
C MySQL client library behaviour

I have a client application that connects to the MySQL database 4 server using stock libraries on SuSE SLES 9. However, at times when processing a particular reset set from the server, iterating throw the results does not allow me to process all the results that is in the database. This issue happens sometimes, mostly when servers hav...

How to pass parameters to mysql

Hello all, During the installation I need to create new MySQL user, new database and populate it from dump file. My question is how can I do it from command line (cmd, Windows)? I mean, I'm calling for cmd from some script, which can start mysql command line client with root privileges but I cannot pass parameters to mysql form outside....

importing mysqlclient in visual

Can anyone help me on how can I import "System.Data.MySqlClient" in visual When I'm typing that code it produce an underline to the code and having an error of undefined namespace. How will I do? ...

Cheapest way to to determine if a MySQL connection is still alive

I have a pool of MySQL connections for a web-based data service. When it starts to service a request, it takes a connection from the pool to use. The problem is that if there has been a significant pause since that particular connection has been used, the server may have timed it out and closed its end. I'd like to be able to detect this...

ODBC vs MySQLClient

I'm currently using ODBC to connect to my MySQL database, using C#. I've been told that using the MySql Connector would be better, and faster, and not dependent on Windows. Can someone shed some light on this please? I've been unable to find anything on the net so far ...

MySQL equivalent of PQexecParams?

Does libmysqlclient have an equivalent to libpq's PQexecParams which allows you to send params separately from the query string, making SQL injection impossible and escaping special characters unnecessary? I couldn't find anything except the prepared statement API which seems to be rather complicated/overkill for such a simple thing. Ho...

autom4te-2.65: need GNU m4 1.4 on Windows cygwin

User > ~/mysql-5.1.46 $ automake .... sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable autom4te-2.65: need GNU m4 1.4 or later: /cygdrive/e/cygwin/bin/m4 automake-1.10: autoconf failed with exit status: 1 I did run ./configure and want to do make now.. Please suggest ...

Know any tricks for navigating the MySQL CLI?

For example, ^e jumps to the beginning, ^e jumps to the end, and ^w deletes the next word. ^l is clear, ^k deletes, ^j enters, ^b goes backwards... It seems similar to bash shortcuts but still somewhat different. ...

Where's the source of mysqlclient.lib ?

I have a C++ application which connects to a MySQL server. It all works fine. Currently it uses libmysql.dll. At build time I link to libmysql.lib. As far as I understand I can link to mysqlclient.lib instead and get rid of the dependency of libmysql.dll, i.e have the functionality embedded within my exe. My question is: Where can I f...

gcc wont compile and run MySQL C libraries

#include <my_global.h> #include <mysql.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("MySQL client version: %s\n", mysql_get_client_info()); } ~$ gcc -o mysql-test MySQL-Test.c im trying to execute this test program from terminal but get the following error message: /tmp/cceEmI0I.o: In function main': MySQL-Test.c:(.text+0xa): ...

mysql client console broken for some utf-8 encoded characters

hey, I can write my language specific characters into mysql console, but when backspacing or moving right and left on the line, it gets messed up, and I have to ctrl + c because the console can't be used at all then. Otherwise the character set is properly set up. My platform (linux) charset is set to UTF-8....this is just a bug I can't...

I seem to 'break' my mysql client when I type in a Postgres command. Any ideas how to undo this ?

Note: I'm using a bash shell on a nearly-fresh osx 10.6 install. This doesn't seem to happen to a friend who is on zsh I'm used to Postgres, so I often instinctually type \d tablename instead of desc tablename ; When I do this, the mysql client is not very happy mysql> \d items mysql> ; -> desc items; ERROR 1064 (42000): Yo...