NDbUnit MySQL Assembly Version Conflict

I am trying to use NHiberanate with NDbUnit but I cannot as NDbUnit tried to load MySql.Data version and NHibernate tries to load version and I can only reference one of them. Here is the error I get when i try to run NDbUnit Set Up System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version=1.0.1...

MySQl.Data version and VS 2008

I have an odd problem that I just cant figure out. In my VS 2008 project I have added connector net v 6.2.3, with a MySql.Data, Version= etc This is in the referenced web config and machine config correctly Whenever I build or rebuild the project, it puts the version back to 2.2 something, and even overwrites the dll that is in t...

MySQL Forcing a Computed Column to return as 32 Bit

Hello all, I'm running a C#/.NET 3.5 App that uses the MySQL .NET Connector ( to return data from a 64 Bit MySQL Server running on CentOS 5. By and large, this works out pretty well. My problem is when I execute queries (procedures mostly) that contain SQL Like this: SELECT AS ID ,COUNT(t.item) AS Ite...