
Need to export string w/ commas in it properly into a csv file

EDIT: Copied wrong part of function into this question, below is the appropriate one. $values = mysql_query("SELECT lname, fname, email, dtelephone, etelephone, contactwhen, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, comments FROM volunteers_2009 WHERE venue_id = $venue_id"); while ($rowr = mysql_fetch_row($values)) { for ($j=0;$...

Moving from mysql to mysqli or pdo?

Duplicate: mysqli or PDO - what are the pros and cons? I'm looking to move a website from mysql to either mysqli or pdo as primarily a learning tool, but also for performance increases if possible. I have read through and it seems like both would suit my needs, but it doesn't lean stro...

Installing Django on Shared Server: No module named MySQLdb?

I'm getting this error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/<username>/flup/server/", line 558, in run File "/home/<username>/flup/server/", line 1116, in handler File "/home/<username>/python/django/django/core/handlers/", line 241, in __call__ response = self.get_response(request) F...

Copy Database Sructure of Mysql Database.

I am using MySql 5.1 Database. I have created a Project database. (Temnplate Database) and want to Create a copy of the same database from the Application, every time, User Creates A new Project. How can I copy and Create a New Database of same structure.?? What is the Command to do so??? Thanks a Lot for Help. ...

Replacing foreign key values (unique) in two records

MySQL doesn't seem to have deffering constraints until the end of a transaction implemented yet. If so, what's the best way to switch parents in two child records? For instance if we have some UI slots that each user can place items in. How should be switch items in user's slots, given that slotid is FK in item table and it there's uni...

Switching from MySQL to PostgreSQL - tips, tricks and gotchas?

I am contemplating a switch from MySQL to PostgreSQL. What are your tips, tricks and gotchas for working with PostgreSQL? What should a MySQLer look out for? See also: How different is PostgreSQL to MySQL? See also: Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL Note - I don't think this is a duplicate. In particular the type of answers are ...

inconsistent display of utf8 accents

I have one database, with one table, with a particular field which has descriptions of various clothing. These descriptions often contain umlauts or similar characters. I am retrieving this fields from two different php fields, and I am not doing anything to the data, yet it displays inconsistently. In file1, it will display correctly ...

How can I make two queries in one ?

How can I make this two queries in one ? $query = "SELECT * FROM `amb_prod` WHERE idAmbiente='".$ambId."';"; $result_set = mysql_query($query); while($member = mysql_fetch_array($result_set)){ $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `produto`, `pt` WHERE produto.refPT = pt.ref AND produto.refPT = $member['idProduto'] ;"; $result...

Designing WordPress Themes using Dreamweaver

I've been trying to figure out how to properly setup DreamWeaver in such a way that I can create WordPress themes. Right now I'm running WordPress on localhost, accessing it via DreamWeaver. Then I'm using LiveView on the actual WordPress code and modifying the files in the theme folder. What I'd really like to do, and I'm not sure if t...

How can I best extract transitions in a transactional table?

Hypothetical example: I have an SQL table that contains a billion or so transactions: | Cost | DateTime | | 1.00 | 2009-01-02 | | 2.00 | 2009-01-03 | | 2.00 | 2009-01-04 | | 3.00 | 2009-01-05 | | 1.00 | 2009-01-06 | ... What I want is to pair down the data so that I only see the cost transitions: | Cost | DateTime | | 1.00 | 2...

Configure XAMPP with MySQL4

Can we configure MySQL 4 with XAMPP? The latest version of XAMPP comes with MySQL5 ...

C#: Unicode from a string with MySQL

I'm trying to insert a string into a MySQL database. I can insert it by running the query on the server, but when I try to use my C# source file to insert "Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn", I get "Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn". I've tried adding it as a parameter and adding ;charset=utf8 to my connection string, but no look. The table in the databas...

MySQL Parameterized Query using Like

I want to run a query like this in MySQL: select * from table where column1 like '%searchdata%' But I want to use a parameter to pass in the search text. Is this possible? This doesn't seem to work: select * from table where column1 like '%?Parameter%' ...

Way to abort execution of MySQL scripts (raising error perhaps)?

I need to write setup scripts for MySQL (usually run using 'source [file]' from mysql console) that depend partly on existing data, and there are differences in environments, meaning that sometimes script does fail. A common case is that a 'SET' statement with a select (to locate an id) fails to find anything; console sets value to NULL....

How to I pull information from MySQL with PHP?

Hello, I am asking if it is not only possible to pull data from a MySQL table, but also display each row in either a table or a DIV, preferably a DIV. How would I do so? Table: ID |BodyText |Title | 1 |Hello World1 |Title1 | 2 |Hello World2 |Title2 | etc.. I'd like to put each row into a DIV that...

PHP's PDO Prepare Method Fails While in a Loop

Given the following code: // Connect to MySQL up here $example_query = $database->prepare('SELECT * FROM table2'); if ($example_query === false) die('prepare failed'); $query = $database->prepare('SELECT * FROM table1'); $query->execute(); while ($results = $query->fetch()) { $example_query = $database->prepare('SELECT * FROM tabl...

Ensuring fresh content for photo album

I'm working on a site where users submit photos which can be viewed one by one on a page. There is another page where you see smaller versions of multiple photos. When user clicks any of these smaller photos they get the large version page, pressing "next" will take them to another photo in that category. I would very much like newer ...

Convert plain text input to HTML

For our company intranet, built in PHP and MySQL, I want to add an area where employees can post a short profile of themselves - a couple of paragraphs of text and an image. What's the best way to convert this kind of plain text input to HTML paragraphs, bulleted lists, links, etc? Clarification: This content will be displayed in a mod...

Codeigniter:$query->free_result() when using active record?

after i have finished with my result set from a active record query in a codeigniter model, should i use $query->free_result() or does activerecord automatically do that? ...

Efficiently determining if a business is open or not based on store hours

Given a time (eg. currently 4:24pm on Tuesday), I'd like to be able to select all businesses that are currently open out of a set of businesses. I have the open and close times for every business for every day of the week Let's assume a business can open/close only on 00, 15, 30, 45 minute marks of each hour I'm assuming the same sche...