
Include table name in SQL query

What I need to do is get a table name in result from a union query with 4 selects from different tables. I need to get the id and the table name for further processing. For example i have table1, table2, table3 table4 and have a query: SELECT id from table1,blablabla UNION SELECT id from table2,blablabla UNION SELECT id from table3,bla...

MySQL Bulk Insert of Geometry fields

I have a mysql database that I'm trying to populate from a text file. The contents of my file look like (as just some examples. there are thousands of rows) 1:GeomFromText('Polygon(0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 0 0)') 2:GeomFromText('Polygon(0 0, 1 2, 2 2, 0 0)') In my schema, the first field is an integer and the second is GEOMETRY I try to load t...

What is an efficient way to check a word in a paragraph against the DB?

I have a table called keywords. It's simple, two columns - id and keyword. This table is always growing, we're always adding additional content to it. Now, we have a user-submitted 2-3 sentence paragraph. We want to check the words, in this paragraph, against all the keywords in the keywords table. What is the most efficient way...

COUNT(*) from multiple tables in MySQL

How do I go about selecting COUNT(*)s from multiple tables in MySQL? Such as: SELECT COUNT(*) AS table1Count FROM table1 WHERE someCondition JOIN?? SELECT COUNT(*) AS table2Count FROM table2 WHERE someCondition CROSS JOIN? subqueries? SELECT COUNT(*) AS table3Count FROM table3 WHERE someCondition Edit: The goal is to return this: ...

Mysql select with find_in_set with two stringlist

I got in my table this 2 rows: 1, 'Halo: Reach', 2010, ''fps','sci-fi'', '"The best game of the year".', 'Microsoft', 'Bungie', 'XBOX 360', 9.5, '', '', '' 2, 'FIFA 11', 2010, 'sport,soccer', '"The best soccer game ever"', 'EA', 'EA', 'PC, XBOX 360, PS3', 10, 'http:/...

User Login & Sessions :Safe or Not

DB table: login_info -------------------------------------- | login | passwd | company | -------------------------------------- |company1 | passmd5 | company1 | -------------------------------------- |company2 | passmd5 | company2 | -------------------------------------- |company3 | passmd5 | company3 | -----...

Is Regex for Form Validation if I use the following?

I know there is no harm in adding it either way but I'm curious... If I was to use htmlentities(); with ENT_QUOTES and then mysql_real_escape_string(); the variable before entering it into the Database, then just use html_entity_decode(); along with stripslashes(); to display the information... Would this still be safe and secure? ...

How to make a query which gets and lists data from the last entry ?

How do you make a query which gets data and lists it from the last entry in order of the ID adding it onto the code shown below, Example which needs add on, $data_table = "posts"; $per_page = 8; $start = $_GET['start']; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $data_table LIMIT $start,$per_pag...

mysql number of rows per hour

I have a table where each row has a timestamp. Is there a query I can run that can count the number of rows per hour. Outputting a row for each hour with a field for the number of rows encompassed? e.g id timestamp 10 2010-09-19 21:05:05 11 2010-09-19 22:05:30 12 2010-09-19 23:05:05 13 2010-09-19 23:05:05 number of rows | hour 1 ...

Connecting to mysql in ruby produces wrong number of arguments error (4 of 0) - how to debug?

I'm trying to connect to a hosted MySQL database from my Ruby script. require "rubygems" require "mysql" con = Mysql::new('host', 'user', 'pass', 'database') Running this results in: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (4 for 0) method initialize in untitled at line 4 method new in untitled at line 4 at top level ...

PHP/MySQL Delete image from database

Hi, I have a php script that handles the admin section/creation of pages for my site. All of the data is saved into a database table called 'isadmin'. Within this script I have an image upload form which adds images to a seperate database, 'isgallery' and then displays them back in the script/admin section. Now this all works great, but...

Is there a way to use a variable in MySql Specific comments?

I am using mysql specific code that was generated by one of mysql's GUI programs. The following comment /*!50001 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER='root'@'localhost' has a hardcoded superuser in it. Is there a way that I can declare and use a variable in this mysql specific code. I can't seem to find anything on MySQL's site. ...

Display items by location. Mysql Select.

I have two MySQL tables, "locations" and items": locations `id` `name` `address` `latitude` `longitude` Now I use a MySQL SELECT that allows a user to enter in their latitude and longitude and it will sort the locations by distance. That works perfect. Now I have a list of items: items `id` `location` `title` `description` `disp...

CakePHP database query - am I overcomplicating things?

So, I need to search a real estate database for all homes belonging to realtors who are part of the same real estate agency as the current realtor. I'm currently doing this something like this: $agency_data = $this->Realtor->find('all',array( 'conditions'=> array(business_name'=>$realtor_settings['Realtor']['business_name']...

SELECT MAX() function in MySQL

I'm trying to figure out a problem I'm having with a SELECT MAX() command. I want to gather the highest value in the 'BidAmount' column, but I only want selected entries to be scanned for the highest value. For example, I want the highest 'BidAmount' to be returned where another column 'UserID' = 6. I want to know the highest 'BidAmoun...

Create mysql trigger via PHP?

I'm executing the following in PHP5.3: $sql = " CREATE TRIGGER `_photo_fulltext_insert` AFTER INSERT ON `photo` FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO `_photo_fulltext` SELECT * FROM `photo` WHERE `id`=NEW.`id`; CREATE TRIGGER `_photo_fulltext_delete` AFTER DELETE ON `photo` FOR EACH ROW DELETE FROM `_photo_fulltext` WHERE `id`=OLD.`id`; DELIMITER |...

How to escape and unescape strings with jQuery and mySQL.

I have a field in my database that has a freetext area, and uses quotes for many things. On my website, that field is shown in a textarea, but I can't simply put the value between the textarea tags. I need to be able to set it with javascript. I use jQuery to do this, via: jQuery('#notes').val('{NOTES}'); Since the text can have sing...

mysql query help?

( SELECT u.username, u.picture,, m.user_note, m.reply_id, m.reply_name, m.dt FROM relationships r JOIN notes m ON m.user_id = r.leader JOIN user u ON r.leader = u.user_id WHERE r.listener ='2' ) UNION ALL ( SELECT u.username, u.picture,, m.user_note, m.reply_id, m.reply_name, m.dt FROM notes m JOIN user u ...

Inserting records into MySQL DB

Im using the follow script to insert records into my DB: $sql = "INSERT INTO fotetweets VALUES('$tweetid','$dp', '', '$username','$tag', '$twittercontent', '$twittertimestamp', '')"; mysql_query($sql); However what if $twittercontent contains the ' char, I think it will fail. Correct? If so how can I deal with it correctly? ...

mysql my.cnf for a 50gb of RAM server

Hello, I am having load problems on my database server (dual quad core 50 gb ram) load average: 4.26, 6.78, 11.25 here is the current my.cnf, can i optimize it? [client] port = 3306 socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock [mysqld_safe] socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock nice = 0 [mysqld] user ...