How to extract a zip file and save files to folder and file name to database using PHP?
How to extract a zip file and save files to folder and file name to database using PHP? ...
How to extract a zip file and save files to folder and file name to database using PHP? ...
Greetings to all. It should be easy to do, but I have no clue even after days of googling. I've create a simple web form using PHP which allow user to upload image files to server, and the information e.g. date, filename (unique, automatically renamed when uploaded), etc. is input into MySQL table create. Can I know how to create a lin...
How can I add up SUMs from different subqueries in MySQL? JOIN ( SELECT SUM(IF(isPurchased='0', 1, 0)) AS numQuotes, customer_id FROM product1_quote GROUP BY customer_id ) p1q ON (p1q.customer_id = c.customer_id) JOIN ( SELECT SUM(IF(isPurchased='0', 1, 0)) AS numQuotes, customer_id FROM product2_quote GROUP BY customer_id ...
Hi, I have one simple but large table. id_tick INTEGER eg: 1622911 price DOUBLE eg: 1.31723 timestamp DATETIME eg: '2010-04-28 09:34:23' For 1 month of data, I have 2.3 millions rows (150MB) My query aims at returning the latest price at a given time. I first set up a SQLite table and used the query: SELECT ma...
Hello! I need to develop a small Flex application that needs to access a MySQL database. Since I have little experience in server-side Java, PHP programming I would prefer to use a library/framework that allows me to write SQL queries in ActionScript/MXML. After a bit of research, I have come across two 3rd party libraries, AS3FlexDB(...
In my application there is a filter option with checkboxes.Checkboxes indicates top five categories and all other categories under another single checkbox.That means total I have six checkboxes(top five + other).When all checked which will fetch all values from database table and when all unchecked which never fetch any values from table...
I have a page that show "special offers", and i need to order the results by discount value. Besides i want that products with quantity=0 are shown at the end of the list (regardless of the discount value). So, there is any way to do that using only SQL? I mean... if i set "ORDER BY discount, quantity DESC" the list show products ordere...
Our system's automated database migration process involves running .sql scripts containing new table definitions and their accompanying indexes. I require the ability to create these tables and indexes only if they don't already exist. Tables are taken care of by using IF NOT EXISTS but no such syntax exists when creating indexes. I've...
I'm wanting to consolidate numerous MySQL databases, all with the same schema definition, into a single database. If I have a dump file from each database, how will I import them all into the same database without their primary keys and foreign keys clashing? Is there a fairly simple way to do this, or will I need to write some custom c...
Hi I am using the following mysql query for grouping referrersource. SELECT referrersource,count(referrersource) as counts FROM request_events where referrersource!='' AND landingpage_collectionid=1 group by referrersource Here, I would like to order by my resultset in ascending order.How can I alter my above query.Any suggectio...
I have a database that stores details of money-off vouchers generated on our online system, there are four specific voucher types, and each time a voucher is generated, it stores a record in the database with a DATETIME and the voucher type. I have to create a very specific spreadsheet report for a client that accepts two dates as range...
I have two mysql db on one machine. db1 and db2. If db1 is intensive in use, is querys for db2 wait for db1 querys finish? in other words is mysql use paralell computing for querys in different databases? For example big query1 comes to db2. It computes 5 seconds. And after 1 sec comes little query2 for db1, it computes 1 second. Will q...
Hi, I'm in the process of optimizing an import of ~10TB of Data into a MySQL database. Currently, I can import 2.9GB (+0.8GB index) in about 14 minutes on a current laptop. The process includes reading a data file (Oracle ".dat" export), parsing the data, writing the data into a CSV file and executing the "LOAD DATA LOCAL" sql command...
Hi all Got a web app in development; requirement is to provide a single search field which searches important fields in main table plus other fields related by PK/FK from joined tables Schema goes something like this PROJECTS projectID projectTitle projectTown projectCountryID (FK to countries table) agencyID (FK to agencies table) C...
Is there any effective way to, without limiting the depth, retrieve a single path in a Adjacency List model based on the node's ID? Like if I've got an ID for a node named "Banana" I could get the following Path: Food > Fruits > Banana It's not a big problem if it's impossible, but I thought about if it could be possible to run joins th...
Does DBD::mysql implement the bind_param_inout method? I am getting the following error messages when trying it out: DBD::mysql::st bind_param_inout failed: Output parameters not implemented [for Statement "call spCreateTransactionRecord(?, ?)" with ParamValues: 0=Null!, 1=Null!] at ./ line 23 My code: #!/usr/bin/pe...
Can someone please help - I'm about ready to tear out my hair over this one ;( Invalid column name '%Discover%'. SELECT * FROM mdl_course_sections WHERE summary LIKE "%Discover%" AND course = 22 I'm looking for 'Discover' - but why is it treating it as a column??? Thanks! ...
I apologize if this question is a duplicate. I have read many other mysqli questions first, but none seemed to be an exact duplicate. I am the senior developer on a project my company has been working on for 4+ years. It's a large PHP MVC framework system with modules for a CMS system, an eCommerce system, and more. In total we're talki...
How to figure out the mysql location on a server (windows or linux)? I would like to run mysql -u USER -p PASS DATABASE < filename.sql but I need the absolute path to mysql, how do I find out? ...
What i want is: Get posts with date greater then 2010-03-02 and with the meta_value 'something' + like '2010-' because there are other values like 239048192304 or 293811743 $query = "SELECT DISTINCT wp_postmeta.meta_key, wp_postmeta.meta_value, wp_posts.ID, wp_posts.guid, wp_postmeta.post_id, wp_posts.post_title FROM wp_postmeta INNER ...