I was using mysql++ library and compiling with GCC 3.3.4.
That GCC version had some bugs so I upgraded to GCC 3.4.6.
After upgrading GCC I rebuilt mysql++ and recompiled my program. But now I get a segmentation fault error.
I get the following message:
./mysqlTest: Symbol `_ZTVSt15basic_stringbufIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE'
has dif...
- Installed Mysql Server 2005
- Downloaded Mysql++, built both debug and release version.
- Ran install.hta and selected a directory
- Added library/include directory in MSVC++ 2008
- Included mysql++.h in my application
- Moved .dll files (libMYSQL.dll and mysqlpp.dll and mysqlpp_d.dll) to Debug folder.
Relevant code:
I have write my code using MySQL++ to communicate with the MySQL Embedded Server. at first, I used dynamic link method (use mysqlpp.dll), but it always fail with 1 when do mysql_real_connect(). later i realized that i should not use dll, so i go to use static link method (use mysqlpp.lib) and things goes ok.
I think maybe mysql++ can ad...
I'm trying to use c++ in cgi programs and everything is ok if i don't use mysql. Without mysql my site is generated in about 1-2 ms, but if I add only one variable or function from mysql++ library, site is generated in ~35 ms! (with php it's about 15 - 25 ms all time) I suppose it's a problem with dll loading ( there are two, and mys...
Hi all.
MySQL++ is licensed though LGPL, that means that I could release an executable dynamically linked against it without worrying about the source code not being GPL.
But, MySQL++ DOES link against libmysqlclient{_r}.{a,so} ( http://tangentsoft.net/mysql++/#linkerrors ) which is GPLed.
As seen as then MySQL++ is technically just a '...
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1>c:\sql\mysql 5.0\mysql++-3.0.9\lib\qparms.h(49) : war...
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undefined reference to __imp___ZN7mysqlpp10ConnectionC1Eb
What I am doing wrong?
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I am trying to minimize the dependencies caused by the shared library mysql++. I know it sounds strange; but I am struggling to solve a platform limitation on Slamd64 ( with 32bit compatibility installed ), where it natively doesn't have certain libraries. I am in a situation where I cannot alter the setup of libmysqlclient due to depend...
I want a mysql connection with C++ to my database. I downloaded the files from http://tangentsoft.net/mysql++/
I wasn't able to successfully install it and get the libraries in the c:/mysql++ folder.
Can somebody help / do it for me and upload it :).
I'm compiling a project in XCode where MySQL++ in included and linked to. For some reason, I keep getting the following compiler error:
'assert’ was not declared in this scope
originating from cpool.h, a header file that's part of MySQL++. Does anyone know why this is being triggered?
EDIT: For reference, MySQL++ was installed via M...
Before running "sudo port install mysqlxx +universal", I installed the universal variant of mysql5.
checking whether -lm is needed to use C math functions... no
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I am struggling with the code from few days can anyone help
std::string str=uri_req1.substr(found+1);
char query[2000];
sprintf(query,"Insert into publish VALUES('%s','NO')",str);
I am getting following warnings and value is not inserted in the tables
warning: cannot pass objects of non-POD type ‘struct std::string’
through ‘...’; ca...
How to select a value from a table and store in a variable in my sql++
e.g select name from employee;
write this query in c++ and then store the name in variable e_name
I've read the tutorial at, and I generally get how that works:
I am trying to build this mysql++ code, and I'm getting an error:
std::ostringstream query3;
query3<<"select pipe_id from pipe where version_id='"<<id<<"'";
std::storeQueryResult ares=query3.store();
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\include\result.h(212) : warning C4275: non dll-interface class 'std::_Container_base_aux' used as base for dll-interface class 'std::_Container_base_aux_alloc_real<_Alloc>'
1> with
1> [
1> _Alloc=std::allocator<mysqlpp::Row>
1> ]
1> C:\Program Files\Mi...
mysqlpp::Query acc_query = connection->query("SELECT * FROM accounts;");
The following code produces:
_Gfirst = 0x00c67718 "SELECT * FROM accounts;ээээ««««««««юоюою"
As in Visual Studio debugger. It appears to cause my query to fail with weird results.
Has anyone else encountered it?