
Getting XML Schema from MS SQL Database

Is it possible to generate a XML Schema of a Database programatically with .Net and C#? I want to look into NDbUnit but for big databases it would not really be feasible to make a Schema manually? EDIT: Question wasn't clear. ...

Problem with loading xml data into ndbunit

Hi, I am having problem loading the testdata.xml into ndbunit, I followed http://code.google.com/p/ndbunit/wiki/QuickStartGuide, but the test data is not loaded when I run my unit test in NUnit. Is there any gotcha that I am not aware of ? ...

Using NDbUnit with tables that have a table schema

I am having issues using NDbUnit with tables that have their own schema - ie: CREATE TABLE MYSCHEMA.MyTable01 ( Id int NOT NULL, Description varchar(50) NOT NULL ) Is this a supported scenario? What do I need to do to get this to work? (working fine when the table is dbo.MyTable01) ...

Unit testing using NDBUnit framework

Am writing unit tests for an app that has matured a lot with time..We are using NDBUnit as the test cases become independent of each other..while we started the development of this app the DB schema was pretty manageable and hence dragging and dropping the tables on VS designer to create an XSD was never an issue. Well, with my current D...

Giving GUID for data using NDBUnit

I am using NDBUbit to load data from XML file.Right now,I am manually giving GUID for each record(our primary key for all tables is unique-identifier) in the xml file.But,I wonder if there is a better way to do this? ...

NDbUnit MySQL Assembly Version Conflict

I am trying to use NHiberanate with NDbUnit but I cannot as NDbUnit tried to load MySql.Data version and NHibernate tries to load version and I can only reference one of them. Here is the error I get when i try to run NDbUnit Set Up System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version=1.0.1...

XSD generation from a SQL Server database using schemas

I'm willing to use NDbUnit on a SQL Server database which uses schemas. I have to generate the XSD schema from the database. Visual Studio has a tool to do that, but Visual Studio 2005 doesn't include the schema information in the generated XSD. Therefore, NDbUnit fails because the generated SQL queries do not match the database. Worse...

Problem with computed column with NDBUnit

Hi, I am loading data for tests in tables using xml and ndbunit.But,for a table having computed column,I am having problem.I get this error The column "xyz" cannot be modified because it is either a computed column or is the result of a UNION operator. I have modified the INSERT and UPDATE commands(removed the computed column) of sql...