
Reference javax.script.ScriptEngine in android or evaluate a javascript expression

Is it possible to reference the javax.script.ScriptEngine library when developing an android application? If not is there anyway possible to evaluate a javascript expression in android? ...

Java 1.5 Script Engine

Since Java 1.6 there is this nice Script Engine Manager which let's i.e. execute JavaScript scripts in run time. Is there something similar in functionality in Java 1.5? ...

[Java > ScriptEngine] Validate JavaScript-Code

Hello, I use Java's ScriptEngine to execute JavaScript Code. I use the Invocable Interface, so that I can use the Script Code as a normal Java Object implementing a Java Interface. If the JavaScript Code is invalid does not follow the interface (missing methods, wrong return type, throws an exception etc.) I get an internal Excepti...

javax.script.ScriptEngine fails at runtime

Any ideas? public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws ScriptException { ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("python"); engine.put("hello_str", ""); engine.eval("for i in range(10):"); engine.eval(" hello_str += str(i)"); Object x = engine.get("hello_str"); Syst...

No module named difflib

I want to execute python code from C# with following code. static void Main(string[] args) { ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine(); ScriptSource source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(@"F:\Script\"); source.Execute(); } I have the problem at line source.Execute(), I got error "N...

Java Scripting Engine importing my classes does not work

A code is worth 1000 words of explaining it :-) package jasim; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager; import javax.script.ScriptException; public class JSTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws ScriptException { ScriptEngine jse = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByExtens...

Is it possible to unstick a remote IIS ASP server after an exception hangs the session?

I have been coding an app in classic ASP that accesses 2 Access databases. I had a page I was working on throw an exception, which is normal during development and causes no lasting problems. This time however, after the exception any attempt to open either of the databases would freeze the session with an infinite script timeout. If ...

javax.script : Creating a class in a script or loading it from another file

Hello, In my script, I want to create a class or load it from an other file. How to do please ?? ...

Can you recommend a step-by-step tutorial on developing C# Code Templates with MyGeneration?

Hi, Basically the documentation provided in the official web site is not helping me so much to understand how it works. Can you recommend a step-by-step tutorial on developing C# Code Templates with MyGeneration? Thanks ...

How to compile IronRuby into a Silverlight Application (XAP) ??

I'm looking to possibly use IronRuby as the primary language for development of a Silverlight 4 application. I know there's the "IronRuby in the Browser" stuff that uses Gestalt, but I would like to build a standard Silverlight Applicatin using IronRuby and XAML that gets compiled into a XAP file, just like you can in C#. Anyone know if...

Qt QScriptEngine and default conversions from Qt Script to C++

I'm trying to convert a QVariantMap to Qt Script object. If I understood correctly it should go something like this: QScriptEngine* engine = new QScriptEngine(); QVariantMap* test = new QVariantMap(); test.insert("testkey", QString("testvalue")); QScriptValue testqs = engine->toScriptValue(test); QString value ="testkey...