
extracting zip with winrar command line?

While trying to extract zip files i get the error c:/path/ is not RAR archive No files to extract my code is p.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("x -o- {2} \"{0}\" * \"{1}\"\\ ", szFN, outFolder, passWord == null ? "" : string.Format(...

Excluding .svn directories with WinRar

I have a PowerShell script I use for creating distributions that copies compiled files from a few places and zips them up with winrar. In the script, I change to a directory containing the folders I want to run and execute this: Invoke-Expression ($WinRAR + " a " + $zipPath + " " + $WinRARFilter + " " + $DistName + "-zip " + $WinRAROpts...

get a list of files with winrar command line

I want to get a list of files and preferably uncompressed file size via winrar command line. How do i do this? and how do i do this with a password? From the doc it looks like i use -pPASSWORD ...

What is the command-line for rar and unrar?

Hi. What is the command-line for rar and unrar? I need to rar test.txt to test.rar, and to unrar test.rar to test.txt. I need to put this functionality in a C# WinForm. I have Windows XP and WinRar install Thanks in advance. ...

Whats the file structure of a rar file compressed in store mode

Hi, I have many rars that a stored in store mode, that means they aren't compressed. I want to open them and read parts of the file that is "stored" in the rar. I think I can just open them if I knew the offset to the files. Something in C# will do very well. I can't find anything on the web. Please help. ...

Winrar sfx deletes files too early

I'm trying to build a sfx (self extracting archive) using winrar. I'm using VS2008 to build a setup.exe and a myapp.msi. If setup.exe is executed it does some checking an launches myapp.msi I'm using some sfx options to make the extraction quiet and make it extract so some temp folder: ;Der folgende Kommentar enthält SFX-Skriptbefehle...

How can I call winrar in perl on windows

Is it possible to call winrar through perl on a windows system, such as perl -e "rar a -rr10 -s c:\backups\backup.rar @backup.lst" If so, is there a more efficient way to do this? I've looked up "perl -e" +winrar on google, however none of the results gave me any answer that was remotely close to what i was looking for. The system Im...

Batch file using WINRAR

i need help with batch file for WINRAR pleasee hi i am trying to use winrar to convert all my different folders individually from one location to another. example: c:\projects\test c:\projects\country c:\projects\db to c:\backup\test.rar c:\backup\country.rar c:\backup\db.rar I am trying the following cmd, which works bu...

bat script to delete file older than 7 days

hi guys i have a bat script in which gets all files in a folder and then converts this folder with its contents into a one RAR file. This script also adds the current date once it makes a copy and moves it this file into a backup folder, i am planning to have this bat file run by a windows scheduler task every day. My question is there...

bat file using winrar taking too long to run

hi guys, i have this scripts which extracts all my folder's and files from my c:\projects locations and put its in winrar and transfers them to c:\backup\project for /f "delims==" %%D in ('DIR C:\projects /A /B /S') do ( "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.EXE" m -r "c:\backup\projects.rar" "%%D" ) i have also tried the below script whic...

WinRar SFX automation

Is there a way to automatically add a file to an existing SFX achrive? I have created(with WinRar) Test.exe. I now want to add C:\test\Test.txt to Test.exe. is this possible? ...

extract a rar file by c code

Possible Duplicate: opening a rar file by c I have to extract a rar file using c code. First I tried out to find the libraries. I got it from But it was built in 2002. So it do not support the current rar format. Then I checked It have libraries but in c++. I don't ...

winrar not closing correctly?

hi gurus, I have this script that runs by a windows task scheduler once a week: for /f "delims==" %%D in ('DIR D:\scripts /A /B /S') do ( "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.EXE" a -agyyyy-MM-dd -r "c:\backup\scripts.rar" "%%D" ) by a bat file. My question is after this bat file runs and completes, I look in my windows task manager i sti...

What compression format should we use; should we lay DEFLATE (.zip) to rest?

With most Linux distributions dropping gzip and bzip2 in favor of LZMA2 for compressing their packages, and many open source implementations for many platforms, I wonder: Shouldn't we lay DEFLATE and the .zip format (which unfortunately got bastardized over and over) to rest, and move on to other, modern ways of distributing our (source)...

How to extract a zip file and save files to folder and file name to database using PHP?

How to extract a zip file and save files to folder and file name to database using PHP? ...

zip via php has different size as via winrar

hello, i create one zip archive via php and another zip archive via winrar, but from the same files. size of two archives is different. the one via winrar is bigger (2 bytes). why ? thanks. OK NOW. zip was created correctly using php. problem was that i was sending it using header('Content-Type: application/zip'); header('Content...

use winrar command line to create zip archives

I'm using the following winrar command line to create zip archives rar.exe a -df -ep -ag[yyyyMMddhhmmss] -ms[txt] C:\ C:\tmp\MyFiles*.txt The archives created are in RAR format instead of ZIP. Is there a way to create regular ZIP and not RAR archives? ...