
Cassandra or Hadoop Hive or MYSQL?

Hey. I am Developing a Web Crawler,Which is Good for storing data? Cassandra or Hadoop Hive or MySQL?and why?i am having 1TB of Data from past 6 Months in my MySQL DB,i need to index them and i need to get the out put in my search ASAP,and as i think,it will store more amount of DATA,like 10 Peta Byes as my crawler are working fast,i nee...

Accesing XAMPP MySql Database from Another Computer

Hi, So a friend of mine and I are using both xampp on ubuntu, if that helps, to connect between each other's website, We both created the same php file to connect, so we use de IP of the other, but then it says an error Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'coke-laptop.local' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL ...

Can't connect to database using my recently added user in MySQL

I'm trying to add a new user to a mysql database. The original state of the file looks like this (which works): $dconex=mysql_connect("","abong1","XXXXXX"); mysql_select_db("abong1",$dconex); I'm trying to add this line in between the mysql_select_db: $dconex=mysql_connect("","abong1_abongler","XXXXXXXX"...

SQL Error 1630: Function SUBSTRING does not exist.. huh??

Right. So I've created a stored procedure in a MySQL DB which happens to use SUBSTRING. Running the procedure via a query gives me: SQL Error 1630: Function mydatabase.SUBSTRING does not exist Beg your pardon? ...

Each array value gets stored into database | PHP

How can I get this array to have a row per value, e.g. array('item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4'); I want them to be stored a row each seperately, not into one row. ...

query mysql: Select from timestamp

I want to SELECT all the rows from the table that correspond to a specific date. I have the timestamp stored in the pattern 2010-08-18 04:43:00. How can I query the table if I want to select all the rows that fall within a day's time? One way I can think of is get the day's timestamp, convert it into Unix timestamp and then query the t...

How do I select a cell with multiple values in one column?

I have an MYSQL table with a large product list. In this product list table there are categories, a name, description, text, etc. I want to add a modifier for the industries that it can be used in (e.g. hospitals, schools, events, sport events, etc.) I'm running this query through PHP/MYSQL right now: public function GetIndustrySerie...

Java newbie needs help with database connection

I'm new to Java but even newer to java database connections. I've managed to create a database connection and query a table when I put it in the Main class. Now that I've moved it into a new class called Connection I've getting errors: package lokate; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Stateme...

MySQL DataBase design Question

I'm thinking of the best way to design a database given the following situation. There are over 1000 hotel room units. Each hotel room unit has a list of about 100 individual types of items with a qty attached to them. The inventory is standard for each hotel room. But the qty of each item can be changed. For example 3 coffee mug...

Finding reason for MySQL query not working

Okay. I have this code on my site: <?php session_start(); include "database.php"; include "bruger.php"; $bruger = new bruger(); if( $bruger->logget_ind() ){ $brugernavn = $_SESSION['brugernavn']; $bruger_slash = addslashes($brugernavn); $hnavnn = mysql_query(" SELECT hnavn FROM bruger WHERE brugernavn = '" . $bruger_slash . "'"...

Cant Update MySQL database

I am trying to learn mysql and having some problem with updating/adding data to the table this is my code and after running this page when I go to phpmyadmin to see if the new data showed up, i dont see it there. <?php $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass); if(!$conn) { die("Could not connect"); } $dbname = "test"; mys...

Best practice for storing tags in a database?

I developed a site that uses tags (key words) in order to categorize photographs. Right now, what I have in my mysql database is a table with the following structure: image_id (int) tag (varchar(32)) Every time someone tags an image (if the tag is valid and has enough votes) it's added to the database. I think that this isn't th...

jQuery Validation plugin addMethod

Hi guys, I'm trying to add a new method to jQuery validation plugin with the codes below. My goal is to check whether the email address has already existed in the database(MySQL). If it is, it will inform the user to register for another email address. Somehow, the result that always returns is "Email is already taken". These are the c...

Incremental SQL dump of mysql

Hi All, I am using MySql as a development database as well as on the server where my website is hosted. Now everday I punch new data into the database and save it as SQL dump using SQLyog. But when it comes to updating the data for that day on the server Mysql database I have to truncate the tables and then insert the new data. Wh...

combination regex and php still not work

hey all.i'm newbie at this problem.i have this data in table result: item range_code class red 123x0001-123x0500 A blue 123x0021-123x0100 //if null read zero green 123x0001-123x0300 b i want the result like: item qty ...

Perform MySql Fulltext Search using NHibernate

Is it possible to execute a statement like this in NHibernate? SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE field2 = "word" OR MATCH (field1) AGAINTS ('wordA' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ...

having trouble with getting rows back from msqli::multi_query

I've got an sql query that contains a number of statements. It: sets a user variable calls a stored procedure calls another stored procedure selects some data I know that the query is correct, because I've tested it in MySQL Workbench, under the same user. The query is this: set @current_post = 535; /* 535 for testing, this will be ...

php: how to change string data become numeric data

dear all.. can you tell how to change this result in php and mysql script: Model Class Ball S Book A Spoon Plate B Box C this is my DB: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `inspection_report` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,...

Compare two timestamps in mysql, then return a custom field

I'm building a small scale forum script in PHP, and I am having difficulty demonstrating the read/unread status of a given thread. So, I have a particularly gargantuan query which returns the thread information, including the date it was first posted in, the date it was last posted in (if any) as well as the date it was last looked at b...

mysql_fetch_array Returning Two Of Everything

Hi all, I'm not exactly new to PHP but I haven't used MySQL that much, so I'll ask you guys about this one. I have a database with one row of data, which consists of a date and two integers. However, when I query the database with this: $query = "SELECT * FROM history"; $theQuery = mysql_query($query, $connect); $array = mysql_fetch_a...