
How do I reference a "subset" or cells in an Excel Named Range?

I have a named range in Excel (that was created do to making a Web Query in Excel)... how do I get the sum of just the "Amount" column? Example: This works: =SUM(MyRange) The problem is, that sums EVERY numeric looking field (so "Amount" and "UserID" are BOTH being included in the SUM function). What I need is this: =SUM(MyRange["Amou...

Excel Named Range resolving to its actual target

This is a weird problem I'm seeing in Excel Say I have a named range MY_RANGE which points to cell $A$1 (or A1) If I then enter =MY_RANGE into cell A2 all looks good If I then try to edit cell A2 I see =$A$1 rather than =MY_RANGE If I enter =MY_RANGE on a seperate sheet in the same workbook everything works as expected. I'm guessi...

VBA named range offset

Hi I am trying to write VBA code that will select a named range, copy it and paste it for a certain number of rows. What I need to know is how to select the range of cells corresponding to the ones above. E.g. I have a range "myRange" which refers to: "=$A$1:D$1$,$F$1,$K$1". I want to copy this and paste it in "=$A$2:D$2$,$F$2,$K$2" by...

Set Excel Named Ranges via C#?

Hi, I'm trying to replicate this Access VBA code using C#, but am unable to do so. Wondering if anyone else has tried this before and can help. oWB.Worksheets("Signoff").Range("rgSignOffRecTemplate").Value = g_TemplatePath & "Signoff_Rec.XLT" rgSignOffRecTemplate is a "Defined Name" in the Excel template that I'm trying to write to. ...

How do I reference a cell within excel named range ?

E.g. I have named A10 to A20 as Age, now how do I get Age[5] which is same as A14. I can write "=A14" but I did like to write "=Age$5" or something. ...

CELLS: User input check - Alert if value is incorrect- If cell blank, do not run macro.

My problem: I have two ranges “R16” and R01”. These ranges were set by swiping a range and then renaming it in the upper left panel of sheet. Each range requires users to fill in each cell with a value. R16 requires users to enter a number of 0 through 6. The range R01 requires a value of 0 or 1 to be entered. NO cell can be left...

Alerting for incorrect cell values

My problem: I have two ranges R16 and R01. These ranges were set up by swiping each range and then renaming them in the upper left panel of the sheet. Each range requires users to fill in each cell with a value. R16 requires users to enter a number of 0 through 5. The range R01 requires a value of 0 or 1 to be entered. NO cell can be lef...

Named Range Breaks Code

I have one workbook with several sheets. I populate the listboxes (pulling static data from cells) on the 2nd sheet, click a button and it runs fine. When I populate the listboxes with a named range, the listbox populates the way I want, but I get an error because the code thinks that I didn't select anything in the listbox, even though...

How to locate and access named ranges (global, nd per-worksheet) using xlrd, Python?

The documentation for xlrd here mentions that it is now possible in latest version, but does not say how. ...

How to test whether any non-header cell in Excel file is bold or italic.

We use an Excel sheet which contains some business logic (and so it is often edited by non-IT). Some C++ code is generated in VBA from the same sheet - silly, I know. I plan to write a bunch of unit tests against this worksheet, ensuring strict format for the benefit of all. For instance, things should be sorted alphabetically. I have no...