



I have a PowerShell script I use for creating distributions that copies compiled files from a few places and zips them up with winrar. In the script, I change to a directory containing the folders I want to run and execute this:

Invoke-Expression ($WinRAR + " a " + $zipPath + " " + $WinRARFilter + " " + $DistName + "-zip " + $WinRAROpts)

Which actually executes this:

E:\Progs\WinRar\WinRar.exe a C:\Users\Echilon\Documents\Coding\ResourceBlender-Express\trunk\dist\ -x*\.svn\* -x*\.svn -x\.svn resourceblender-express-zip -r -s -m5 -inul

Yet none of the .svn directories are excluded from the zip file. This used to work and I have no idea why it doesn't now, but I can't get it to exclude the right files.

The full script is on codeplex at (at the bottom of the script)

Could someone with some experience in PowerShell shed some light on this please?

+10  A: 

The right way of doing this is to perform a svn export which will create a copy of the project without the .svn directories (and anything else not version controlled) and then do the zip.

I know, but I'd rather not write additonal scripts right now to export a copy. The alternative is just Remomve-Item -Recurse which I want to avoid if possible.
+2  A: 

I agree with Neil Butterworth comment regarding the use of the svn export command being more appropriate in this case. Talking about WinRar you might consider using an -e switch to skip hidden folders (.svn is a hidden folder) and an -ep switch to exclude it by name.

Please refer to WinRar manual for more information

Ilya Kochetov
I know this should work, but adding -eh to the switches has no effect. This is really starting to baffle me, the .svn folders are definitely hidden.
+1  A: 

I had the same problem and found this page with no solution, so for other people googling it the correct switch is :

That was actually one of the combinations which didn't work for me.

I ended up using


This will ignore the actual .svn folder and not just everything inside of it. I'm also using WinRAR 3.80. Have you tried updating your version of winrar ?

Thought the svn export method worked out a lot better for me cuz I didn't get all the debug builds and misc .dlls


Hi, I had the same problem, solved using:


I use WinRar v3.93 for Windows. Please note the final slash. Best regards, Andrea Gramazio

Andrea Gramazio