

I need to remove certain rows from a table. Which rows must be deleted is something I find out through a query. However, it appears that you cannot do both operations (select and delete) in the same query: Currently, you cannot delete from a table and select from the same table in a subquery. So I cannot do this: DELETE FROM t...

substring to return all values after delimiter

How do I get all the values after the first delimiter? In the following example I am expecting '[email protected],[email protected]' (02:40) mysql>select substring_index('[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]', ',', 1) as first; +-----------------+ | first | +-----------------+ | [email protected] | +-----------------+ 1 row ...

SQL Query: order by length of characters?

Morning, is it possible to order sql data rows by the length of characters? e.g. SELECT * FROM database ORDER BY data.length() ...

jQuery JSON drop down not populating

Hi guys, I am trying to create a drop down list using jQuery, PHP and mySQL, here is my code thus far, HTML: <select id="box"></select><br /> <input id="button" type="button" value="populate" /> Javascript/jQuery: $(document).ready(function() { $("#button").click(function (){ $.getJSON("test_post.php", function(dat...

mysql sort question

Hello, i have a database and I want to sort the a column according to the number of words included in each field. Ex: a b (has 2 words) a b c d e (has 5 words) a b c (has 3 words) And i want 'a b c d e' to be the first in sort result, and 'a b c' the second. .. etc Do you have a solution fot it? Edit: Thanks guys for quicly answer...

Strtotime returning wrong time value - adding 8 minutes on its own?

Hi guys, I'm taking a string which represents a time value and am storing it in a database table where the field type is also a time value. The problem is that I try to first format the string to be of a date time format using the code: date('H:m', strtotime($value)); The issue is that its returning the time but with 8 minutes increme...

distinct in mysql

i want to select from a mysql table title , url from the table title can be duplicate so i need distinct title from them' if i use sachin's code then i find duplicate rows so how i can get the information where title not show again as the result. means no duplicate title get from table in mysql ...

Many to Many Table SQL Selection Problem

I have two tables that are related, which, for the purpose of this question, will be called posts and tags. posts contains various postings, such as those found on a community forum system. tags contains a unique set of tags, that are added when the server encounters a new tag that is not already in the system. There is only one entry pe...

How to load multiple fields to form from database with jquery?

Hello. In my web-application i have a form which contains about 25 fields. Users will create this form and form fields value will transfer to database tables. But i also need an editing function for this form. People will push button, form will load and i need form fields values to load from database. I know that i can load data to form ...

Mysql related articles

Hi all, I'm trying to make a query return 3 articles related to the one a user is reading. For this purpose I've made a tabel with a set of tags related to all articles (up to 5 tags pr. article). How do I construct my query the most effective way to return 3 related articles? Incase there is no related articles - how to return 3 rand...

A general single sql query.

I have a table like this: id | roll_no | name --------------------- 1 | 111 | Naveed 2 | 222 | Adil 3 | 333 | Ali If I have data like this: $fields = array( "id" , "roll_no" ) and $values = array( "1,111", "2,222" ); It means I have to write a sql query to get records from table where (id != 1 and roll_no != 111) an...

How to Remove matching rows From mysql Join Result and show non-matching rows?

Hi, Is there any way to remove the matching rows from MySQL join Query. Actually I have two tables where I have store the pub_id, and post_id in both tables these are common. I want a result when I query all the matching rows from table1 and table2 should not be listed and the non-matching rows should be listed only. ...

How to select from Db elements from one table which do not have connected elements with certain property

Hi, I have tow tables in my MySQL database - one with flights and one with tickets. Relation between flight and ticket is one to many. I want to delete all flights for which there are no tickets or they are canceled. How to do this with one SQL statement. What I have now: M('Db')->exec(' DELETE f FROM flight f ...

jboss mysql connection validation

Hi, when I put <check-valid-connection-sql>select 1</check-valid-connection-sql> in jboss datasourse config I get this exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: id to load is required for loading org.hibernate.event.LoadEvent.<init>( org.hibernate.event.LoadEvent.<init>( org.hibernate.impl.S...

e-commerce structure for products (MySQL)

Hello. I am considering how to structure my MySQL database in e-commerce solution. To be more specific I am looking at the product structure. These are the tables I have come up with so far. What do you think? Explanation of structure The application is multilingual. Therefore the product table are split in 2 tables. If a products h...

How to use" HAVING "and "ORDER BY" clause in sql

I have sql query like shown below the sql server says that their is error in HAVING and ORDER bY is their any error with syntax near HAVING and ORDER BY, can anyone help. SELECT Id, Name1, ZipCode, StreetName, StreetNumber, State1, Lat, Lng, Keyword, ( 6371 * ACOS( COS( (12....

After importing "mysql dump" file test1.dmp file into database, the database does not show the tables relations

Hi, I imported the mysql test1.dmp file into my "mysql database" using hte following command. mysql> create database database_name; mysql> use database_name; In Linux command prompt, $ mysql -u user_name -p database_name < /tmp/test1.dmp But, the newly created database_name does not show up the tables relations...It shows only the t...

Installing mysql2 gem for Rails 3

Hi guys, I am having some problems when trying to install mysql2 gem for Rails 3. When I try to install it by issuing "bundle install" command or "gem install mysql2" it gives me following error "Error installing mysql2: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension." Did anyone have any luck with this? Thanks! ...

MySQL query to return non unique column combination

I have a MySQL table with computerid, userid, and few other columns. Now I want a query which would return all the recrods where computerid value is shared by more than one user. Find below sample data: computerid userid 100 5 105 10 110 6 100 7 101 11 100 5 ...

Most recent row for given user in MySQL

Hi All, I have a table defined as: create table Foo ( X integer, Y timestamp, Z varchar(255), primary key (X, Y) ); For a given X I want to find the most recent row. I've come up with the following so far, but would like to know if anyone knows something that will perform better or is just "interesting" such as using ...