Anything on these two I should know about? ...

How to avoid 'Unknown' data types when generating code with MyGeneration and Oracle 10?

Hello world. I am attempting to generate a dOOdads business entity using MyGeneration against an Oracle database table. ( ) The class generator appears to have issues detecting the data types. For instance, PHOTOID is VARCHAR2. The class generated con...

How to get list of objects from BusinessEntity using myGeneration?

I used myGeneration in some projects; I noticed that BusinessEntity keeps the result of the query in a DataTable, But what if the developer wants to get the result as List of objects? To solve this, I made the following modification for my own use. public class BusinessEntity { //.... public DataTable TheDataTable { ...

how can i use ORM tool like My Generation?

i downloaded MyGeneration from net. And run. it has got connection string. "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Data Source=localhost " on the other hand; my connection string : Data Source=.\sqlexpress; Initial Catalog=NetTanitimTest; Integrated Security=True if i click save or connect button it throws to me co...

What is the most elegant C# .NET Data Access Layer design?

I would like to konw what is considered the most elegant C# .NET method to produce a Data Access Layer? I am using MyGeneration DooDads. Is this an elegant solution? Is it still acceptable to use the CRUD Stored Procedures + DAL Library for data access with .NET Entity Framework and NHibernate ORM tools? ...

Using MyGeneration, doodads, and Oracle XE, is it possible to implement an "auto number primary key" scheme?

Hello world. Using MyGeneration, doodads, and Oracle XE, is it possible to implement an "auto number primary key" scheme? Problem facts: I am using Oracle XE. I have implemented the following table and trigger: CREATE TABLE "USERS" ( "ID" NUMBER(38,0), "USER_NAME" VARCHAR2(50), "PASSWORD" VARCHAR2(50), "EMAI...

Is it possible to write MyGeneration Templates in F# and how?

I want to write a MyGeneration Template File in F#. I know you can target various languages etc VB.NET and C# however for my own selfish benefit I would like to write it in F#. Anyone one if and how this is possible? ...

Generate code from SPs using codesmith or MyGeneration?

I have CodeSmith and MyGeneration tools. I have SPs in SQL server. I want generate VB.Net code for SPs (not for Tables). Which templates will support for this? Please share if you know any templates that generates code from SP?. ...

Can you recommend a step-by-step tutorial on developing C# Code Templates with MyGeneration?

Hi, Basically the documentation provided in the official web site is not helping me so much to understand how it works. Can you recommend a step-by-step tutorial on developing C# Code Templates with MyGeneration? Thanks ...